Ladies Of Soul 2018 (2018)

(8) basato su 1 voti
Data di uscita
lug 20, 2018
02h 20m
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Film Simili a Ladies Of Soul 2018

Hot Wheels AcceleRacers: The Ultimate Race

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Hot Wheels AcceleRacers: The Ultimate Race


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The lion has to become more physically fit. The gazelle does not think he is capable of doing so.
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Jura is 23 years old - and Lena is 23. They live in Budennovsk, play computer games, walk and learn. They live in a city where Shamil Basayev entered 23 years ago with militants, and know almost nothing about the events of that time.
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The Big Hit of Surcouf

Scoppia la guerra tra Francia e Inghilterra: Surcouf, corsaro francese, accetta l'incarico datogli da Napoleone di penetrare in una fortezza nemica e distruggere alcuni documenti.
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The Big Hit of Surcouf


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Concrete Cowboy

Costretto a passare l'estate a Philadelphia con un padre che non conosce, un adolescente ribelle trova la propria famiglia nella comunità locale di cowboy neri.
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Concrete Cowboy


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Dovevi essere morta

Il quindicenne Paul Conway è un genio precoce dell'informatica, ma, come perseguitato da un destino crudele, sembra andare incontro ad una delusione dopo l'altra. Da poco trasferitosi in città con la madre, ha come unico amico "BB", il robot servizievole e protettivo che egli ha costruito, ma un giorno una signora isterica lo fa a pezzi rovinandone parte dei delicatissimi congegni. Quando poi si innamora di Samantha, sua vicina di casa, scopre che la relazione è contrastata dal patrigno di lei, uomo violento e irascibile. Nel corso di un'ennesima lite, l'uomo provoca accidentalmente la morte della ragazza, e Paul, disperato, tenta un esperimento pazzesco: trafugato il cadavere dall'ospedale, impianta nel cervello i microcips di "BB" convinto di restituirle la vita. Il corpo, in effetti, si rianima, ma la nuova Samantha si rivela ben presto un mostro implacabile assetato unicamente di vendetta.
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Dovevi essere morta


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Rome and Ethan have been together for 14 years. He is the love of her life, and she is his number one supporter. They are each other's firsts, and to their friends, they are the perfect couple. When the two begin to feel that their relationship has gone stale, they explore the idea of going open. It's something Ethan wants to do and it's the only way Rome feels she can do to keep her man. They agree that they are allowed to have sex with strangers, but they are not allowed to fall in love. In a relationship built over time, the two begin to "explore" expecting to salvage the exact same thing they are giving up. In the end, they learn the importance of the very thing that they have been blind to–a relationship without trust will eventually crumble.
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At the end of September 1941, Soviet artillery troops in besieged Leningrad realize that pretty soon they will fire their last shot, and after that the defense of the city will be doomed. The film is based on a true event: a small group of fearless soldiers transported a large supply of gunpowder through enemy lines to Leningrad.
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Freundinnen - Alle für eine

They once played together in a band called Chix and were inseparable. Today, each of them has their own problems.
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Freundinnen - Alle für eine


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Ambientato in un mondo di realismo magico, WIND vede una nonna e suo nipote, intrappolati nel profondo di un abisso infinito, scavare i detriti che li circondano per realizzare il loro sogno di fuggire verso una vita migliore.
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Alle cinque della sera

Nogreh is a young Afghani woman living with her father and her sister-in-law, Leylomah, whose husband, Akhtar, is missing. Beyond the issue of Akhtar, Leylomah is most concerned with how to feed her baby. She cannot provide milk for her baby as her own hunger is preventing her from lactating. Nogreh, however, aspires toward a life in a western styled democracy. Although the Taliban are no longer in power in Afghanistan, traditional forces are still active in the country. Nogreh often displays signs of rebellion, such as wearing a pair of white pumps instead of the traditional slipper beneath her burqa. But mostly, Nogreh wants to be educated. Without her father's knowledge, Nogreh is attending a secular girls school. Ultimately, she wants to become President of Afghanistan. With the help of a Pakistani refugee who likes her as a woman, Nogreh tries to understand exactly what forces led to current world leaders being elected, those forces which she wants to emulate.
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Alle cinque della sera


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The Secret Six

Bootlegger/cafe owner, Johnny Franks recruits crude working man Scorpio to join his gang, masterminded by crooked criminal defense lawyer Newton. Scorpio eventually takes over Frank's operation, beats a rival gang, becomes wealthy and dominates the city for several years until a secret group of 6 masked businessmen have him prosecuted and sent to the electric chair.
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The Secret Six


