정사-두자매 (2017)

(4) basato su 1 voti
Data di uscita
set 21, 2017
01h 12m
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Film Simili a 정사-두자매

Amici miei - Atto II°

Gli amici si ritrovano sulla tomba del Perozzi e rievocano alcuni dei loro scherzi, tra cui far reggere la Torre di Pisa ai turisti e ingannare un usuraio. Il conte Mascetti, il geometra Melandri, il chirurgo Sassaroli, l'oste Necchi non hanno perso il gusto per le zingarate, nemmeno in occasione dei funerali del quinto sodale, il giornalista Perozzi. Senza timori reverenziali per niente e per nessuno (la Chiesa, la tragica alluvione dell'Arno del 1966), ogni occasione viene sfruttata per feroci beffe, anche fra di loro, nuove di zecca o rievocate. Sette anni dopo il primo fortunatissimo capitolo, la vena degli sceneggiatori e della regia non si è esaurita, e il film vale il precedente, graffiante, sorretto da uno humour crudele che spesso vira al nero. E gli attori sono sempre in gran forma.
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Amici miei - Atto II°


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Il mio amico ninja 2

Kevin Ryan is Hollywood's leading teen heartthrob. He's the star of "Ninja Boy," a hot Martial Arts TV series. The trouble starts when Kevin decides he wants to leave the hit show, so that he can go to high school and lead a normal teenager's life. However, he is the Studio's biggest money maker and the unscrupulous executives are NOT going to let him leave. Their sinister plans involve a desirable young starlet, a muscle-bound mountain man, and an army of inept thugs trying to kill Kevin's loveable, but mixed-up manager, Uncle Bob.
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Il mio amico ninja 2


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Fackklubb 459 - Sista striden på bagarn

Fackklubb 459 - the last battle of the baker, is a Swedish documentary film from 2004 that covers the Food Workers' Union and its last union battle.
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Fackklubb 459 - Sista striden på bagarn


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Emmanuel Macron: Behind the Rise

Deputy General Secretary at the Elysée to candidate for the presidency of the Republic, the novice in politics went from the shadows to the light in a very short time. For 200 days, our cameras followed him behind the scenes of his campaign and his exceptional ascent. For eight months we were the only ones allowed to follow the candidate Emmanuel Macron with our camera behind the scenes of this exceptional campaign. From the announcement of his candidature until his election on May 7, we propose you an exclusive documentary allowing you to live from inside the campaign of Emmanuel Macron in the manner of a political thriller.
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Emmanuel Macron: Behind the Rise


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Moments: Six

A serial killer and the detective who tracked him down find themselves in an unexpected stalemate.
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American Pie: Ancora insieme

Nella commedia ritroveremo tutti i personaggi di American Pie, che abbiamo incontrato più di dieci anni fa, durante una riunione scolastica a East Great Falls. Durante il weekend, che attendevano da tempo, scopriranno cosa è cambiato e cosa, invece, è rimasto esattamente come era una volta, e che il tempo e la distanza non possono spezzare i legami delle forti amicizie. Era l’estate del 1999 quando quattro ragazzi di una piccola città del Michigan iniziarono un’impresa per perdere la verginità. Durante tutti questi anni sono accadute molte cose: Jim e Michelle si sono sposati, mentre Kevin e Vicky si sono detti addio. Oz e Heather si sono allontanati, ma Finch ancora sente la mancanza della mamma di Stifler. Ora questi vecchi amici, ormai adulti, sono tornati a casa per ricordare i teenager con gli ormoni in subbuglio che hanno lanciato una leggenda della comicità.
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American Pie: Ancora insieme


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Cattivissimo me: Banana

I Minions litigano per una deliziosa banana.. ma è tutto quello che vogliono?!
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Cattivissimo me: Banana


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The sophisticated thief of art Robert "Cuma" Cuminski is released on probation from the local prison by the corrupt Doctor Wiaderny to organize the theft of the famous Leonardo Da Vinci painting "Lady with Ermine" for the dealer Gruby. Three years ago, Cuma was accidentally arrested by the snoopy detective Wilk after a successful heist in the house of the collector Lehman, but he has not ratted his comrade Julian.
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Red is the story of three teens in rural Pennsylvania who are torn apart by the closet. James and Lizzy's seemingly normal relationship is shattered by Aaron, the guy James hooked up with and who is unable to bear their secret and confronts James.
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Decameron Nights

Italian poet Boccaccio (Louis Jourdan) hides in the court of Fiammetta (Joan Fontaine) and tells three tales of love and lust.
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Decameron Nights


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Il piccolo diavolo

Un sacerdote americano, Maurizio (Matthau), viene chiamato per esorcizzare un'anziana parrucchiera di nome Giuditta. Durante l'esorcismo dal corpo della donna esce un diavoletto (Benigni) che afferma di essere Giuditta. Per il povero Maurizio incomincia una serie di guai, perché il diavoletto gli si incolla come un ombra. Per giustificare la sua ingombrante presenza, Maurizio decide di spacciarlo per un proprio nipote. Ma la pazienza del povero prete ha un limite così, quando il diavoletto si invaghisce di Nina (Braschi) e lo trascura, Maurizio crede finalmente di avere riconquistato la tranquillità. Nina però è una diavolessa inviata sulla Terra per riportare a casa il fuggitivo. La sceneggiatura è un canovaccio, i tempi morti sono numerosi, Matthau non è a suo agio. Ma il film vale ovviamente per i momenti in cui Benigni va a ruota libera.
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Il piccolo diavolo


