Shuttle Life (2017)

(7,7) basato su 9 voti
Data di uscita
ott 12, 2017
01h 31m
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Film Simili a Shuttle Life

Android Re-Enactment

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Codice: cacciatore

Un killer in pensione torna in azione quando un suo amico scopre un pericoloso complotto nel cuore del governo sudafricano.
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Roughly chronological, from 3/96 to 11/96, with a coda in spring of 1997: inside compounds of Aum Shinrikyo, a Buddhist sect led by Shoko Asahara. (Members confessed to a murderous sarin attack in the Tokyo subway in 1995.) We see what they eat, where they sleep, and how they respond to media scrutiny, on-going trials, the shrinking of their fortunes, and the criticism of society. Central focus is placed on Hiroshi Araki, a young man who finds himself elevated to chief spokesman for Aum after its leaders are arrested. Araki faces extreme hostility from the Japanese public, who find it hard to believe that most followers of the cult had no idea of the attacks and even harder to understand why these followers remain devoted to the religion, if not the violence.
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Tango, Tequila and Some Lies

Lu has a perfect life. Or so she pretends to have. She meets the handsome, short-tempered Argentinian, Diego, who is on a visit to Mexico, and she is confident to get him head over heels in love with her. In order to win a wager with her friends, her life will take a turn when she does the impossible to win him over, including taking a trip to Argentina to look for him.
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Tango, Tequila and Some Lies


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Il Truffatore - The C(r)ook

A killer for the Russian Mafia in Vienna wants to retire and write a book about his passion - cooking. The mafia godfather suspects treason.
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Il Truffatore - The C(r)ook


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The Forbidden Legend: Sex & Chopsticks 2

Rich and powerful Simon Qing has been schooled in the ways of sex by his virile father, but is still a virgin. That is, until he meets his first love Violetta who has fun with him all over his father’s estate. Their love does not last, so Simon embarks on a journey. Along the way he meets the comely nun Moon whom Simon deflowers and then marries. He then becomes enamored of Golden Lotus but she is married to dwarf Wu Da-Lang.
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The Forbidden Legend: Sex & Chopsticks 2


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Alice, Darling

Quella di Alice sembra essere una vita perfetta: ha un lavoro stabile, una bella casa, delle amiche affezionate e persino Simon, un fidanzato di bell'aspetto che ha avuto successo nel mondo dell'arte. Nei momenti in cui è da sola, però, Alice sembra essere angosciata, si strappa i capelli ed è estremamente tesa. Quando le sue amiche di infanzia Tess e Sophie le propongono di partire per una settimana al lago per passare del tempo insieme e festeggiare il compleanno di Tess, Alice inizialmente sembra essere preoccupata. Ciononostante, decide di andare con loro: nel corso della vacanza si interesserà al caso di una ragazza scomparsa e lascerà emergere alcuni segreti riguardo alla sua relazione con Simon.
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Alice, Darling


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Magnum Opus

(Quinto cortometraggio). Groot si propone di dipingere un ritratto di famiglia con se stesso e i Guardiani, scoprirete quanto possa essere disordinato il processo artistico.
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Magnum Opus


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A former Marine and his old war buddy face off against the Mexican cartel behind the disappearance of his daughter.
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There Are No Saints

A man is imprisoned for a crime he didn't commit. When his wife is murdered and his son kidnapped and taken to Mexico, he devises an elaborate and dangerous plan to rescue his son and avenge the murder.
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There Are No Saints


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Come far saltare un oleodotto

Un gruppo di giovani attivisti ambientali esegue un'audace missione per sabotare un oleodotto.
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Come far saltare un oleodotto


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Il vulcano: in fuga da Whakaari

Un attento esame dell'eruzione vulcanica di Whakaari/White Island del 2019 in cui 22 vite furono perse, il film racconta visceralmente un giorno in cui le persone comuni furono chiamate a fare cose straordinarie, collocando questo tragico evento nel contesto più ampio di natura, resilienza, e il potere della nostra umanità condivisa.
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Il vulcano: in fuga da Whakaari


