And Then There Was Eve (2017)

(6) basato su 13 voti
Data di uscita
giu 18, 2017
01h 38m
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Chisholm '72: Unbought & Unbossed

In 1968, Shirley Chisholm becomes the first black woman elected to Congress. In 1972, she becomes the first black woman to run for president. Shunned by the political establishment, she's supported by a motley crew of blacks, feminists, and young voters. Their campaign-trail adventures are frenzied, fierce and fundamentally right on!
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Chisholm '72: Unbought & Unbossed


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A man is imprisoned for a crime he didn't commit. When his wife is murdered and his son kidnapped and taken to Mexico, he devises an elaborate and dangerous plan to rescue his son and avenge the murder.
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Staring at Strangers


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Influencer - L'isola delle illusioni

Madison, popolare sui social, è sola in Thailandia in attesa del suo fidanzato. Decide quindi di seguire una ragazza appena conosciuta per visitare l'isola, ma non sarà una buona idea.
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About Dry Grasses

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Trama non disponibile
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Cattiva coscienza

Filippo è un fidanzato fedele, un avvocato impeccabile e un uomo generoso. È possibile essere così perfetti? Sì, se hai una coscienza come Otto che controlla ogni tua mossa. Un giorno, però, Otto raggiunge in ritardo la sua postazione di lavoro nel "Mondo Altro" e scopre che, in pochi minuti, Filippo ha messo sotto sopra tutta la sua vita. Otto è in difficoltà, deve sistemare le cose prima che le Coscienze Superiori se ne accorgano e decide così di affrontare Filippo di persona piombando sulla Terra...
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The Forbidden Legend: Sex & Chopsticks 2

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The Forbidden Legend: Sex & Chopsticks 2


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Freud's Last Session

Alla vigilia della Seconda Guerra Mondiale, due delle più grandi menti del XX secolo, C.S. Lewis e Sigmund Freud, si incontrano per la loro personale battaglia sull'esistenza di Dio. Il film intreccia le vite di Freud e Lewis, nel passato, nel presente e attraverso la fantasia, uscendo dai confini dello studio di Freud in un viaggio dinamico.
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Freud's Last Session


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The No Man Zone. The Movie

What will happen if, as a result of biological warfare, almost the entire male population dies out? Women will grieve (for a short time), and then they will unite and create a new better world - with eco-towns, renewable energy, opportunities to do whatever they want, even science and biohacking, even yoga and self-development. Reproduction now occurs by artificial insemination, and only girls are born in the new world. But not everyone likes such a world order. Some of the surviving men and women loyal to them go to live in abandoned cities, begin to steal electricity, enjoying freedom and traditional sex. The tranquility of the ideally arranged female world is threatened when teacher Rada from the eco-city "Two Hills" meets the young "primate" Hera outside it.
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The No Man Zone. The Movie


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13 Exorcisms

After participating in a séance, young Laura begins to behave strangely. Alarmed, her parents ask Father Olmedo, one of the few exorcists authorized by the Vatican to intervene in cases of demonic possession, for help.
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An intimate portrayal of a quest for love and acceptance at any cost, Q depicts the influence of a secretive matriarchal religious order on filmmaker Jude Chehab’s family and the unspoken ties and consequences of loyalty that have bonded her mother, grandmother, and herself to the mysterious organization. A love story of a different kind, Q is a multigenerational tale of the eternal search for meaning.
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I figli degli altri

Rachel è una donna solare, che ama il suo lavoro di insegnante, i suoi amici, la famiglia, ha un buon rapporto con il suo ex e un nuovo amore, Alì, che la riempie di felicità. Quando il tempo è maturo perché cominci a conoscere e frequentare la bambina di Alì, Leila, Rachel si affeziona profondamente a lei, nonostante all'inizio farsi accettare non sia sempre facile. Desidererebbe anche avere un figlio con Alì, ma ha più di quarant'anni e le probabilità che rimanga incinta sono basse. Più i mesi passano, e la nuova configurazione familiare si fa quotidiana, più Rachel e Leila si legano l'una all'altra. Ma improvvisamente Alì non è più sicuro di quel che vuole.
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Sur la branche

Mimi is 29 years old and still dreaming about a job she could get. She meets Paul, a sidelined lawyer, as she decides to seek employment. Together, they will defend Christophe, a conman who proclaims his innocence.
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Mister Organ

Following reports of fraudulent car clamping in Auckland, journalist and filmmaker David Farrier opens an investigation that pushes him to the limits of his sanity in this incredible true story of psychological warfare.
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Mister Organ