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Fate/stay night: Heaven's Feel III. Spring Song

Maghi e Spiriti Eroici combattono e si affrontano nella Guerra del Santo Graal, al fine di ottenere la coppa onnipotente in grado di esaudire qualsiasi desiderio. Si tratta di una guerra distorta, dove una ragazza di nome Sakura Matou annega nell'oscurità a causa dei peccati commessi, e un ragazzo di nome Shirou Emiya si lancia nella furiosa battaglia per proteggere la ragazza che ama e fermare la Guerra.
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Fate/stay night: Heaven's Feel III. Spring Song


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Il passatempo di Groot

(Terzo cortometraggio). Svegliandosi nel bel mezzo del sonno, nel Quadrante di Eclector, Baby Groot trova una fiala rotta e tracce di liquido color bolla in tutta la nave. Cosa sarà successo?
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Agente 007 - Missione Goldfinger

Sospettato di contrabbandare oro, un ricco individuo, Goldfinger, è sottoposto alla vigilanza del celebre agente del servizio segreto James Bond. Questi, pero', viene sequestrato da Goldfinger, il quale intende condurre a termine un'audace impresa criminosa destinata a privare gli Stati Uniti della loro riserva aurea.
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Johan Falk: The Outlaws

Johan is a two-fisted Gothenburg cop who finds himself in a shoot-out with jewel robbers. After the smoke has cleared, one robber, shot by his accomplice, and an innocent bystander, are dead. Three witnesses, including Helen, identify thug extraordinaire Leo Gaut as being the dead crook's trigger-happy colleague. Gaut soon threatens the three witnesses, and only Johan, the badge-wearing hero, can save them.
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Johan Falk: The Outlaws


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Highlander: Unholy Alliance

Immortal Xavier St. Cloud has mortals shoot his Immortal opponents so he can take their heads. Joe tells Duncan about the killings to warn him, and soon St. Cloud and his henchmen show up at the dojo. Duncan discovers the supposedly-dead Horton is working with St. Cloud, and Joe knew that Horton was alive. Meanwhile, an army intelligence officer named Renee Delaney gets involved while she is investigating one of the men working with St. Cloud.
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Highlander: Unholy Alliance


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Lute: Forge On or Die

In Spain of the 1960s, a poor family of quinquis - a nomadic ethnic group with a tradition as old as that of the gypsises of Spain but with even more obscure origins - have a nomadic life marked by poverty. The son, Eleuterio Sánchez Rodriguez, nicknamed "El Lute", steals some chickens and is condemned to six months in jail. El Lute moves to the slum outskirts of Madrid with his common law wife, Chelo, starting an itinerant life as a peddler of pots and pans and living in a quinqui shantytown. He gradually embarks upon as life of petty criminality, eventually participating in the theft of a jewelry store during which a bystander is killed.
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Lute: Forge On or Die


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This Is Paris

Meet the real Paris Hilton for the very first time as she embarks on a journey of healing and reflection, reclaiming her true identity along the way.
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This Is Paris


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Autumn Days

Luisa is a small-town girl who works in the bakery of the widower Don Albino. Luisa dreams of marrying and loves children. Just as Don Albino shows interest in her, Luisa announces that she will marry soon with Carlos, the driver of a rich house whom she met recently...
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Ayyappanum Koshiyum

The story revolves around the clash between Ayyappan, a senior police officer who serves at the Attappadi Police Station and Havildar Koshi, who comes to the village with a motive.
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450,000 years ago our ancestors descended from the heavens to engineer the first human beings. To us they were Giants that ruled as Gods over mankind. Now new evidence and scientific research acknowledges their existence on earth but reveals when they will return. The truth of their real origin and purpose is much more bizarre and amazing than anything previously believed. From the Garden of Eden to the Great Flood; from the God of the Bible to the secrets of Enoch all shall be revealed. (IMDB)
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Roberto è uno studente universitario in un ateneo in cui i docenti vendono esami, assumono solo amici e parenti, e sono dediti alla raccomandazione. Il padre di Roberto, è anche il magnifico Rettore. Roberto, andando contro la sua famiglia, stufo di essere asservito al potere del baronato, con i suoi amici, decide di combattere questo modus operandi. Realizza, infatti, un'app per smartphone denominata "Tuttapposto" che valuta l'operato dei professori. Tutto ciò porterà a una serie di colpi di scena e a un'inversione di ruoli: gli studenti acquisiscono un potere inaspettato e i professori sono costretti a comportarsi onestamente pur di ottenere un buon voto.
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Sherlock Holmes e la voce del terrore

