Дура (2005)

(4,2) basato su 4 voti

Film Simili a Дура

Bless the Woman

Tiny Soviet village by the sea, in the years before the Second World War... A very young girl, Vera, falls madly in love with an older military officer who is visiting from out of town. She leaves her home and family to live with him in various military posts where he serves with the army. Through the difficulties of army life, and years of war, her love for this older man survives, and she gives herself completely without reservation. This film is about friendship, loss, survival, loyalty, and the wonderful gift of unconditional love, which is only given to a few.
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Bless the Woman


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Solary - Les deux ans

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Solary - Les deux ans


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At the end of September 1941, Soviet artillery troops in besieged Leningrad realize that pretty soon they will fire their last shot, and after that the defense of the city will be doomed. The film is based on a true event: a small group of fearless soldiers transported a large supply of gunpowder through enemy lines to Leningrad.
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El recomendado

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El recomendado


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Little Man

Directed by Ze'ev Revach.
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Little Man


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The Bridge of Sighs

Assistant District Attorney Jeffery Powell has just sent an innocent man to prison for the murder of a gambler. Powell is in love with, Marion Courtney, but he's unaware that Marion is the sister of the innocent man he sent to prison. Marion gets herself committed to a women's prison to get proof from inmate, Evelyn 'Duchess' Thane, that her brother is innocent. Powell learns of Marion's plight and believes she's in love with the man he sent to prison.
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The Bridge of Sighs


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The Apartment Cat

Beautiful short about a day in the life of a bored apartment cat. Overweight and without affection, it escapes in an attempt to run after birds outside.
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The Apartment Cat


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Once Upon a Time in Seoul

1953, the Korean war has ended, but the fight for survival has just begun. Two 18 year old boys, Tae-ho and Jong-du, live in a camp for orphaned boys, which is more of a concentration camp where everyone suffers from hunger, inhumane treatment and unbearable work conditions. But these two have a dream of a better tomorrow. Tae-ho is the one with wits and brains and Jong-du is the tough street fighter. Together they scheme to steal US Army supplies and recruit other boys to grow their business. But when they start to take business away from the local gangsters, their fight fur survival turns into a war…
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Once Upon a Time in Seoul


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A con man inherits a gold mine. Knowing that his family are even bigger con artists than he is, he assumes the mine is worthless, and teams up with a partner in a scheme to unload it on some unsuspecting chumps. However, the other members of his family discover that the gold mine is actually worth a lot of money, and they set out to take it from him before he realizes what he has.
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The Funeral

Chun Hua, who has been away from home for years after cutting her father off, receives the news of her grandfather's death and has no choice but to return home with her daughter for the funeral. Her father, whom she hasn't seen in years, is as cold and rude as ever, and doesn't look kindly on them. And when night falls, the family seems to be hiding more horrible secrets.
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The Funeral


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Amaral: La Barrera del Sonido

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Amaral: La Barrera del Sonido


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The Prank

After their teacher fails them, two high school students decide to teach the imperious, demanding instructor a lesson by falsely accusing her of the murder of a missing student.
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The Prank


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Apö Karim, Ambassadeur de l'Himalaya

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Apö Karim, Ambassadeur de l'Himalaya


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The Deerslayer

Deerslayer, a white man who was brought up by the Mohicans, helps his old tribe when the Hurons steal Princess Wah Tah, the betrothed of his friend Jingo-Good. His friends, the Hutters, are a white family living on an ark in the middle of a lake. The Hurons attack them and Deerslayer enlists the aid of scout Harry March, who is escorting sixty-five brides to the near-by settlement. Deerslayer and Harry are both in love with Judith Hutter, who is secretly in love with Harry. The Hurons succeed in capturing her father and Harry, where-upon Judith's sister Hetty, playing on an Indian superstition never to harm an insane person, feigns madness and makes an escape. Hutter, Judith, Hetty and Princess Wah-Tah return to the ark, where they ate attacked by the waiting Hurons and Hetty is killed. Deerslayer, Harry and the settlement men arrive to time to drive the Hurons away.
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The Deerslayer


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Waikiki Wedding

Tony Marvin is a laid back but incredibly successful promoter and fair-haired boy for J. P. Todhunter's pineapple company located in beautiful Hawaii. He gets the company to sponsor a contest in which the winner gets a Hawaiian vacation and is obligated to write articles on the islands which, when published, will constitute a publicity coup for the company. Unfortunately, Georgia Smith, the winner, feels lonely and isolated in the Islands and wants to return to the States. With help from buddy Shad Buggle Tony tries to romantically divert Georgia without letting her know his true motivation.
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Waikiki Wedding


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Gunmen from Laredo

A framed Texas rancher escapes from prison for a showdown with a saloonkeeper.
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Gunmen from Laredo


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Ma non è una cosa seria

Memmo Speranza è un giovane ricco e galante che si trova spesso impegnato a sposare qualche sua giovane amica e riesce solo all'ultimo momento a salvare la propria libertà fuggendo. L'ultima avventura però non gli riesce tanto facilmente perché il fratello della fidanzata lo scova in una pensioncina dove egli si era rifugiato e lo ferisce con una revolverata. Memmo Speranza viene ospitato in clinica dove è assistito da tutte le sue ammiratrici e dove ancora si lascia sfuggire promesse matrimoniali. Vedendosi vicina anche la proprietaria della pensione in cui fu ferito decide di sposarla per impedire in avvenire di fidanzarsi a ripetizione. Questo matrimonio che non doveva essere una cosa seria finisce invece per far comprendere al giovane la vacuità della propria esistenza e la nascosta purezza della piccola e remissiva proprietaria della pensione. Egli se ne innamora seriamente e seriamente diviene suo marito.
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Ma non è una cosa seria


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The Outlaws

Some months before the outbreak of the Greek Civil War three outlaws struggle for survival in the mountains. Directed by Nikos Koundouros.
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The Outlaws


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