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Disastro a Cloudy Mountain

Nei pressi della città di Yunjiang si stanno ultimando i lavori di un tunnel per l’alta velocità. Gli ingegneri, al termine delle lavorazioni, rilevano delle inaspettate anomalie sulla pericolosità del sito e sospettano un’imminente catastrofe nel giro di poche ore. La montagna inizia a franare e l’obiettivo primario sarà salvare la popolazione dal disastro ambientale che coinvolgerebbe l’intera cittadina: la natura si ribella e lo spettacolo si trasforma in un crescendo di distruzione totale.
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Disastro a Cloudy Mountain


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Monkeyshines, No. 1

Experimental film made to test the original cylinder format of the Kinetoscope and believed to be the first film shot in the United States. It shows a blurry figure in white standing in one place making large gestures and is only a few seconds long.
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Monkeyshines, No. 1


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Shark Side of the Moon

Decades ago, the USSR developed unkillable sharks and launched them to the moon. Today, a team of American astronauts will endure the fight of their lives.
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Shark Side of the Moon


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San Francisco filmmaker Konrad Steiner took 12 years to complete a montage cycle set to the late Leslie Scalapino’s most celebrated poem, way—a sprawling book-length odyssey of shardlike urban impressions, fraught with obliquely felt social and sexual tensions. Six stylistically distinctive films for each section of way, using sources ranging from Kodachrome footage of sun-kissed S.F. street scenes to internet clips of the Iraq war to a fragmented Fred Astaire dance number.
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Lupo vichingo

Dopo aver assistito a un grottesco omicidio durante una festa nella sua nuova città, un'adolescente inizia ad avere strane visioni e bizzarri desideri.
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Lupo vichingo


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All the Moons

During the final throes of the last Carlist war, a little girl is rescued from an orphanage by a mysterious woman who lives deep inside the forest.
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All the Moons


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Unhappily Ever After

María José and Alfredo are about to celebrate their 20th anniversary and their children give them a trip to the hotel where they celebrated their honeymoon, but a spell will make them repeat the same day.
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High Heat

Quando la mafia locale si presenta per bruciare il suo ristorante, Ana, una chef dal passato meticoloso, difende il suo territorio e dimostra la sua abilità con il coltello sia dentro che fuori dalla cucina.
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High Heat


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Tango, Tequila and Some Lies

Lu has a perfect life. Or so she pretends to have. She meets the handsome, short-tempered Argentinian, Diego, who is on a visit to Mexico, and she is confident to get him head over heels in love with her. In order to win a wager with her friends, her life will take a turn when she does the impossible to win him over, including taking a trip to Argentina to look for him.
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Tango, Tequila and Some Lies


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The Calm Beyond

A young woman lives, hidden in plain sight in a ruined Hong Kong building after a tsunami destroyed the city - a castaway on a concrete island. Her concealed existence is changed forever when a small child literally floats into her life.
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The Calm Beyond


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The Last Rifleman - Ritorno in Normandia

Un veterano della Seconda Guerra Mondiale fugge dalla sua casa di cura in Irlanda del Nord e intraprende un viaggio arduo ma stimolante verso la Francia per partecipare al 75° anniversario dello sbarco del D-Day.
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The Last Rifleman - Ritorno in Normandia


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Gunfight at Rio Bravo

When mysterious Russian gunslinger Ivan Turchin rides into a small Texas town, he runs afoul of a bloodthirsty outlaw gang known as The Hellhounds. Outmanned and outgunned, the town must put their trust in Turchin to protect them from annihilation at the hands of the bandits. The gunslinger finds allies in the form of Marshal Austin Carter and Sheriff Vernon Kelly, and together the three must make a desperate stand against impossible and violent odds.
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Gunfight at Rio Bravo


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A Good Job: Stories of the FDNY

Acclaimed actor and FDNY veteran Steve Buscemi looks at what it's like to work as a New York City firefighter. Utilizing exclusive behind-the-scenes footage and firsthand accounts from past and present firefighters, explore life in one of the world's most demanding fire departments while illuminating the lives of the often 'strong and silent' heroes.
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A Good Job: Stories of the FDNY


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White Elephant - Codice Criminale

Un ex marine deve combattere contra la sua coscienza e contro il suo codice d’onore quando viene costretto a lavorare per conto della mafia…
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On the Edge

Una notte, Leo, uno spagnolo che lavora a Bruxelles come macchinista della metropolitana, vede un giovane sul bordo del binario, poco prima di cadere sui binari.
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On the Edge


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Lo scuolabus di un gruppo di studenti delle scuole superiori si schianta durante una gita. Le relazioni vengono messe alla prova una volta che si rendono conto di essere perseguitati da un aggressore in un'orribile lotta per sopravvivere.
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