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K.G.F: Chapter 2

The blood-soaked land of Kolar Gold Fields (KGF) has a new overlord now - Rocky, whose name strikes fear in the heart of his foes. His allies look up to Rocky as their Savior, the government sees him as a threat to law and order; enemies are clamoring for revenge and conspiring for his downfall. Bloodier battles and darker days await as Rocky continues on his quest for unchallenged supremacy.
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K.G.F: Chapter 2


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Perfect Addiction

Un’allenatrice di boxe di successo scopre che il suo ragazzo, il campione in carica, l’ha tradita con sua sorella. Decide di vendicarsi diventando la preparatrice dell’unico uomo in grado di detronizzare il campione: la sua nemesi Kayden…
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Perfect Addiction


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The Best Man

Mercenaries seize control of a remote resort hotel during a wedding and it's up to the best man, the groom and their drunken best friend to stop the terrorists and save the hostages.
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The Best Man


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After the Pandemic

Set in a post-apocalyptic world where a global airborne pandemic has wiped out 90% of the Earth's population and only the young and immune have endured as scavengers. For Ellie and Quinn, the daily challenges to stay alive are compounded when they become hunted by the merciless Stalkers.
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After the Pandemic


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Segreti di famiglia

While trying to save up for nursing school, Ana takes a remote post as a personal care worker for a wealthy woman with early onset dementia. But as she grows close to her new client, Joan, Ana becomes concerned that Joan's spoiled daughter, Carla, is trying to murder her to get her hands on her inheritance. Ana strikes up a romance with Joan's other adult child, Jason, who assures her Carla doesn't mean any harm, but Ana comes to realize he's deceiving her as well. Can Ana protect Joan, or will she get caught in the crossfire?
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Segreti di famiglia


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Q - Il serpente alato

New York: un serpente alato ha fatto il nido in cima a un grattacielo e passa il tempo svolazzando tra i palazzi, alla ricerca di carne umana con cui nutrire i suoi piccoli. Casualmente un ladro in fuga scopre il nido, ma esita a dichiararlo alla polizia.
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Q - Il serpente alato


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Le vele scarlatte

Juliette, figlia di un reduce della Grande Guerra e orfana di madre, vive sola nel Nord della Francia con il padre, Raphaël. Appassionata di musica e di canto, la ragazza - molto solitaria - incontra un'estate un mago che la fa una profezia: un giorno delle vele scarlatte la porteranno via dal villaggio. Da quel momento Juliette non smetterà mai di credere che la profezia un giorno si avvererà.
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Le vele scarlatte


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Gasping for Air

When his sister disappears after leaving their home in hopes of singing stardom, Luis tracks her down and discovers the grim reality of her whereabouts.
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Gasping for Air


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The Blackening

Sette amici neri vanno via per il fine settimana, solo per ritrovarsi intrappolati in una capanna con un assassino che ha una vendetta. Per rimanere in vita devono mettere alla prova la loro intelligenza e la conoscenza dei film horror contro l'assassino.
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The Blackening


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Bad City

Kensuke Sonomura directs the legendary Hitoshi Ozawa in this ultimate V-Cinema actioner. Kaiko City is plagued with poverty and crime. When a corrupt businessman decides to run for mayor and starts eliminating opponents from the rival mafia, a former police captain serving time for murder is secretly released and put in charge of a special task force to arrest him.
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The Abandoned

When a mysterious corpse is found in a river, a distressed police officer delves into a string of grisly murders as danger quickly approaches.
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The Abandoned


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The Beekeeper

La brutale campagna di vendetta di un uomo assume rilevanza nazionale dopo che viene rivelato essere un ex agente di una organizzazione clandestina, i “Beekeepers”.
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The Beekeeper


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Grand Expectations

Summer 2019. Just graduated from Sciences Po, Madeleine leaves to prepare the orals of the ENA in Corsica with Antoine, her lover with whom she shares very left-wing political convictions. On a small deserted road, an unexpected encounter will seal their fate.
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Grand Expectations


