Маҥнайгы таптал (2015)

(7,3) basato su 3 voti
Data di uscita
feb 12, 2015
01h 09m
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Film Simili a Маҥнайгы таптал

Dal braccio della morte

Michael Raine, un detenuto in attesa di essere giustiziato, riceve la visita di Jessica Foster, un'assistente del governatore che vuole intervistarlo per un libro che sta scrivendo. Per Raine è l'ultima occasione per proclamare la sua innocenza...
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Dal braccio della morte


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Registration of the tenth theatre program of the Dutch comedian. After thirty turbulent years of bustle, Lenette leaves home and hearth in the big city to find her peace in a village close to the sea. Back to Nature. But is nature really that promised bringer of peace?
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An undercover Army captain links missing gold and murder to a gambler's ghost.
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Più Forti Dell'acciaio

In three symbolic places of a global production, "Spirits I've called" describes the impact of the mining and steel industry on the fragile natural balances and on the health of people living close to the production sites.
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Più Forti Dell'acciaio


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Furia nel deserto

Una bionda mozzafiato dal passato burrascoso ha aperto, in una zona desertica degli Stati Uniti, una casa da gioco che gestisce con successo. La donna ha una figlia che, uscita dal collegio dove è stata rinchiusa, torna a vivere con lei. Non abituata al mondo esterno la ragazza cede alla corte di un ex cow boy che ora fa il poliziotto. Ma un altro uomo dal passato torbido piano piano la trascina nella passione e soprattutto la rende insensibile ai consigli della madre. Nonostante le raccomandazioni di quest'ultima la ragazza fugge con l'amico. La tragedia scoppia all'improvviso nel corso del viaggio...
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Furia nel deserto


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The Face of Birth

An inspiring look at how wonderful birth can be when your right to choose how, where and with whom you give birth is respected & protected. Every woman has the right to be informed about their options in childbirth. Through an exploration of home birth, this 87 min film looks at what natural, physiological childbirth really is. Is birth a medical emergency waiting to happen or a profound, natural and physiological event that women are designed for? The most comprehensive film ever made on home birth and a voice of reason in the debate, The Face of Birth outlines the importance of education in birthing and the right of a woman to choose the best and safest birth method for her and her baby.
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The Face of Birth


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O statečném kováři

Hrdinou příběhu je silný a odvážný mladý kovář s dobrým srdcem. Jmenuje se Mikeš a stejně jako jeho otec i on zatouží vydat se do světa na zkušenou. Cestou se spřátelí se dvěma mladými siláky, mlynářským pomocníkem Matějem a pacholkem Ondrou. Když se dovědí o třech krásných princeznách, které záhadně zmizely, přesvědčí Mikeš své lenivé společníky, aby se vydali ztracené královské dcery hledat. Po dlouhé cestě plné překážek se jim podaří zjistit, že princezny unesl zlý Černý král. Když se Mikešovi podaří přelstít ohyzdnou babici, a výměnou za její utržený vous získat její služby, podaří se jim osvobodit dvě ze tří princezen. Boj o záchranu třetí, nejkrásnější princezny však bude mnohem obtížnější.
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O statečném kováři


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Young and Dangerous 4

The boss of the Hung Hing gang, Tian Sang, has died. Ho Nam and Hon Bun find Sangs younger brother, Yang to lead the gang. Meanwhile, Hon Bun receives news that his younger brother, a leader of the Tuen Mun gang has been assasinated. They travel to Hong Kong to settle the matter.
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Young and Dangerous 4


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Young Parisian Nana wards off of a boozed-up military officer at a local restaurant, and fellow diner Gaston Greiner is so impressed with her pluck that he decides to make her a performer at his musical theater. Soon, Nana is a star, and the girlfriend of Greiner and two other men. But when he learns that she's been getting around, Greiner fires her. As she tries to reclaim her singing job while dodging yet another suitor, her treachery might get the better of her.
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Five Bold Women

Marshal Kirk Reed is escorting five female prisoners---killers all--- from one part of Texas to another part of Texas where a new prison has been built. Along the way he has to deal with dissension among the troops, attacks by the Comanches, a budding romance with Ellen, The Missouri Lady, (before her ex-husband, The Missouri Kid, shows up in an attempt to rescue her.
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Five Bold Women


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Sundari Gardens

Sundari Sara Mathews, popularly known as Suma, meets Victor, the school's new English teacher and falls for him. However, before expressing her feelings to him, another teacher, Lekha, asks him out and he accepts, leaving Suma heartbroken. While at a low point in her life after losing her mother and arguing with her brother, Suma is consumed by jealousy and plots to break up Lekha and Victor to have him to herself.
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Sundari Gardens


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Zorro e i Tre Moschettieri

Zorro e i moschettieri si alleano contro le mene del cattivo cardinale di Richelieu. Nessuno resiste ai terribili spadaccini. Richelieu è scornato e il perfido conte di Siviglia si trova una spada nella pancia.
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White Fang and the Kid

In un paesino del far west detta legge il potente Mr. Morgan, capace di zittire chiunque con la sua gang di banditi senza scrupoli. Il piccolo Kid, insieme all'intelligentissimo pastore tedesco Zanna Bianca, si impegna a far smettere di bere Franky, fratello alcolizzato di Jesse James, per poi convincerlo a combattere la gang di Morgan.
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White Fang and the Kid


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