Das Leben meiner Tochter (2019)

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Data di uscita
gen 08, 2019
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Venise sous la Neige

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Venise sous la Neige


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Dora Heldt: Bei Hitze ist es wenigstens nicht kalt

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Dora Heldt: Bei Hitze ist es wenigstens nicht kalt


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Billy is the self-designated leader of a group of teenagers living in a shelter. Jacob and Rae, Billy's oldest childhood friends, live there as well as part of "the family". Billy has an AIDs-like virus, which he has passed on to his blood brother Jacob. Billy and Rae are boyfriend and girlfriend, much to the dismay of Jacob who has always loved Rae from afar. Billy's philosophy of life, and how that interfaces with having a deadly virus, comes to a head when Billy and Jacob compete in a very unique game of "Tag", with the future of Rae and "the family" dependent upon the outcome.
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Pasqua Nera

I più grandi geni al mondo vengono incaricati di creare una macchina per il trasporto della materia. Durante la progettazione, creano accidentalmente il viaggio nel tempo. Inoltre, scoprono che un gruppo estremista ha intenzione di utilizzarlo per viaggiare indietro nel tempo e uccidere Gesù.
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Pasqua Nera


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Sui Dhaaga: Made in India

Il film è uno spaccato dell'India che mette in risalto le problematiche delle famiglie e l'enorme divario che esiste tra ricchi e poveri. Mauji e Mamta sono due giovani sposi che vivono in casa dei genitori di lui, come si usa in India. Il loro è stato ovviamente un matrimonio combinato pertanto appena si conoscono. Mauji abile sarto, appartiene a sua volta ad una famiglia di sarti, suo nonno era molto bravo ma sfortunato ed il suo lavoro aveva affamato la famiglia per cui il figlio non aveva voluto seguire le sue orme avendo così una vita umile. Anche Mauji svolge un lavoro modesto e viene spesso preso in giro dal figlio del suo datore di lavoro...
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Sui Dhaaga: Made in India


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Con tutto il mio cuore

Jenny e Brian hanno ereditato, quando erano semplicemente due sconosciuti, un bed and breakfast. Diversi l'uno dall'altra, mai avrebbero immaginato di potersi innamorare. Alla vigilia della riapertura del loro locale, una violenta tempesta colpisce però la contea di Bucks. Mentre Brian deciderà di tornare a Wall Street per occuparsi dei loro fondi, Jenny si prodigherà affinché l'inaugurazione non subisca ritardi.
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Con tutto il mio cuore


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Istinto animale

Il commerciante di pelli Jake Feldman entra in possesso di uno stock di pellicce di procione che il trapper Jameson ha cacciato nei pressi di un antico cimitero. Feldman è ignaro, però, che quelle pellicce sono maledette e che saranno letali per chiunque le indossi.
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Istinto animale


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A few individuals in the medical profession are murdered or kidnapped, and the cop investigating the case suspects a doctor and arrests him. But is he the one who is behind these crimes? And why are they being committed?
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For Love or Money

What started off as a whirlwind romance takes an unexpected turn when Mark discovers his beautiful bride-to-be is plotting against him. In cahoots with an old school buddy, they hatch a plan to take half of Mark’s £20 million fortune and use it for their own happy ending. What they don’t realize is that Mark is one step ahead of them.
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For Love or Money


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Paz seems to have a perfect life. She has a job, a partner and friends but something's missing. In reality, there are things she is unhappy about. She feels anxious and burdened but can't bring herself to express these feelings. Until one day she turns to a strange therapy that will make her say absolutely everything she thinks. How would your life be if you only said what you think?
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'Til Death Do Us Part

Michael and Madison Roland planned to spend the rest of their lives together, but Michael's controlling ways turn their perfect marriage into an abusive roller-coaster ride that no woman could survive. With the help of her best friend, Madison fakes her death to escape and start a new life — but soon realizes it's impossible to outwit her obsessive husband.
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'Til Death Do Us Part


