Lights Out (1972)

(6) basato su 1 voti
Data di uscita
gen 15, 1972
01h 00m
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San Francisco, 1985. Two opposites attract at a modern dance company. Together, their courage and resilience are tested as they navigate a world full of risks and promise, against the backdrop of a disease no one seems to know anything about.
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Box is a story of two people who meet at a crossroad. Two different destinies, two different lives, face to face in a game of sweat, blood and tears. Rafael (19) is a young boxer who dreams to conquer the world; Cristina (33) is a single mother who lost her balance. Two lives; one running very close to the earth, the other trying to fly high up, too high.
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Fight Club

Un uomo di trent'anni è insofferente su tutto e la notte non riesce più a dormire. In cerca di qualche luogo dove scaricare la propria ansia si mette a frequentare quei corsi dove gruppi di malati gravi si riuniscono e confessano agli altri le rispettive situazioni. Mentre si lascia andare alla commozione e al pianto di fronte a quello che vede, l'uomo fa la conoscenza prima di Marla Singer poi di Tyler Durden. Lei è una ragazza a sua volta alla deriva, incapace di scelte o decisioni; lui è un tipo deciso e vigoroso con un'idea precisa in testa. Tyler fa saltare per aria l'appartamento dell'uomo e i due vanno a vivere insieme in una casa fatiscente. Deciso a coinvolgerlo nel suo progetto, Tyler lo fa entrare in un 'Fight Club', uno stanzone sotterraneo dove ci si riunisce per picchiarsi e in questo modo sentirsi di nuovo vivi...
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Adam Ondra has been considered the best climber in the history of climbing for several years now. Even though he is only 19. Despite the fact that he is studying at a demanding grammar school, he is maybe the most traveling and definitely the most watched climber of today. It is almost an impossible task to combine and manage top sporting performances on the rocks, a difficult studying and the never ending carousel of competitions, interviews, festivals and slide-shows. Adam is taking his A level exams in a few weeks. Even though he is a top student, he decides not to go to university. Instead, he and 3 of his friends are setting on a long journey to the unknown north of Europe. Remote areas of Norway and Sweden are hiding some undiscovered climbing and natural treasures. The first really FREE journey beyond the limits of human possibilities may begin...
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Loulou is a wolf. Tom is a rabbit. As curious as it may seem, Loulou and Tom have been inseparable since they were little. Now in their teens, they live the easy life in the Land of the Rabbits. But Loulou, who thought he was an orphan, learns that his bohemian mother is alive. The two friends set out to find her in the principality of Wolfenberg, the Land of the Wolves. They arrive in the middle of the Meat-eaters' Festival, a yearly get together for the world's great carnivores. Will Loulou and Tom's friendship survive in the land where herbivores always end up as the main course? What incredible secret lies behind Loulou's birth?
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Non ci sarà domani

Due galeotti fuggono di prigione, ma uno uccide l'altro, diventato di troppo: infatti l'assassino seduce la sorella della vittima, la quale prima si lascia corteggiare, poi scopre non solo che l'uomo ha ucciso il fratello, ma anche che è già sposato e si vendica.
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Non ci sarà domani


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