پارک وی (2007)

(5) basato su 3 voti
Data di uscita
gen 01, 2007
01h 33m
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Film Simili a پارک وی

Sissi - Il destino di un'imperatrice

Dopo la celebrazione delle nozze con Francesco Giuseppe, Sissi deve confrontarsi con i problemi della politica. Malgrado la sua giovane età, dà subito dimostrazione di tatto e dell'innato carisma che la contraddistingue, riuscendo a placare i focolai rivoluzionari scoppiati in Ungheria e in Italia.
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Sissi - Il destino di un'imperatrice


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Loro 2

"Loro", diviso in due parti, è un racconto di finzione, in costume, che narra di fatti verosimili o inventati, in Italia, tra il 2006 e il 2010. Attraverso una composita costellazione di personaggi, "Loro" ambisce a tratteggiare, per squarci o intuizioni, un momento storico definitivamente chiuso che, in una visione molto sintetica delle cose, potrebbe definirsi amorale, decadente, ma straordinariamente vitale. E "Loro" ambisce altresì a raccontare alcuni italiani, nuovi e antichi al contempo. Anime di un purgatorio immaginario e moderno che stabiliscono, sulla base di spinte eterogenee quali ambizione, ammirazione, innamoramento, interesse, tornaconto personale, di provare a ruotare intorno a una sorta di paradiso in carne e ossa: un uomo di nome Silvio Berlusconi.
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At the border between Navarre and Aragon we find the moors known as the Bardenas Reales, characterized by the dust and the omnipresence of the northern wind. This is a portrait of a land, but also a journey through Pilar’s memories. It is a glance at the past but also the present, and about how everything has changed, for better or worse.
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Speciale di Natale di Porta dos Fundos: La prima tentazione di Cristo

Quando Gesù compie trent'anni, si presenta in famiglia con un ospite a sorpresa. Un'edizione natalizia così stramba deve essere per forza di Porta dos Fundos.
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Speciale di Natale di Porta dos Fundos: La prima tentazione di Cristo


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TV producer James has an extremely vivid dream, in which he is a prince struggling to keep the kingdom at peace against the wishes of his warfaring brother, while at the same time competing with his brother for a woman's love. The figures in his dream match those in his real life, with his brother being an aggressive business man trying to buy James out, the king being James' advisor, and the woman being an actress recently cast for a commercial at his studio. Seeing his dreams as a message about his life, James decides to act on their guidance, even though they lead him into the fight of his life.
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My Mom Is a Character 3

Dona Hermínia will have to rediscover and reinvent herself because her children are forming new families. This supermom will have to deal with a new life scenario: Marcelina is pregnant and Juliano is getting married.
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My Mom Is a Character 3


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WWE Armageddon 2008

Armageddon (2008) was a PPV presented by Ubisoft's Prince of Persia. It took place on December 14, 2008 at the HSBC Arena in Buffalo, New York. It featured professional wrestlers and other talent from all WWE's three brands: Raw, SmackDown and ECW. It was the ninth and final event within the Armageddon chronology. During the SmackDown main event, WWE Champion Edge defended the title against Triple H and Jeff Hardy in a Triple Threat match. The Raw main event featured the World Heavyweight Championship contested in a singles match between champion John Cena and Chris Jericho. The undercard featured several matches, including CM Punk against Rey Mysterio in the finals of a tournament to determine the number-one contender to the WWE Intercontinental Championship, and Randy Orton versus Batista in a standard wrestling match.
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WWE Armageddon 2008


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Stormy Weather

Dancing great Bill Williamson sees his face on the cover of Theatre World magazine and reminisces: Just back from World War I, he meets lovely singer Selina Rogers at a soldiers' ball and promises to come back to her when he "gets to be somebody." Years go by, and Bill and Selina's rising careers intersect only briefly, since Selina is unwilling to settle down. Will she ever change her mind? Concludes with a big all-star show hosted by Cab Calloway.
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Stormy Weather