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Sleight - Magia

Un giovane mago di strada è costretto a prendersi cura della sorellina dopo la scomparsa della madre. Si rivolge così al mondo dello spaccio di droga per far soldi ma si ritrova ben presto nei guai con il suo fornitore. Quando la sorella viene rapita, egli deve fare affidamento alla sua intelligenza e ai giochi di prestigio per salvarla.
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Sleight - Magia


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Tarzan e la compagna

Tarzan, l'uomo scimmia e la sua ragazza Jane Parker vivono tranquillamente in un albero di una foresta africana. Un giorno due uomini misteriosi giungono nei pressi della loro casa per chiedere informazioni. In realtà i due sono il socio del signor Parker, padre di Jane, e il suo amico fidato e vogliono servirsi di Tarzan per scoprire il famoso e leggendario Cimitero degli Elefanti per rubare le zanne. Con un astuto trucchetto i compari riescono a raggirare Tarzan, ma quando in mezzo all'imbroglio entra in gioco la salvezza di Jane, Tarzan entra in azione.
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Tarzan e la compagna


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Un Natale incantato

Tornata nello Utah per ristrutturare un vecchio hotel, Laura scopre di provare ancora dei sentimenti per Ricardo, suo ex fidanzato e partner di ballo.
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Un Natale incantato


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It's a Wonderful Binge

Come il film originale, il sequel è ambientato in un futuro prossimo in cui tutti gli alcolici e le droghe sono vietati tranne che in un giorno glorioso noto come The Binge. Quest'anno, quel giorno capita miracolosamente di atterrare a Natale.
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It's a Wonderful Binge


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A short film based on the S.T.A.L.K.E.R. fictional universe, combining the “Picnic to the curb” of the Strugatsky brothers, “Stalker” by Andrei Tarkovsky and the “Exclusion Zone” location around the Chernobyl NPP. According to the scenario, an agent of the peacekeeping forces, nicknamed "The Photographer", arrives in the Zone to prevent a global scale catastrophe, which could be caused by an experiment that went out of control at a scientific lab.
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The Song of the Tree

Esen, a young man who has been expelled from his village, escapes with the daughter of one of the most powerful men in the village. Whilst being pursued, he is forced to fight for her hand in a battle that results in the destruction of a sacred totem tree. This puts the whole village in jeopardy, and it is up to Esen to redeem himself and save them all.
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The Song of the Tree


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I cacciatori di tesori - L'isola maledetta

Hu Bayi, leggendario cacciatore di tesori, è impegnato in una pericolosa missione alla ricerca della Tomba dell'Imperatore Xian, situata su un'isola popolata da mostruose creature.
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I cacciatori di tesori - L'isola maledetta


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L'eredità della vipera

West Virginia. Kip, Losie e Boot sono tre fratelli che a causa della crisi cercano di sopravvivere spacciando droga dopo la morte del padre. La professione però è difficile da lasciare e sfuggire ad una spirale di violenza in cui si sono intrappolati è l'unico modo che hanno per rimanere vivi.
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L'eredità della vipera


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An ex-felon returns home from prison and must confront the demons of his past.
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Si riparla dell'uomo ombra

Nick e la moglie Nora vanno insieme al figlio alla villa di un colonnello minacciato di morte che verrà ucciso poco dopo. Come sempre risolveranno il mistero.
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Si riparla dell'uomo ombra


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Natale a Pemberley Manor

Elizabeth lavora presso un'agenzia di eventi e si deve occupare del Festival di Natale di Lambton. Dopo una serie di imprevisti riguardo la location, riesce a convincere Darcy, un ricco magnate, a concederle il giardino della sua immensa villa. Tra i due inizia qualcosa di più di un semplice rapporto di lavoro.
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Natale a Pemberley Manor