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Jura is 23 years old - and Lena is 23. They live in Budennovsk, play computer games, walk and learn. They live in a city where Shamil Basayev entered 23 years ago with militants, and know almost nothing about the events of that time.
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Indu makes her boyfriend Krishna act like her friend Bhoomi's lover so that her family will stop searching for a groom. However, their lives takes a turn when Bhoomi falls in love with Krishna.
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Kill Bill: The Whole Bloody Affair

Kill Bill: The Whole Bloody Affair è la creazione che restituisce alla saga di Tarantino la sua forma originale, un'edizione che include scene alternative e eliminate. Bill è il boss di una banda di killer tutta al femminile. La banda cerca di eliminare una di loro "colpevole" di voler cambiar vita. Scampata alla morte e risvegliatosi da un coma lungo 5 anni cercherà la sua vendetta...
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Kill Bill: The Whole Bloody Affair


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Jennifer Lopez: Let's Get Loud

"Let's Get Loud" was Jennifer Lopez's NBC Special, which premiered on November 20, 2002 and was recorded over 2 nights in Puerto Rico in the fall of 2001. It was Jennifer's first-ever headlining concert appearance, showing off her talents as a vocalist and dancer. The performance features a variety of Spanish and English songs, including: "Love Don't Cost A Thing", "If You Had My Love", "I'm Real", "Plenarriqueña", and many more.
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Jennifer Lopez: Let's Get Loud


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Déjà vu

The Prohibition years. Chicago bootleggers suffer losses due to their betrayal by one Mick Nich - Mikita Nichiporuk. The mob decides to execute the traitor, who escaped to Odesa, USSR, and organized his own bootleg business there. The hitman, Pollack, arrives in Odesa, and realizes how hard it is to make the hit here, as compared to a civilized country like USA.
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Déjà vu


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The Eligible Bachelor

Sherlock Holmes' problem with disturbing dreams proves to be both an impediment and an aid in the search for a missing woman.
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The Eligible Bachelor


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Un amore per sempre

In this Janette Oke sequel to "Love Comes Softly," the eldest child in an 1800s frontier family, Missie Davis is a bright and beautiful elementary schoolteacher whose love for the prairie is matched only by her passion for books. When Missie encounters Grant, a handsome New England railroad executive, she feels as though she's met a hero from one of her novels.
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Un amore per sempre


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The Captains

The Captains is a feature-length documentary film written and directed by William Shatner. The film follows Shatner as he interviews the other actors who have portrayed starship captains in the Star Trek franchise.
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The Captains


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A Broadway actress uses her sex appeal to ruin a marriage only to dump her lover for a richer prospect.
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Tempo di viaggio

The travels in Italy of director Andrei Tarkovsky in preparation for the making of his film Nostalghia.
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Tempo di viaggio


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Mehrunisa V Lub U

light comedy depicting prevalent social evils, general apathy of people and resolve of some to fight improve the life and surrounding around them.
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Mehrunisa V Lub U


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Ultime Parole

Un anziano suonatore di cetra si è rifiuta a lungo di lasciare Spinalonga, un tempo usata come lebbrosario, sua isola natia, di cui è rimasto l'unico abitante. Tuttavia, la polizia riesce faticosamente a trasferirlo in un altro paese, ma da quel momento l'uomo si rifiuta di parlare e quando viene interrogato le sue uniche parole sono "Non dirò niente di niente, non voglio dire nemmeno no, è la mia ultima parola". Paradossalmente, anche le altre persone intervistate rispondono ripetendo ognuno una sola ed unica frase.
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Ultime Parole


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The Early Bird

Norman Pitkin is the assistant helping to run a small, old fashioned dairy which is threatened by a larger, modern organisation. Pitkin does his best to save the dairy (and his horse) and the usual chaos ensues
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The Early Bird


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Suburban cocaine dealer Dominic Willis navigates the COVID-19 pandemic while carrying out his ultimate plan.
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La sala di musica

A wealthy landlord lives a decadent life with his wife and son. His passion – his wife would calls it his addiction – is music, and he spends a great deal of his fortune on concerts held for the locals in his magnificent music room. He feels threatened by his neighbour, a commoner who has attained riches through business dealings. His passion for music and quest for social respect are his undoing, as he sacrifices his family and wealth trying to retain it.
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La sala di musica


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Trama non disponibile
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Erin Grant lotta contro il marito per tenere sua figlia e per mantenersi e pagare le spese legali fa la ballerina di striptease in un locale. Un giorno il senatore David Dilbeck, le propone uno strip privato per una somma che le permetterebbe di scappare, ma il prezzo è più caro delle sue aspettative...
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Bang Bang

Trama non disponibile
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Bang Bang


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