The Cleveland Orchestra Centennial Celebration (2018)

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Data di uscita
set 29, 2018
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Film Simili a The Cleveland Orchestra Centennial Celebration

Obús - Vamos muy bien

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Obús - Vamos muy bien


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123 Hugs

If hugs are tangible why am I hugging the void
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123 Hugs


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Krrish 3

Krrish and his father Rohit must team up to save the world from a psychokinetic evil man named Kaal and his army of mutants.
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A grieving young inventor finds solace in repairing an antique typewriter.
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Weekend Rebels

Mirco von Juterczenka's novel "Wir Wochenendrebellen" is the story of a father and his ten-year-old son, who is Asperger's autistic. The boy has set his mind on finally finding his favourite football club. But his selection criteria are very specific and besides, he wants to experience all the clubs (no matter in which league they play) live in the stadium.
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A young man returns home for the weekend to discover the difficulty of juggling friends, parents, magic mushrooms and several thousand chickens.
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The United Monster Talent Agency

A short comedy spoof about Universal Monsters and their everyday unconventional work done at their very own talent agency for their movies.
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Il tuo Natale o il mio? 2

Si sono scambiati il Natale - di nuovo. Riuscirà la relazione tra Hayley e James a sopravvivere a un altro turbolento Natale in famiglia o il loro futuro insieme è andato fuori pista?!
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Il tuo Natale o il mio? 2


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Trollhunters - L'ascesa dei titani

Gli eroi di "Trollhunters", "3 in mezzo a noi" e "I Maghi" devono unire le forze per affrontare un nemico misterioso che minaccia i loro mondi. In seguito agli eventi della trilogia di "I racconti di Arcadia", gli eroi di Arcadia devono unirsi per proteggere l'umanità dal crudele Ordine Arcano, che scatena la sua incontrollabile magia nera per invocare alcuni antichi titani intenti a distruggere il mondo.
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Julia, a teenager from Latin America, has lived in the U.S. most of her life. She is popular, a successful Youtuber and wants to become prom queen. Everything changes abruptly when her family has to return to Ecuador. What will she have to face? Getting used to a new culture and a catholic high school will not be easy. The "gringa" becomes the target of "La Reinas", three popular bullies who rule the school. Julia is now a misfit who will have to earn her new friends' affection in order to survive.
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Scooby Doo and The Zombies

A DVD compilation of 3 zombie-themed episodes from What's New, Scooby-Doo?. Smile and say "ciao"! The phantom-busters travel to Italy in Pompeii and Circumstance. With a colossal mystery to solve, will our friends be ghoulish gladiator goners, or will their love for Italian art and Scooby Snax save them? Then it's off to the City by the Bay for the Grind Games in The San Franpsycho, where a seaweed-sprouting ghoul from Alcatraz prison cares competing skateboarders to the core. If they don't find the creep behind the Legend of the Creepy Keeper, it'll be lights out in Fright House of a Lighthouse. Who's scared of zombies? Not Scooby-Doo!
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Monstrum - Caccia alla bestia

La pestilenza ha preso il sopravvento su Joseon e la paura dilaga per le strade. Quando le voci sulla presenza di una bestia feroce che vaga sul monte Inwangsan iniziano a diffondersi, si diffonde il panico. Per provare a calmare la situazione il ventiduenne Jung Jong convince il fidato generale Yun Kyum a rientrare in azione dopo essersi ritirato. Con la figlia Myung, il braccio destro Sung Han e l'ufficiale di corte Hur, il generale parte alla ricerca della misteriosa creatura. Chiamata da tutti "il mostro", la creatura esiste davvero o è solo il frutto dell'immaginazione di una pazza in preda alla paura? La gente di Joseon vivrà nuovamente in pace?
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My Little Pony: Equestria Girls - Rollercoaster of Friendship

Rarity ottiene un lavoro per l'estate, suscitando la gelosia di Applejack, ma quando le loro amiche cominciano a sparire, devono collaborare per ritrovarle.
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The Sea Shall Not Have Them

During autumn of 1944, an RAF Hudson carrying a VIP passenger in possession of highly secret information is shot down and ditches in the North Sea. Fighting the elements and trying to keep up morale, the occupants of the aircraft's dinghy talk about their lives awaiting the rescue they hope will come. The film's title reflects the motto of the RAF's Air Sea Rescue Service, one of whose high speed launches battles against its own mechanical problems, enemy action, time and the weather to locate and rescue the downed crew and the vital secret papers they carry.
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The Sea Shall Not Have Them


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Young and Dangerous 3

This time taking on the rival Tung Sing triad, who is attempting to usurp Hung Hing influence in Hong Kong by having Tung Sing member Crow frame Ho Nam for the murder of Hung Hing Chairman Chiang Tin Sang. On the plus side, Chicken finds a new love interest in Wasabi, the daughter of the comedic priest, Father Lethal Weapon Lam.
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Avengers Grimm - Time Wars

La regina di Atlantide ha intenzione di conquistare le Terre Emerse. Per farlo ha bisogno del Principe Azzurro, in possesso di un magico anello che garantirebbe immensi poteri sul mondo intero. Il Principe si ritrova a dover fuggire, mentre Biancaneve viene invocata da Alice e dal Cappellaio Matto affinché si unisca a Cappuccetto Rosso e alla Bella Addormentata nel Bosco per opporsi alla tiranna.
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Un dolce Natale

Fidanzata con il suo capo, Kylie spera di ricevere la proposta di matrimonio. Ma nel corso di una serata speciale non mancheranno le sorprese.
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Un dolce Natale


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Roughly chronological, from 3/96 to 11/96, with a coda in spring of 1997: inside compounds of Aum Shinrikyo, a Buddhist sect led by Shoko Asahara. (Members confessed to a murderous sarin attack in the Tokyo subway in 1995.) We see what they eat, where they sleep, and how they respond to media scrutiny, on-going trials, the shrinking of their fortunes, and the criticism of society. Central focus is placed on Hiroshi Araki, a young man who finds himself elevated to chief spokesman for Aum after its leaders are arrested. Araki faces extreme hostility from the Japanese public, who find it hard to believe that most followers of the cult had no idea of the attacks and even harder to understand why these followers remain devoted to the religion, if not the violence.
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Set in the 1800s, the film is about a "dacoit" tribe who take charge in fight for their rights and independence against the British.
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