Somebody to Love (1994)

(5,2) basato su 12 voti
Data di uscita
set 27, 1994
01h 42m
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Film Simili a Somebody to Love

Follows the parallel stories of a number of characters who are trying to change their lives via the Internet or are simply having fun online.
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Moments: Six

A serial killer and the detective who tracked him down find themselves in an unexpected stalemate.
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Moments: Six


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What's New, Scooby-Doo? Vol. 7: Ghosts on the Go!

In Ghosts On The Go, the gang crosses the Atlantic Ocean and takes on Europe! In Large Dragon at Large, the gang attends a Renaissance Faire, where a dragon interrupts their fun. While traveling in Greece, an ancient myth apparently comes to life because of a medallion Shaggy wears in It's All Greek to Scooby. In Pompeii and Circumstance, the gang's Italian vacation is interrupted by misdeeds in teh ancient city of Pompeii, leading to an ominous visit into the mouth of th no so dormant Vesuvius. And finally, the gang goes to Paris to see Daphne's cousin become a model, but only to discover she's been abducted by a giant gargoyle in Ready To Scare.
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What's New, Scooby-Doo? Vol. 7: Ghosts on the Go!


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The Adventures of Sherlock Holmes and Dr. Watson: The Twentieth Century Begins, Part 2

The final film of the television series "The Adventures of Sherlock Holmes and Dr. Watson." It is based on the late and little-known stories of Arthur Conan Doyle, united by the theme of the approaching world war and the struggle of the legendary detective with foreign spies.
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The Adventures of Sherlock Holmes and Dr. Watson: The Twentieth Century Begins, Part 2


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L'avventuriero di re Artù

Re Artù viene messo a conoscenza che uno dei suoi cavalieri sta complottando per prendere il potere e sposarsi sua figlia. Alla morte del Re, Merlino ordina al cavaliere, sempre più ansioso di convolare a nozze, di provare a togliere la spada dalla roccia per dimostrare il suo diritto al trono.
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L'avventuriero di re Artù


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Follie di topo

Jerry and his diapered little mouse friend flood the kitchen, then use the freezer to turn it into a skating rink. Even though Tom finds a pair of ice skates, the mice have no problem outmaneuvering him.
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Follie di topo


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Matrimony's Speed Limit

A man must marry by noon or lose his inheritance. It's 11:50 a.m. and he can't find his fiancée.
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Matrimony's Speed Limit


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Frankenstein 2000 - Ritorno dalla morte

When a woman is beaten into a coma and saved from being raped by her handyman (Donald O'Brien), the local security force does a cover-up to save the town's reputation and frames the saviour. After he hangs himself, the woman's strange comatose psi-powers revive him from the dead to exact revenge.
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The Spider and the Fly

A kitchen is filled with houseflies. A spider wakes up and plays his web like a harp, attracting a pair of them; the female is trapped, and the male summons the cavalry, which arrives riding horseflies, riding dragonflies to drop pepper bombs, firing champagne bottles, and ultimately setting the web on fire and catching the spider on flypaper when he falls.
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The Spider and the Fly


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Vacanze di Natale a Cortina

A Natale un gruppo variopinto di personaggi dell'Italia di oggi si trasferiscono a Cortina per trascorrere, in allegria, almeno così credono, le vacanze invernali. C'è Lando, un giovane siciliano appena assunto come autista grazie ad una raccomandazione, l'ingegnere Brigatti, il tipo di manager spregiudicato, trasformista, sempre in sella con tutti i governi degli ultimi decenni. A Cortina arrivano anche due coppie di parenti: Massimo e Brunella, in lotta con Andrea e Wanda. Brunella e Wanda sono sorelle e hanno sposato Massimo e Andrea, i quali con loro hanno attaccato il cappello: infatti le due sorelle hanno una modesta edicola a Bergamo. Tra i cognati è scoppiata la guerra perché Andrea ha vinto 250 mila euro al gioco dei Pacchi in tv. Inoltre a Cortina, nel loro chalet, villeggiano come da tradizione i Covelli. Roberto Covelli è un affermato avvocato romano. Elena, sua moglie, borghese capitolina, è una tipa tosta e spiritosa.
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Vacanze di Natale a Cortina


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J. Lo: Let's Get Real

Her talents go from acting, to fashion, dancing and singing. With a net worth over 250 million dollars, J.Lo has conquered the Latin American and pop music scene. From the streets of the Bronx to the red carpets of Hollywood, she has achieved more than most would dream for. Follow the story of one of the most talented and successful women in showbiz. The real Latina diva, Jennifer Lopez.
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Cutting Close

A cocky teenage girl is struggling to reconcile with her halfhearted boyfriend on the very same day that she gets stabbed and wages a war with a local gang of bullies.
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Cutting Close


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The Corridor

Behzad, who has been in prison for manslaughter for a long time, has a son who does not know about him. When he is introduced, the son goes through a conflict. Then, as a family, they go to the victim's family seeking consent so Reza would be released.
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The Corridor


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Soul Boy

Abila (14) lives in one of the most miserable slums in Africa. His girlfriend Shiku belongs to a different tribe, as the result of which he is not really allowed to fraternize with her. And then one drunken night his father gambles away his own soul.
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Blinker e il cinetriciclo

Blinker, Jonas e Mats lavorano ad un progetto per partecipare ad un concorso per inventori. A Blinker viene l'idea di costruire un triciclo portatore di cinema. Intanto i tre ragazzini indagano sulla scomparsa di Turbo, il cane di Jonas, nei boschi che circondano un vecchio castello.
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Blinker e il cinetriciclo


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Il ritorno di Superfly

Il ritorno di Superfly è un film di blaxploitation del 1990, diretto da Sig Shore. È il sequel di Superfly e si avvale delle interpretazioni di Samuel L. Jackson e Nathan Purdee, tornato dopo il successo della prima pellicola. Superfly è un ex-trafficante di droga residente in Europa, ma nato a New York. Un suo amico fidato viene ucciso da alcuni trafficanti, e per questo Superfly torna in patria. Viene fermato all'aeroporto, privato del passaporto e costretto a partecipare a delle operazioni miranti a sventare una potente organizzazione malavitosa.
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Il ritorno di Superfly


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Top Sergeant Mulligan

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Top Sergeant Mulligan


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A 2nd year student is assigned a handsome new roommate at the start of the school year.
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Takumi-kun Series: And the Spring Breeze Whispers


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