Il commissario Claudius Zorn: La donna di paglia (2017)

(5,7) basato su 3 voti
Data di uscita
giu 01, 2017
01h 30m
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Film Simili a Il commissario Claudius Zorn: La donna di paglia

Moscow Suburbs Elegy

While people's artist of the USSR Sergey Cherkassky "fights" with the role of king Lear, trying to understand the psychology and actions of Shakespeare's character, his own large family presents him with one riddle after another. His daughter Elena, who broke off her unsuccessful marriage, falls in love with rock musician Dean Makarov. The grandfather does not know that the son of his late daughter - in-law Sonia is gay, who is madly in love with the same Dean. All Sonya's daughter, Lala, "twists" the love with a student Vakhtangov school, the future actor Misha, but dreams of a luxurious life abroad. Son of Sergei Andreevich, father of Vitya and Lyali - Andrey - General, Hero of Russia, serving in Chechnya.
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Moscow Suburbs Elegy


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Cattivissimo Me - Training Wheels

Margo, Edith, and Agnes spot an ice cream truck. The three of them go after the truck but Agnes falls as she attempts to pedal to the truck. The Minions, seeing her so upset by this, decide to build her a unicorn-themed motorcycle. Agnes goes for a little ride around town.
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Cattivissimo Me - Training Wheels


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123 Hugs

If hugs are tangible why am I hugging the void
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123 Hugs


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Six Reasons Why

In a desolate place called the Badlands, four men stand off with guns drawn, their fingers ready at the trigger. Among them are a fugitive seeking redemption, a son out to avenge his father's murder, a loyal servant with a secret and a murderous criminal hired to kill with a vengeance. This is their a place where revenge, deception and cruelty are a way of life.
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Six Reasons Why


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Red e Toby 2 nemiciamici

Gli inseparabili Red e Toby si aggirano scherzosi nella foresta, ma quando Toby si unisce a una compagnia di stravaganti cani da caccia e li segue nelle loro coinvolgenti avventure, lamicizia con Red viene messa a dura prova. Vivi questa nuova e toccante avventura assolutamente irresistibile: in Red e Toby 2 tenerezza musica e divertimento si fondono in perfetta armonia.
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Red e Toby 2 nemiciamici


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Ladies of Leisure

Kay Arnold is a gold digger who wanders from party to party with the intention of catching a rich suitor. Jerry Strong is a young man from a wealthy family who strives to succeed as an artist. What begins as a relationship of mutual convenience soon turns into something else.
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Ladies of Leisure


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Rogue River

Un vecchio cercatore d'oro è accusato di aver rapinato una banca. Lo sceriffo locale, che ha un vecchio rancore con lui, non lo aiuta. Ma il nipote dello sceriffo riesce a dimostrare l'innocenza del vecchietto.
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Rogue River


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Windstorm - Ritorno alle origini

Il centro di trattamento per cavalli di Mika procede più che bene e l'ha resa una celebrità. Desiderosa però di libertà, un giorno dopo aver litigato con la nonna, Mika prende il suo cavallo e si reca in Andalusia, terra da cui proviene l'animale. Qui, ha modo di arrivare alla tenuta di Pedro e di scoprire l'esistenza di una fonte di acqua in mezzo alla steppa arida in cui placano la sete molti cavalli selvatici. Quando la tenuta di Pedro rischia di chiudere per sempre, Mika decide con l'aiuto di Samantha, la figlia di Pedro, di riportare in auge un'antica tradizione con la speranza di salvarla.
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Windstorm - Ritorno alle origini


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Jennifer Lopez: Let's Get Loud

"Let's Get Loud" was Jennifer Lopez's NBC Special, which premiered on November 20, 2002 and was recorded over 2 nights in Puerto Rico in the fall of 2001. It was Jennifer's first-ever headlining concert appearance, showing off her talents as a vocalist and dancer. The performance features a variety of Spanish and English songs, including: "Love Don't Cost A Thing", "If You Had My Love", "I'm Real", "Plenarriqueña", and many more.
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Jennifer Lopez: Let's Get Loud


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Les Municipaux, ces héros

Trama non disponibile
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Les Municipaux, ces héros


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Sharknado 4

Cinque anni dopo che uno sharknado si è abbattuto sulla costa dell'Est, Fin, la sua famiglia e l'intero cosmo hanno vissuto in serenità senza nessun pericolo all'orizzonte. Quando il passato sembra essere oramai definitivamente sepolto, un nuovo attacco di squali "volanti" si presenta in luoghi (e modi) del tutto inaspettati.
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Sharknado 4


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Mon Poussin

Vincent, 18 years old, is dumped by Elina. It is his first love, it is the end of the world! His parents decide to take matters into their own hands and will try everything to make him forget this girl: he will have to follow them in a loving detoxification of which they will imagine the program ...
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Mon Poussin


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Belle & Sebastien - Amici per sempre

Sebastien è cresciuto, ha 12 anni e con Belle sono ancora inseparabili, anzi la famiglia si è allargata con l’arrivo di tre splendidi cuccioli di cui Sebastien si prende cura con tanta buona volontà. Una sera ascolta una conversazione tra Pierre, suo padre, ed Angelina, da poco sposi, scoprendo le loro intenzioni di trasferirsi presto in Canada. Sebastien è amareggiato, non vuole lasciare il nonno che invece lo sprona a scoprire il mondo. La situazione si complica con l’arrivo di un presunto proprietario di Belle che vuole portargliela via, ma Sebastien è testardo e farà di tutto per non separarsi dalla sua migliore amica a quattro zampe.
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Belle & Sebastien - Amici per sempre


