Un ufficiale di cavalleria inglese di stanza in India viene accusato di aver aggredito una donna ad un ricevimento.
Film Simili a Un colpevole senza volto
An L.A. cop investigating the rape and murder of his wife traces the crime to a psycho biker gang that smuggles guns. He teams up with an FBI agent to stop them and catch his wife's killers.
An aspiring musician is released from prison to find that a song he had written while locked up has been stolen and made into a hit record by a country music superstar. When his confrontation with the star takes a violent turn the ex-con has to go back on the run, but he finds an unexpected ally in a shrewd background singer with a plan to turn the tables in his favor.
Un giovane desideroso di notorietà si incolpa dell'assassinio di una primadonna della Scala per vedere il proprio nome pubblicato sui giornali. Al processo conta di sfoderare un alibi di ferro che lo possa definitivamente scagionare. Ma il maresciallo che avrebbe dovuto testimoniare in suo favore muore prima della deposizione. Il giovane si ritroverà in prigione.
This story opens with John Bradford throwing a graduation party for his son, Jim, who has just earned a degree in engineering. John has planned to make his son a partner in his engineering firm for many years. However, Jim has decided to enter the ministry.
In 1596, a Spanish girl, Isabel, is kidnapped by the English during the Capture of Cádiz and sent to England, where, already an adult woman, she falls in love with her kidnapper's son.