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Terapia mortale

Susanne, rinomata psicologa e terapista, si ritrova imprigionata in un incubo a occhi aperti quando scopre che uno dei suoi nuovi pazienti è in realtà un serial killer ricercato dalle forze dell'ordine.
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Terapia mortale


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The King of Algiers

Omar, better known as Omar the Strawberry, is an old-fashioned bandit. Forced to flee to Algeria, he makes a living out of petty crime, accompanied by his famous sidekick Roger. After decades of ruling the French criminal underworld, they must come to terms with their new life together, which until now has been one of debauchery and violence.
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The King of Algiers


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I nostri segreti

Due amiche decidono di essere l'alibi l'una dell'altra per nascondere i tradimenti ai rispettivi mariti… ma l'intricata rete di bugie si sfalda quando una delle due scompare.
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I nostri segreti


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Gli orsi non esistono

Una strada e una coppia. Lui ha procurato per lei un passaporto falso per consentirle di espatriare ma quando la donna apprende che non partiranno insieme rifiuta di lasciarlo. Uno "Stop" ci informa del fatto che si tratta di una scena di una docufiction che Jafar Panahi sta cercando di dirigere a distanza da un villaggio in cui il segnale è estremamente precario. Ma anche la vita in quel luogo è precaria.
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Gli orsi non esistono


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The Kill Room

A hitman, his boss, an art dealer and a money-laundering scheme that accidentally turns the assassin into an overnight avant-garde sensation, one that forces her to play the art world against the underworld.
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The Kill Room


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Ti mangio il cuore

Puglia, dimenticati da Dio gli altopiani del Gargano sono contesi da criminali che sembrano venire da un tempo remoto. Una terra da far west, in cui il sangue si lava con il sangue. A riaccendere l’odio tra due famiglie rivali, un amore proibito: quello tra Andrea, erede dei Malatesta, e Marilena, la bellissima moglie del boss dei Camporeale. Una passione impossibile da estirpare che travolge la ragione e riaccende la guerra tra i clan.
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Ti mangio il cuore


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South Park: Joining the Panderverse

Cartman's deeply disturbing dreams portend the end of the life he knows and loves. Meanwhile, the adults in South Park are wrestling with their own life decisions, as the advent of AI is turning their world upside down.
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South Park: Joining the Panderverse


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The Artifice Girl

A team of special agents discovers a revolutionary new computer program to bait and trap online predators. After teaming up with the program's troubled developer, they soon find that the AI is rapidly advancing beyond its original purpose.
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The Artifice Girl


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The R of the title stands for the young protagonist, Rune, fearlessly played by Pilou Asbæk. Imprisoned for violent assault, he's a cocky, good-looking young man placed in the hardcore ward, where his survival depends on quickly learning the prison's parallel world of rules, honor, and obligations. R also stands for Rachid, a young Muslim prisoner who becomes Rune's friend and accomplice, defying the rigid racial stratifications among the inmates.
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Cut! - Zombi contro zombi

Una troupe cinematografica è impegnata con le riprese di un horror a basso budget all'interno di una fabbrica abbandonata. Il gruppo, oltre alle difficoltà di gestione di cast e denaro, si ritroverà a dover fronteggiare una reale invasione di zombie, che porta confusione e terrore sul set. A causa dell'improvvisa occupazione degli spazi da parte dei non morti, la troupe faticherà a distinguere la realtà dalla finzione cinematografica...
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Cut! - Zombi contro zombi


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A struggling street photographer, pressured to marry by his grandmother, convinces a shy stranger to pose as his fiancée. The pair develops a connection that transforms them in ways that they could not expect.
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The First Slam Dunk

Ryōta Miyagi è sempre stato legato al basket grazie al fratello maggiore Sota, deceduto in un incidente in mare quando Ryōta era piccolo. Ora playmaker della squadra di basket della Shohoku, Ryōta si prepara con i suoi compagni a sfidare "l'imbattibile" Sannoh, il team campione del torneo nazionale.
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The First Slam Dunk


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