Pimpal (2017)

(8) basato su 1 voti
Data di uscita
mag 31, 2017
01h 32m
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Film Simili a Pimpal

The Girl from Nowhere

Michel, a retired math teacher, has lived alone since his wife’s death and occupies his time writing an essay about the beliefs that shape daily life. One day he comes across Dora, a young homeless woman, who shows up injured on his doorstep, and puts her up until she recovers. Her presence brings something new to Michel’s life, but gradually the apartment becomes the site of mysterious happenings.
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The Girl from Nowhere


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George & Mildred

Big screen spin-off of the Seventies sitcom. Mildred Roper is determined to make husband George celebrate their wedding anniversary in style, at a posh hotel in London. However, upon arrival George is mistaken by a gangland criminal for a rival hitman, and soon the Ropers find themselves up to their necks in trouble on the wrong side of the law!
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Castle Under Fiery Skies

The year is 1575 in feudal Japan. Oda Nobunaga's (Kippei Shiina) forces defeat Takeda Katsuyori, when Nagashino Castle was besieged during the Battle of Nagashino. The next year Oda Nobunada decides to build a lavish new castle symbolizing his unification of various factions. The castle named Azuchi Castle will be built near water and high enough to be seen from the capital city of Kyoto. Director Mitsutoshi Tanaka's adaptation of Kenichi Yamamoto's novel of the same name received the 33rd Japan Academy Film Prize for Excellent Art Direction.
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Julian Po

Christian Slater is a stranger who comes to a small town. The local citizens think he's up to no good. After bothering him for a while, he blurts out in frustration, that he is there to kill himself.
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Jennifer Lopez: Let's Get Loud

"Let's Get Loud" was Jennifer Lopez's NBC Special, which premiered on November 20, 2002 and was recorded over 2 nights in Puerto Rico in the fall of 2001. It was Jennifer's first-ever headlining concert appearance, showing off her talents as a vocalist and dancer. The performance features a variety of Spanish and English songs, including: "Love Don't Cost A Thing", "If You Had My Love", "I'm Real", "Plenarriqueña", and many more.
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The Secret Six

Bootlegger/cafe owner, Johnny Franks recruits crude working man Scorpio to join his gang, masterminded by crooked criminal defense lawyer Newton. Scorpio eventually takes over Frank's operation, beats a rival gang, becomes wealthy and dominates the city for several years until a secret group of 6 masked businessmen have him prosecuted and sent to the electric chair.
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The Secret Six


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Six Hundred and Sixty-Six

A group of people inside an underground complex which possesses high tech computers which tracks world events consider all options as nuclear war is at hand, air supplies may last only eight days and Biblical prophesy unfolds.
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Six Hundred and Sixty-Six


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Un amore dolce

Claire, un'ambiziosa pasticciera, è impegnata con la gestione del suo nuovo locale. La madre Helen è preoccupata per la sua assenza di vita sentimentale e, a insaputa della figlia, la donna le trova l'uomo perfetto. Quando però Claire scopre che non è stato il destino a farle incontrare l'amore, la relazione potrebbe andare incontro a qualcosa di non molto positivo.
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Un amore dolce


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Cricchetto investigatore furbetto

In una tranquilla mattina come le altre, Saetta arriva al V8 di Flo per farsi dare una sistemata alle gomme, quando improvvisamente giunge Cricchetto che accenna ad un crimine sventato da lui stesso molto tempo prima, quando era un famoso investigatore privato.
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Cricchetto investigatore furbetto


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Amarsi un po'...

Roma, anni Ottanta. Cristiana è la rampolla di una nobile casata cittadina, Marco è un giovane meccanico. I due si innamorano, ma la loro relazione è fortemente osteggiata dalla madre della ragazza, la Principessa Cellini.
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Amarsi un po'...


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Gli amori di Anaïs

Anaïs ha trent'anni, soldi in tasca pochi. Non sta mai ferma, non sta mai zitta, è perennemente in ritardo. Sembra vivere l'attimo, senza preoccuparsi mai delle conseguenze. Deve finire di scrivere la tesi, è in ritardo con l'affitto, ha un fidanzato che forse non ama più, al quale rivela di essere incinta quasi distrattamente. L'incontro con un editore che ha il doppio dei suoi anni la porterà a iniziare qualcosa: ma ad intrigarla sarà, molto di più, la compagna di lui, scrittrice e saggista di successo. Una donna che, forse, è tutto quello che Anaïs vorrebbe diventare. S'incontrano per caso. Poi Anaïs troverà il modo di incontrarla di nuovo.
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Gli amori di Anaïs


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The Initiated

Based on the novels by Colombian writer Mario Mendoza and on the character of detective Frank Molina, the filming of Los Initiados took place in Bogotá. In the saga of Frank Molina, which uses the books Lady Massacre, La melancolia de los feos, El diario del fin del mundo and Akelarre, the story of an alcoholic private investigator who unmasks sinister plots within the underworld of Bogotá is told.
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The Initiated


