Coffee with Ana (2017)

(6,6) basato su 5 voti
Data di uscita
giu 01, 2017
01h 13m
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Il passatempo di Groot

(Terzo cortometraggio). Svegliandosi nel bel mezzo del sonno, nel Quadrante di Eclector, Baby Groot trova una fiala rotta e tracce di liquido color bolla in tutta la nave. Cosa sarà successo?
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La carriera delle Cheetah Girls è a una svolta, con l'imminente partecipazione al Festival di Barcellona. Scortate da due mamme, l'apprensiva Dorothea e l'intraprendente Juanita, le quattro amiche partono per la città spagnola, incontrano la cantante Marisol e Lola, la sua stravagante madre e manager.
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Attraverso una serie di incomprensioni, Alvin, Simon e Theodore cominciano a credere che Dave è partito alla volta di New York City per chiedere la mano alla fidanzata…lasciandoli a casa. Hanno solo tre giorni quindi per fermarlo e bloccare la proposta, così da non perdere Dave ed evitare l’acquisizione di un terribile fratellastro.
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Alvin Superstar - Nessuno ci può fermare


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Nithya, an IT professional, gets abducted and locked up inside a room by masked strangers. A random call connects her to Bala Subramaniam, a youngster with intellectual disability. Can Bala with his low level of understanding save Nithya?
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Delinquent Daughters

A town is shocked when a high school girl commits suicide. A reporter and a cop team up to investigate and find out exactly what is going on among the youth of the town.
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To Kill the Beast

Emilia arrives at her Aunt Inés' hostel located on the Argentina-Brazil border, looking for her missing brother. In this lush jungle a dangerous beast which takes the form of different animals seems to be roaming around.
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To Kill the Beast


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Il sonno del gatto reale

Jerry and his little French mouse friend are raiding while the king sleeps. They awaken him and he calls for Tom to give him an ultimatum: One more sound from the mice and it's off with Tom's head. The mice hear this and team up to torment Tom.
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Il sonno del gatto reale


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LEGO Star Wars: Racconti spaventosi

Dopo un atterraggio di emergenza sul pianeta vulcanico Mustafar, Poe e BB-8 cercano aiuto all'interno del vecchio e spaventoso castello di Darth Vader. Qui incontrano un subdolo Hutt, un impavido meccanico e il vecchio servitore di Darth Vader, Vaneé, che li intrattiene con tre racconti spaventosi legati ad antichi manufatti e celebri cattivi di tutte le ere di Star Wars.
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LEGO Star Wars: Racconti spaventosi


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Land of The Lost

This film tells the story of a man that lost his wife and children during the mass exodus of Kurds in 1991, He spends all his life searching for them, and one day he hears an announcement on the radio that there is a place showing hundreds of photos of missing people, He decides to go to this place while listening to the radio continuously, He also hears other stories of other people. All the stories are about getting lost and the tragedies that have happened to Kurds.
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WWE WrestleMania X

WrestleMania returns to the World's Most Famous Arena, Madison Square Garden! The WWE Championship is up for grabs as Yokozuna defends against Lex Luger and Bret Hart. Razor Ramon defends the WWE Intercontinental Championship against Shawn Michaels in an epic Ladder Match. "Macho Man" Randy Savage battles Crush in a Falls Count Anywhere Match.
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Jean Michel Jarre's spectacular high-tech concert in Moscow on September 6, 1997, celebrating the city's 850th birthday.
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The satirical commentary on clergymen in post-revolutionary Iran. While in prison, petty criminal Reza (Parviz Parastui) comes across a clergyman, sparking a plan for escape. Reza dons his new acquaintance's clerical robes and makes a bid for freedom. He soon learns that being a clergyman brings little respect from the public. Reza travels to the outlying villages, from where he plots to escape the country. However, his plans must be put on hold when the villagers accept him into their community and expect him to perform religious duties. Will Reza's prison break transform him into an unlikely pillar of the community?
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Boobs in Arms

The stooges are greeting card salesmen who are mistakenly inducted into the army after escaping from the jealous husband of one of their customers. In bootcamp their sergeant turns out to be the same man, whom they constantly vex and bewilder. When the boys are sent to the front lines and the sergeant is captured they must rescue him, which they do after doping themselves with laughing gas. At the end they get shot off into the sunset on a cannon shell.
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Boobs in Arms


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Violence Jack - Hell City - Evil Town

I sopravvissuti vivono ormai sotto terra, in veri e propri quartieri sotterranei denominati Blocco B, Blocco H e Blocco C. Due bambini si stanno dividendo del cibo che hanno appena rubato, ma arriva qualcuno che li ha visti... E' un poliziotto. L'uomo attacca con una predica i bambini che sembrano essersi pentiti, ma poi spara in fronte a uno dei due. Il bambino grassottello riesce invece a scappare, raggiungendo il Blocco B, territorio di una banda di Trans: i Mad Riders.
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