A Londra in piena guerra Sherlock Holmes risolve il mistero di alcuni atti di sabotaggio (annunciati ogni volta, pochi minuti prima del fatto, da una voce alla radio germanica). Liberamente basato sull' Ultimo saluto di Sherlock Holmes di Conan Doyle.
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Sherlock Holmes e la voce del terrore


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King Lily of the Valley

Spring is in the air and Puck and Einar, as well as Christer Wijk are invited to a wedding in Skoga. The day before the wedding, the bride-to-be enters a flower-shop in order to inspect her bridal bouquet of lily of the valley, but suddenly vanishes without at trace. When she eventually turns up again, it is Christer who finds her. She lies dead outside her home with a bouquet of lily of the valley in her hand. Everybody close to the bride are suspects, not least her best friend, whom Christer has just begun flirting with. Everybody seems to have something to hide. Question is: are their secrets connected to the murder?
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King Lily of the Valley


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L'agente Dan Saxon, tormentato dalla leggenda raccontatagli da un vecchio indiano (che un giorno ha costretto alla resa) secondo il quale lui stesso ha perduto la sua ombra e la ritroverà solo in faccia alla morte, ferma, per eccesso di velocità, Renèe, un giornalista che deve fare un servizio su una banda di motociclisti che si radunano nel locale campeggio il cui capo, Blood, ha corrotto lo sceriffo del luogo. Dan, dopo una lite con lo sceriffo ed il successivo licenziamento, viene contattato da un funzionario governativo, che si mostra al corrente del suo passato quando, da bambino, uccise lo zio dopo aver subito tre anni di maltrattamenti. Saxon dovrà infiltrarsi nella banda dei motociclisti, per scoprire le illecite attività: un meccanico, Virgil, con cui fa amicizia e che nomina suo aiutante, restaura una moto per lui e lo aiuta a camuffarsi.
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I've Always Liked You

L'amore sta sbocciando al liceo Sakuragaoka. Natsuki Enomoto ha finalmente trovato il coraggio di confessarsi al suo amico d'infanzia, Yuu Setoguchi. Tuttavia, nei momenti finali della sua confessione, una Natsuki imbarazzata la fa passare per una "confessione di prova". Ignaro dei suoi veri sentimenti e alle prese con i propri, Yuu promette di sostenere Natsuki nella sua ricerca dell'amore. Mentre Natsuki affronta la sua confessione fallita, il compagno di classe Koyuki Ayase lotta con i suoi stessi sentimenti per Natsuki. Nonostante la sua timidezza, è determinato a conquistare il suo cuore. Questo film segue Natsuki mentre sogna un giorno di porre fine alle sue pratiche e confessarsi veramente a Yuu. Nel frattempo, anche gli amici più stretti si trovano impigliati nelle loro reti di amore non corrisposto e di affetti non dichiarati.
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I've Always Liked You


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A 30-something failed businessman moves into his grandpa's house, the defunct WW2 veteran. His quest to live up to his legacy, will redefine both the family hero and himself.
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Morgan Freeman: Breaking Barriers

Perhaps it is his distinctive velvet smooth voice and calming demeanor that made Morgan Freeman a household name. World-renowned actor, Freeman has starred in over 100 movies in just three decades and continues to break barriers.
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Morgan Freeman: Breaking Barriers


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Johan Falk: Leo Gaut

A car explodes in front of a primary school where GSI boss Patrick Agrell has just left his children. The event reunites Johan Falk with Leo Gaut, a former criminal restaurant owner who Johan put behind bars a decade ago.
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Johan Falk: Leo Gaut


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Gamera 3: Revenge of Iris

With the Gyaos re-emerging, Gamera's ties to humanity have been severed with his bond to Asagi broken. Nagamine and Asagi investigate while an orphaned girl named Ayana discovers a new creature she names Iris. Nagamine and Asagi must reach Ayana before she takes her revenge on Gamera, who she blames for the death of her family.
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Gamera 3: Revenge of Iris


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Karnan, an angry young man, fights for the rights of his oppressed people. Can he save them from those who wield power and weapons?
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