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Romance Doll

It was a pre-destined love and marriage for Sonoko and Tetsuo. They tied the knot and became husband and wife no questions asked. All is well then. Well, perhaps not. Each holds a secret that even the binds of matrimony cannot untie. Sonoko does not know that Tetsuo makes sex dolls or Dutch wives. Sonoko has a secret too. She is about to tell Tetsuo what she has been hiding. Their marriage is already sexless. Will they make it?
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Romance Doll


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Letters to Santa 2

In their pursuit of perfect Christmas well - known characters accompanied by some new faces happen to experience tiny miracles! The adventures they come across help them realize that the most important things in life - hope, acceptance and family - are within their reach and that real love is the best Christmas present!
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Letters to Santa 2


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Secret of Naruto

From the pen of Yoshikawa Eiji comes this exciting story. The Naruto Strait separates Tokushima from the islands of Awaji and Honshu. On Tokushima the mad lord dreams of conquest and forges a bloody revolt against the Tokugawa shogunate. A mysterious swordsman named Noriyuki Gennojo has crossed Naruto’s waters to uncover the Awa clan’s secrets. He puts his life on the line after finding a testament of Awa’s secrets, written in blood by a dying man. Joining Noriyuki are a female ninja who loves him, and the beautiful daughter of an enemy who’s sworn to kill him. Awa’s defenders willl stop at nothing to prevent the blood-soaked letter from reaching the shogun.
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Secret of Naruto


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Winter Love Story

When new author Cassie is paired with successful author Elliot on a promotional book tour, she learns to believe in her talent. She also finds truth in the old adage “you can’t judge a book by its cover” as she falls for the guy she once thought to be pompous and full of himself.
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Winter Love Story


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A Cool Fish

Cop-turned-security guard Ma Xianyong finds himself in a criminal twilight zone when two unrelated events turn his world upside down. The mysterious disappearance of his boss has implications for his financial security. Even more perilous is the abduction of his paralyzed sister who, unknown to Ma, makes a morbid deal with her captors.
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A Cool Fish


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Sir - Cenerentola a Mumbai

A Mumbai, Ratna, una giovane vedova proveniente dalla campagna, lavora come domestica in casa di Ashwin, un figlio di buona famiglia il cui matrimonio è stato appena annullato. Mentre cerca di riprendersi da quanto gli è accaduto, Ashwin inizia a innamorarsi di Ratna ma i suoi nuovi sentimenti potrebbero non rispondere a ciò che dettano le convenzioni sulle loro diverse posizioni nella scala sociale.
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Sir - Cenerentola a Mumbai


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The Enchanted Christmas Cake

Gwen recently lose her grandmother and she is struggling to run their bakery and regain the Christmas spirit, and figure out her grandmother's magical recipe for the town's legendary Enchanted Christmas Cake.
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The Enchanted Christmas Cake


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The Adventures of Young Indiana Jones: Adventures in the Secret Service

In the thirteenth film in the series, in March 1917, Indiana Jones, now a captain in the French army, is assigned to escort two Austrian princes to meet with Emperor Karl I and convince him to broker a peace deal with France and Britain at the expense of Austria's alliance with Germany. Two months later, at the French Embassy in Petrograd, Indy must decide between his loyalty to his friends and his work in French Intelligence when he is pressed to discover details of a possible Bolshevik revolution in Russia which would cripple the French war effort.
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The Adventures of Young Indiana Jones: Adventures in the Secret Service


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Un uomo viene imprigionato e messo in isolamento dopo essere stato ritenuto colpevole di aver ucciso sua moglie. E' perseguitato dai suoi demoni e dal ricordo della moglie morta, a peggiorare la situazione saranno le vessazioni di una guardia femminile.
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Do You Trust this Computer?

Science fiction has long anticipated the rise of machine intelligence, and today a new generation of self-learning computers has begun to reshape every aspect of our lives. Will A.I. usher in an age of unprecedented potential, or prove to be our final invention?
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Do You Trust this Computer?


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