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In una fabbrica della Russia zarista il suicidio di un operaio ingiustamente punito provoca lo sciopero dei suoi compagni, già in subbuglio per le durissime condizioni di lavoro e l'esiguità dei salari. I padroni non trattano, gli scioperanti impegnano o vendono i loro miseri averi, la polizia tenta in ogni modo di rompere il fronte dei lavoratori. Alla fine avviene un massacro di uomini, donne, bambini. È la prima regia di S. M. Ejzenstejn: innovativa, epica, di grande impatto figurativo. Autentica protagonista è la massa, il lavoro sperimentale sul montaggio è agli inizi ma già preannuncia i capolavori successivi.
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Dance Dance

A woman and her husband Jackson welcome their baby boy the same day the King of Pop Michael Jackson died. A dance enthusiast, she names her son Michael, making his full name Michael Jackson. Michael goes on to become a great dancer, winning a reality show title. Owing to this, he becomes very famous in his college as well. However, one day, he mysteriously goes missing from college, leading to a string of unexpected events.
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Dance Dance


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Bitter Money

In a fast growing city of East China, migrants have been arriving and living for a dream of a better life. But what they find there is little opportunities and poor living conditions that push people, even couples, into violent and oppressive relations. Xiao Min, Ling Ling and Lao Yeh are some of the characters of this bitter chronicle of today China.
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Bitter Money


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Letters from Generation Rx

As a result of the 2008 documentary"Generation Rx," thousands of people wrote director Kevin P. Miller to share their experiences on psychiatric drugs. Miller combines their gripping tales with the latest mental health research, science, and medical health perspectives.
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Letters from Generation Rx


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The Poison Squad

The story of government chemist Dr. Harvey Wiley who, determined to banish dangerous substances from dinner tables, took on the powerful food manufacturers and their allies.
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The Poison Squad


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Ride - Downhill

Ride è la storia di Max (Lorenzo Richelmy) e Kyle (Ludovic Hughes), due riders acrobatici. Quando ricevono l'invito a partecipare a una misteriosa gara di downhill con in palio 250.000$, accettano senza esitazione per poi scoprire - ormai troppo tardi - di doversi spingere oltre i limiti delle loro possibilità fisiche e psicologiche. Quella che affronteranno sarà così una corsa estrema per la sopravvivenza. Grazie alla potenzialità delle telecamere GO PRO, RIDE sarà capace di trasmettere l'adrenalina dello sport estremo come nessun altro modo sarebbe in grado di fare.
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Ride - Downhill


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One Girl For Two Men

Kimon and Aris are brothers, still they are completely different characters. Kimon, the eldest one, is a serious, conceivable, and stubbornly man who refuses to marry. In opposite, Aris is an open-minded, lively and austere man. Their older sister Polyxeni is trying to bring them closer. Aris wants to meet his girlfriend, Myrto to his brother, but he fears that he will reject her because she is a singer so he convinces him to recruit her as his secretary by concealing her real identity.
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One Girl For Two Men


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Le mele di Adamo

Tratta le vicende di un giovane neonazista, Adam, che appena uscito di galera viene accolto dal pastore protestante (Ivan) nella sua parrocchia per un percorso di riabilitazione. All'interno dell'edificio ecclesiastico dimorano anche altri due disadattati, un alcolista ed un rapinatore arabo; padre Ivan impone ad ognuno di loro di scegliere un obiettivo a cui riferirsi durante la permanenza. L'obiettivo preposto da Adam, in particolare, è quello di riuscire a cucinare un'enorme torta di mele. Fin dal suo arrivo nella chiesa protestante, il protagonista non si trova a suo agio né con il pastore né con i suoi conquilini: Adam adotta una condotta di vita talmente discordante dalla bontà e dall'ingenuo ottimismo degli altri personaggi che spesso arriva a cogliere le provocazione che gli vengono continuamente rivolte e ad arrivare a sanguinosi scontri fisici, specialmente nei confronti del pastore.
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Le mele di Adamo