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Vicky e il tesoro degli dei

In questa nuova avventura Vicky deve liberare il padre dal cattivissimo Sven. Per fare questo assume il comando di una ciurma di uomini e si dirige verso Cape Fear. Il viaggio si rivelerà pieno di insidie e incredibili scoperte....
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Vicky e il tesoro degli dei


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Yonatan Barak: Psychopath

The third stand up special of the comedian Yonatan Barak
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Accidental Family

Loïc Le Tallec never really took care of his son. When the latter disappears in a road accident, Loïc is devastated. He has only one idea in mind: to find the one who lives now with the heart of his son. He falls on Hugo, a young man that this brand new heart makes totally unreasonable and uncontrollable. Their meeting promises to be explosive.
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Accidental Family


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Peter Pan

This musical version of the tale of the boy who wouldn't grow up aired live on television on March 7, 1955. It was so popular that it was restaged the following year, and again four years later.
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Peter Pan


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WWE WrestleMania 37: Night 2

The 37th annual Showcase of the Immortals is back in business at Raymond James Stadium in Tampa, Florida as night two will feature Asuka defending her Raw Women's Championship against Rhea Ripley, "The Fiend" Bray Wyatt returning to in-ring action against Randy Orton, Intercontinental Champion Big E takes on Apollo Crews for his title, and "The Head of the Table" Roman Reigns defends his Universal Championship against Daniel Bryan & Edge in a Triple Threat Match.
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WWE WrestleMania 37: Night 2


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Patto di sangue

Le amiche Jessica, Cassidy, Ellie, Claire, Chugs e Megan fanno parte della confraternita studentesca Theta Pi, dove danno spesso vita a sfrenate feste, nonostante l'opposizione di Mrs. Crenshaw, colei che gestisce l'associazione. Durante una di queste feste, le amiche decidono di tirare uno scherzo a Garrett, il fidanzato di Megan, facendogli credere che la fidanzata e' morta.
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Patto di sangue


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George & Mildred

Big screen spin-off of the Seventies sitcom. Mildred Roper is determined to make husband George celebrate their wedding anniversary in style, at a posh hotel in London. However, upon arrival George is mistaken by a gangland criminal for a rival hitman, and soon the Ropers find themselves up to their necks in trouble on the wrong side of the law!
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George & Mildred


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An isolated house is too remote for a lone servant, who leaves a note, quietly exits the back door, and puts the key under the mat. Left alone in the house is a mother and her infant. A tramp has watched the servant leave and begins to skulk. When the lady of the house sees him outside as he discovers the key, she's terrified and desperately phones her husband, who's at work in town. He jumps into a car that's idling in front of his office and races toward home, the car's owner, and police, in hot pursuit.
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LEGO Hidden Side: Night of the Harbinger

Jack and Parker work to seal a Hidden Side hole when a fire ghost escapes covered in a strange silvery substance and reveals that their world may be doomed.
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LEGO Hidden Side: Night of the Harbinger


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Josephine, Pregnant & Fabulous

At last, Josephine has found her perfect non-smoker-cat-loving-amazing-cook-perfect-man-soulmate. They’ve been in love for two years and everything is peachy. Until she realizes she’s… pregnant. Time for Josephine to transform her life, mature into a responsible adult, not become like her mother, get a job, hold on to her man, refrain from falling out with her friends, and tell her sister, who's been crashing at her place, that she's got to move out. A bunch of overwhelming challenges that Josephine will have to face in her own, special way.
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Josephine, Pregnant & Fabulous


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Sun Dogs

A man eager to serve his country but rejected by the Marines pairs up with a young runaway to form an unlikely team on a misguided adventure.
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Sun Dogs


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A Hong Kong è già domani

Tra una ragazza sino-americana in visita a Hong Kong per la prima volta e un espatriato americano nasce un'attrazione quando, incontrandosi, l'uomo le mostra le vie della città. Mentre camminano e vedono i loro sentimenti fiorire, capiranno che cosa accade quando si incontra la persona giusta nel momento sbagliato.
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A Hong Kong è già domani


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The last minute records of a man
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A group of counter-terrorism agents are brought in to track down a man who was once the head of their squad, and is believed to have gone rogue.
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Jimmy the Gent

An unpolished racketeer, whose racket is finding heirs for unclaimed fortunes, affects ethics and tea-drinking manners to win back the sweetheart who now works for his seemingly upright competitor.
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Jimmy the Gent


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Ragazze nel pallone - La rivincita

E' pura energia quando una nuova squadra di cheerleader sfida quella titolare in una competizione per vincere l'unico posto di rappresentante dell'università! Un cast elettrizzante de giovani talenti dà vita a questo travolgente film che vi farà assaporare la bellezza delle incredibili coreografie eseguite da questa atletiche e sexy ragazze che si confrontano con la vita del college e dello sport.
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Ragazze nel pallone - La rivincita


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Vijay Superum Pournamiyum

Vijay and Pournami are two very different sort of people who first meet because of a misunderstanding. Vijay is a lazy engineering graduate unwilling to follow his passions and Pournami is an unlucky bold girl who doesn't give up on her dreams. They don't seem to find a lot of things in common at first; but as time passes more avenues open up for them to collaborate and learn from each other.
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Vijay Superum Pournamiyum


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Tati and Renet were already trading pics, videos and music by their cellphones and on the last school trip they started making eye contact. However, what could be the beginning of a love story becomes the end.
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Due gemelle a Londra

Giunte nella capitale britannica per rappresentare gli Stati Uniti a una riunione studentesca, le gemelle Chloe e Riley Lawrence non si risparmiano: oltre a praticare con successo il polo, a dedicarsi allo shopping e a esplorare gli angoli più romantici della città, vivono alcune esperienze che le faranno maturare...
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Due gemelle a Londra


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