Полет с космонавтом (1980)

(6) basato su 1 voti
Data di uscita
ott 01, 1980
01h 23m
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Film Simili a Полет с космонавтом

Purpose of Reunion 3

Sung-hyeon reunites with first love, Jin-hye at a class reunion.
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Purpose of Reunion 3


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The execution was scheduled and the last meal consumed. The coolness of the poisons entering the blood system slowed the heart rate and sent him on the way to Judgement. He had paid for his crime with years on Death Row waiting for this moment and now he would pay for them again as the judgment continued..
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After the death of their abusive father, two estranged twin brothers must reunite and sell off his property.
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Six Hours: Surviving Typhoon Yolanda

In the middle of a broadcast about Typhoon Yolanda's initial impact, reporter Jiggy Manicad was faced with the reality that he no longer had communication with his station. They were, for all intents and purposes, stranded in Tacloban. With little option, and his crew started the six hour walk to Alto, where the closest broadcast antenna was to be found. Letting the world know what was happening to was a priority, but they were driven by the need to let their families and friends know they were all still alive. Along the way, they encountered residents and victims of the massive typhoon, and with each step it became increasingly clear just how devastating this storm was. This was a storm that was going to change lives.
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A boy walks through an abandoned building and films the interior. Suddenly his camera disappears.
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The Journey to The Main Program

What is the death? What do we feel when we die? It is a truth that no living creature has ever experienced it. My perspective of the death is that, I see life as a before program, and the death as the main program.
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The Journey to The Main Program


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Femalien: Cosmic Crush

When an ancient and erotic hunger is awakened in the far reaches of sexy space, the Alterian High Council sends newly ordained Collector Maxy Prime to investigate with her nimble nympho sidekick, Gab-E J'nx. There they discover a mad(ly hot) professor and her students in the psychosexual grips of the Thanagarian Pleasure Pod, a mega-parasite who’s giving everyone good vibrations while slowly and seductively sapping them of their very life essence. Will the Femaliens put an end to this tentacle terror, or will they succumb to the beast’s cosmic crush?
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Halloween Inferno

A Halloween fan-film continuing the events from Halloween (2018)
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Broadcast from 1977 to 1987 on FR3, every Sunday morning, for 1h30, Mosaïque is a variety show with a set where music groups from the countries of origin of immigration perform, and which broadcasts reports on these countries and on immigrants who live in France. When it was created, it aimed to promote the cultures of origin of immigrants, but also to make them better known to the rest of the population. However, the program was never financed by public television which considers that it was aimed at a specific audience and was therefore not part of a public service mission. It received financial support from the Ministry of Labor, through its subsidy to the National Office for the Cultural Promotion of Immigrants, ONPCI (later becoming Information Culture and Immigration, ICEI, in 1977, then Agency for the Development of Intercultural Relations , ADRI). , in 1982).
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The Secret Six

Bootlegger/cafe owner, Johnny Franks recruits crude working man Scorpio to join his gang, masterminded by crooked criminal defense lawyer Newton. Scorpio eventually takes over Frank's operation, beats a rival gang, becomes wealthy and dominates the city for several years until a secret group of 6 masked businessmen have him prosecuted and sent to the electric chair.
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Three students have to find a way to free their teacher's soul from an enchanted amulet.
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Men will be men.
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Beck 33 - End of the Road

Three brutal murders are committed in a house in a quiet suburb. The victims are a former police officer, his wife and their 10 year old son. The Beck group takes on the case and find that there is a hidden security room in the victims’ house, containing stolen weapons. They find fingerprints from a criminal who was involved in a robbery 4 years ago. After the robbery, he shot his accomplices and disappeared without a trace, along with their haul of 6.3 million. The question is how the former police officer ended up with the weapons and how is he connected to the thieves? The case wakes strong feelings at Police Headquarters and takes highest priority.
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Beck 33 - End of the Road


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Un amore dolce

Claire, un'ambiziosa pasticciera, è impegnata con la gestione del suo nuovo locale. La madre Helen è preoccupata per la sua assenza di vita sentimentale e, a insaputa della figlia, la donna le trova l'uomo perfetto. Quando però Claire scopre che non è stato il destino a farle incontrare l'amore, la relazione potrebbe andare incontro a qualcosa di non molto positivo.
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Far Cry 5: Inside Eden's Gate

Le voci di un fanatico culto chiamato The Project at Eden's Gate attirano tre vloggers nella remota Hope County, nel Montana. Seguendo la pista di persone scomparse e altri strani eventi, i tre si infiltrano nella setta. Scioccati da ciò che scoprono, rischiano tutto per mettere in guardia il mondo. Con Greg Bryk (A History of Violence) e Kyle Gallner (American Sniper), e ispirato al gioco Ubisoft Far Cry 5.
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30 Maidens and Pythagoras

A musical starring Jiří Menzel (whose part is sung by Achilles Michailidis) as a math and physics teacher employing innovative teaching methods.
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Charles Jackson è morto ma non sa di esserlo: la sua anima, rimasta imprigionata in una sorta di limbo sospeso tra la vita e la morte, è costretta a vagare sulla Terra. Soltanto i gatti e Carol Miller, un angelo inviato da Dio, sono in grado di vederlo. Carol ha il compito di porre fine alle sofferenze degli uomini sospesi tra la vita e la morte e di salvarli dai darkhunters, cacciatori che vendono le anime al mercato nero
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Un amore sul ghiaccio

In seguito ad un infortunio, Claire, una giovane atleta di pattinaggio sul ghiaccio, si sottopone a delle sedute di fisioterapia in una clinica in Canada. Qui conosce Luke, un papà single ed ex giocatore professionista di hockey.
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Tallywoman: Operation Groom

An intelligent and versatile woman, Evanthia, to marry her daughter Lella, takes French and good behavior lessons and begins to portray the brilliant aristocrat. In a resort of wealthy they are familiar with Babis, who also represents the rich man to find a rich bride.
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Sarajevo, 1992. They are called Ahmed, Lana, Sado, Saba, Sahbey, Beba, Nemanja, Marx, Matan. They live in and between wartimes. They have "nafaka", the destiny which was bestowed on them by God Almighty. They have enough gallows humor and courage to believe in freedom and happiness.
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A chirpy and jovial teenager, Mehul, whose higher secondary finals are at the doorstep while her infatuation over her tutor cum neighbour Babai da, is in ascend. He is an exceptional student and the gem of the neighbourhood. On the day of Holi, Mehul mixes sindoor in the colour to play with Babai da. Unknowingly, Babai da pours the colour over her head signifying the holy "sindoor-daan" custom. But, catastrophe strikes when Babai da commits suicide under undisclosed circumstances which leaves Mehul's world in utter chaos. The journey of Mehul's unspoken love turning into the bindings of Babai Da's better half is the story of PARINEETA.
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A taxi driver moves to Kathmandu with aspirations of making it in the big city. He falls in with the wrong company, and soon becomes embroiled in drugs and disputes with a local rival gang.
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Chiso Ashtray


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Tokyo 2020 Olympic Opening Ceremony: United by Emotion

Coverage of the glorious Olympic Opening Ceremony of the Games in Tokyo. The 2020 Summer Olympics opening ceremony took place on 23 July 2021 at Olympic Stadium, Tokyo. As mandated by the Olympic Charter, the proceedings combined the formal and ceremonial opening of this international sporting event, including welcoming speeches, hoisting of the flags and the parade of athletes, with an artistic spectacle to showcase the host nation's culture and history.
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Due maghe del computer usano software militare per programmarsi un amico robot.
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