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The film is about the stepmother who tried to be a real mother of a boy. But she could be a real mother only after some difficult events for her and child.
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Foucault Against Himself

In both his private and public life, Foucault often contradicted himself, especially when his ideas collided with the institutions where he worked. Contemporary critics and philosophers reframe their legacy in an effort to build new ways of thinking about his struggle against the mechanisms of domination within society, demonstrating how the conflict lies at the heart of his life and work.
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Foucault Against Himself


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Qualche nuvola

Il giovane operaio Diego vive nella periferia romana e sta per sposare Cinzia, la sua fidanzata di sempre. Tutte le sue certezze sui sentimenti che prova, però, sono messe a dura prova quando, alla vigilia del matrimonio, mentre è impegnato nei lavori di ristrutturazione di una casa nel quartiere di Trastevere, si imbatte in Viola, la nipote del suo capo, rimanendo fortemente affascinato dallo stile di vita della ragazza, distante anni luce dalle sue abitudini.
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Qualche nuvola


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Dames at Sea

Dames at Sea is a musical with book and lyrics by George Haimsohn and Robin Miller and music by Jim Wise. The musical is a parody of large, flashy 1930s Busby Berkeley-style movie musicals in which a chorus girl, newly arrived off the bus from the Midwest to New York City, steps into a role on Broadway and becomes a star. It originally played Off-Off-Broadway in 1966 at the Caffe Cino and then played Off-Broadway, starring newcomer Bernadette Peters, beginning in 1968 for a successful run. The television version was broadcast on the Bell System Family Theater on NBC on November 15, 1971. The cast had extra chorus girls and boys, and there were full production numbers, turning into the very thing it was spoofing. Ann Miller was singled out for praise, especially when "she was allowed to tap out her brassy...temperamental star..."
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Dames at Sea


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Behzat Ç.: Ankara Is on Fire

In the absence of Behzat Ç., a superintendent named Himmet gets replaced as the president of the murder Bureau. When the murder of minister of Interior makes a big impact, Himmet decides to take advantage of it and he makes his team help the fight against terrorism bureau.
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Behzat Ç.: Ankara Is on Fire


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Leonardo - Cinquecento

A 500 anni dalla sua scomparsa, Leonardo continua ad essere uno dei personaggi più conosciuti ed ammirati nella storia dell’umanità. Artista, architetto, naturalista, stratega militare, ingegnere, il più grande scienziato di tutti i tempi fu prima di tutto un osservatore alla costante ricerca di nuove scoperte.
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Leonardo - Cinquecento


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Amico a ore

Tom is given the task of guarding the fridge during the night by Mammy-Two-Shoes, but as soon as he has started he is tricked by Jerry into falling into the basement, where he lands in a barrel of cider. Now drunk, Tom staggers around in the house getting up to no good with Jerry.
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Amico a ore


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Fight Club

A young boy Selva chasing his football sports dreams suffers a major setback, grows into an angry young man who is drawn into conflicts by evil forces involving him and his family, which he must navigate and reform
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Fight Club


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Dog and Cat

A dog wants to by a new hat from his local tailor (who is a cat). A story about why cats and dogs dosen't like each other.
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Dog and Cat


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Ciao maschio

Lafayette si guadagna da vivere a New York come tecnico luci per un gruppo teatrale di femministe e come elettricista in un museo delle cere. Il suo amico Luigi trova uno scimpanze e glielo affida. Lafayette lo adotta legalmente con il nome di Cornelius, rifiutando invece il riconoscimento del figlio che Angelica sta per avere da lui. Dopo il suicidio di Luigi e la tragica morte di Cornelius, Lafayette provoca l'incendio del museo e vi perisce insieme con il proprietario. Angelica diventa madre di una bambina.
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Ciao maschio


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A woman becomes increasingly aware of her fractured past as a corrupt organization closes in.
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