The Last Animals (2017)

(7,4) basato su 5 voti
Data di uscita
mag 04, 2017
01h 32m
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Las obras de ayer

Les Luthiers is a comedy-musical group from Argentina, very popular also in several other Spanish-speaking countries such as Paraguay, Peru, Chile, Ecuador, Spain, Colombia, Mexico, Uruguay and Venezuela. They were formed in 1967 by Gerardo Masana, during the height of a period of very intense Choral Music activity in Argentina's state universities.
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Las obras de ayer


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Stelvio - Crocevia della pace

Nel microcosmo dello Stelvio, a tremila metri d'altezza, si incrociano uomini, tempi, spazi e passioni. Tra i monti che in passato segnavano il confine tra l'Impero Asburgico e il Regno d'Italia, interviste, momenti di riflessione e squarci paesaggistici raccontano la realtà contemporanea per scoprire cosa rappresenti oggi lo Stelvio e quali possibilità offra la zona a coloro che la abitano o la frequentano.
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In una fabbrica della Russia zarista il suicidio di un operaio ingiustamente punito provoca lo sciopero dei suoi compagni, già in subbuglio per le durissime condizioni di lavoro e l'esiguità dei salari. I padroni non trattano, gli scioperanti impegnano o vendono i loro miseri averi, la polizia tenta in ogni modo di rompere il fronte dei lavoratori. Alla fine avviene un massacro di uomini, donne, bambini. È la prima regia di S. M. Ejzenstejn: innovativa, epica, di grande impatto figurativo. Autentica protagonista è la massa, il lavoro sperimentale sul montaggio è agli inizi ma già preannuncia i capolavori successivi.
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Six Days of Sistine

Two souls lost in a world of modernisation find each other in a moment's need for clarity and appreciation.
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The Early Bird

Norman Pitkin is the assistant helping to run a small, old fashioned dairy which is threatened by a larger, modern organisation. Pitkin does his best to save the dairy (and his horse) and the usual chaos ensues
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WWE WrestleMania XV

Stone Cold Steve Austin faces The Rock with the WWE Championship on the line. Mankind faces Big Show. Kane clashes with Triple H. The Road Dogg, Ken Shamrock, Goldust, and Val Venis compete in a Fatal 4-Way Elimination Match for the WWE Intercontinental Championship and more!
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The Boondock Saints 2 - Il giorno di Ognissanti

Negli ultimi 8 anni i fratelli hanno vissuto con il padre in una fattoria isolata nella profonda Irlanda. Un giorno lo zio dice loro che è stato incastrato per l'omicidio di un prete cattolico bostoniano. I ragazzi devono tornare a Boston non solo per riscattare i propri nomi, ma anche per trovare gli uomini che li hanno incastrati.
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Trama non disponibile
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A Johnny Gargano Documentary: Volume 2

This short documentary follows Johnny Gargano as he works Absolute Intense Wrestling's biggest event of the year - Absolution IX. In this second volume, Johnny gives a little background into how he got started wrestling and what keeps him going.
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The airborne trickster - Aleksei Tomylin, civil aviation pilot - one day decides to stop tempting fate and only flies directly. The airport where Tomylin works is near the border with Afghanistan. One day he receives the task to fly across the border and transfer a package with an order to catch a notorious saboteur. On his way back, Tomylin crash lands near an abandoned settlement - and soon finds himself taken hostage by a gang. The hero pretends to agree to take the saboteur abroad, and relies only on his expertise as a flying ace.....
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Star Trek: The Next Generation: Il segreto di Spock (Parte I e II)

When the Federation calls for help in locating an ambassador suspected of defecting, Picard is troubled to learn that Spock is the one who has vanished. Seeking information from Spock's ailing father, Sarek, and unlikely help from the Klingons, Picard and his crew find the ambassador pursuing a personal mission on Romulus: a Vulcan/Romulan reunification. But though the Romulans claim to support the same goal, their motives are not what they seem.
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George & Mildred

Big screen spin-off of the Seventies sitcom. Mildred Roper is determined to make husband George celebrate their wedding anniversary in style, at a posh hotel in London. However, upon arrival George is mistaken by a gangland criminal for a rival hitman, and soon the Ropers find themselves up to their necks in trouble on the wrong side of the law!
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As It Was

Lera has been living in Berlin for almost a year after the start of the war in Ukraine. Lera does not feel well in Berlin and makes an impulsive decision to go to Kyiv, for the first time during the war. On the way to Kyiv, she learns that her family is not in Kyiv, and will come only the next day. Therefore, she meets her friend Kyryl, with whom she spends the day, as she used to before the war. In the morning, Lera meets her mother and sister, and finally feels at home. But she still doubts whether she will stay in Kyiv or go back to Berlin.
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Crakk: Jeetega... Toh Jiyegaa

It follows the journey of a man from the slums of Mumbai to the world of extreme underground sports.
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L'arte della felicità

Sergio guida un taxi bianco in una Napoli che trabocca mestizia e immondizia. Sotto una pioggia battente conduce i suoi clienti per la città cercando di elaborare la morte di suo fratello, partito dieci anni prima per il Tibet e mai più tornato. Una cantante pop, un riciclatore di frammenti di vita, uno speaker radiofonico, un vecchio zio, si avvicendano sui suoi sedili recando, ciascuno a suo modo, una traccia del fratello amato. Ostinato a non scendere più e a perdersi dentro una corsa senza fine, Sergio è travolto dai ricordi e dalla musica prodotta in coppia con Alfredo, che nel buddismo e nei suoi fondamenti aveva trovato la forza di affrontare la malattia. Quelle note che credeva sepolte e deposte per sempre, tornano prepotenti e chiedono una cassa armonica in cui risuonare ed esprimere il suo essere sonoro. Mettendo mano al pianoforte, Sergio sentirà di nuovo Alfredo, accordando il passato col presente e realizzandosi nel sentimento.
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L'arte della felicità


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The First Supper

Rintaro (Sometani Shota) returns home for the first time in a while to prepare for and attend his father's funeral. He and his sister are surprised to find that their mother has canceled the catering order, and instead will be making the food herself in accordance with her late husband's will. The first dish she brings out is simply sunny side up eggs, and the attendees are at a loss. Rintaro recalls that this was the first meal his father had cooked for him and his sister.
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