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Moscow Suburbs Elegy

While people's artist of the USSR Sergey Cherkassky "fights" with the role of king Lear, trying to understand the psychology and actions of Shakespeare's character, his own large family presents him with one riddle after another. His daughter Elena, who broke off her unsuccessful marriage, falls in love with rock musician Dean Makarov. The grandfather does not know that the son of his late daughter - in-law Sonia is gay, who is madly in love with the same Dean. All Sonya's daughter, Lala, "twists" the love with a student Vakhtangov school, the future actor Misha, but dreams of a luxurious life abroad. Son of Sergei Andreevich, father of Vitya and Lyali - Andrey - General, Hero of Russia, serving in Chechnya.
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Moscow Suburbs Elegy


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Cricchetto Monster Truck

As a professional monster truck wrestler, Mater must work his way up through the ranks from an amateur tow truck to World Champion Monster Truck Wrestler. But rival wrestlers I-Screamer, Captain Collision, and The Rasta Carian aren't about to give up without a fight.
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Cricchetto Monster Truck


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Wizards on Deck with Hannah Montana

The S.S. TIPTON embarks on a triple-length comedy crossover event when Justin wins a Teen Cruise to Hawaii – and a chance to meet London. Both Justin and Max do their best to win the heiress's affection, while Cody tries to win concert tickets for Bailey, and Alex accuses Zack of being a prankster. Between the kids' pranks (who turned Justin blue?!) and crazy schemes (Alex sneaks Harper on board to take her make-up science class?!), the excitement goes overboard when international superstar Hannah Montana checks in on her way to a sold-out concert in Hawaii. But when Miley Stewart loses her lucky charm anklet and her Hannah wig, are her days as the world's biggest pop star over forever?
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Wizards on Deck with Hannah Montana


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Hell Boats

A war drama of motor torpedo boats which did much unsung work in WW2, but the naval battles merely provide an exciting story in which an even more special romantic drama is wrapped up.
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Hell Boats


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Mamma, ho allagato la casa

I genitori di Kevin McCallister si sono separati. Il giovane Kevin, che ora vive con la madre, decide di trascorrere le vacanze di Natale con il papà nella villa della sua ricca fidanzata Natalie. Ma Marv Merchants, il ladro che già aveva tentato di svaligiare casa McCallister, insieme ad una nuova socia di nome Vera ha in progetto di colpire proprio la villa di Natalie.
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Mamma, ho allagato la casa


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Gamera 3: Revenge of Iris

With the Gyaos re-emerging, Gamera's ties to humanity have been severed with his bond to Asagi broken. Nagamine and Asagi investigate while an orphaned girl named Ayana discovers a new creature she names Iris. Nagamine and Asagi must reach Ayana before she takes her revenge on Gamera, who she blames for the death of her family.
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Gamera 3: Revenge of Iris


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Red e Toby 2 nemiciamici

Gli inseparabili Red e Toby si aggirano scherzosi nella foresta, ma quando Toby si unisce a una compagnia di stravaganti cani da caccia e li segue nelle loro coinvolgenti avventure, lamicizia con Red viene messa a dura prova. Vivi questa nuova e toccante avventura assolutamente irresistibile: in Red e Toby 2 tenerezza musica e divertimento si fondono in perfetta armonia.
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Red e Toby 2 nemiciamici


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Cricchetto U.F.O.

Cricchetto incontra un simpatico UFO di nome "Freakketto". Diventano rapidamente grandi amici, ma quando Freakketto viene catturato dai militari, Cricchetto arriva in suo soccorso.
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Cricchetto U.F.O.


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Haikyuu!! Movie 3: Genius and Sense

Recap film focusing primarily on the match against Aoba Jouhsai from the second season.
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Haikyuu!! Movie 3: Genius and Sense


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Femmine contro maschi

Anna è piemontese, ama la musica lirica e la letteratura francese. Piero, suo marito, è calabrese, ama il calcio, gli amici, trattare con sufficienza il collega pakistano e spassarsela con un'altra donna. Un incidente e la conseguente e provvidenziale amnesia di Piero forniscono ad Anna l'occasione di trasformarlo nell'uomo ideale, vale a dire in un colto, fedele e nordico maggiordomo. Anche Valeria e Diana cercano da anni di cambiare i loro uomini, uniti dalla passione per i Beatles e per le false promesse, ma ora sono sul punto di perdere per sempre la pazienza. Vivono dentro una grande bugia, questa volta a fin di bene, anche gli ex coniugi Marcello e Paola, forzatamente riuniti sotto lo stesso tetto per soddisfare l'ultimo desiderio della madre di lui, ottantenne malata di cuore.
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Femmine contro maschi


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L'aereo impazzito

Ispirato dal volo di Lindbergh da New York a Parigi, Topolino costruisce un aereo per portare Minnie in viaggio.
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L'aereo impazzito


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Six Reasons Why

In a desolate place called the Badlands, four men stand off with guns drawn, their fingers ready at the trigger. Among them are a fugitive seeking redemption, a son out to avenge his father's murder, a loyal servant with a secret and a murderous criminal hired to kill with a vengeance. This is their story...in a place where revenge, deception and cruelty are a way of life.
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A villainous carnival owner traps a young werewolf to include in his growing menagerie of inhuman exhibits.
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