Vůně vanilky (2002)

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Men will be men.
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A hitman is tasked to take out ex-mobsters when he suddenly hears a voice that questions his morality.
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The Strangers - Capitolo 1

Dopo che la loro macchina ha avuto un guasto in una cittadina inquietante, una giovane coppia è costretta a passare la notte in una baita remota. Segue il panico mentre vengono terrorizzati da tre sconosciuti mascherati che colpiscono senza pietà.
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The Strangers - Capitolo 1


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The Offering

L'anziano Yosille, profondamente turbato per la scomparsa della moglie, approfondisce le sue conoscenze esoteriche e tenta l'evocazione di uno spirito che riporti in vita la consorte. Ma qualcosa va storto e Yosille si uccide con un pugnale per cercare di evitare guai peggiori. Arthur, accompagnato dalla moglie incinta Claire, torna nella casa di famiglia per ritrovare l'anziano padre Saul e riallacciare i rapporti, chiusi in modo turbolento.
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The Offering


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Demon Slayer: Kimetsu no Yaiba Sibling's Bond

Tanjiro finds his family slaughtered and the lone survivor, his sister Nezuko Kamado, turned into a Demon. To his surprise, however, Nezuko still shows signs of human emotion and thought. Thus begins Tanjiro's journey to seek out the Demon who killed their family and turn his sister human again. A recap film of Kimetsu no Yaiba, covering episodes 1-5 with extra footage.
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Demon Slayer: Kimetsu no Yaiba Sibling's Bond


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Encanto at the Hollywood Bowl

A taped performance of the Encanto Live-to-Film Concert Experience at the Hollywood Bowl. The original cast puts on a miracle of a concert as they sing the favorite songs, accompanied by a full orchestra and 50 person ensemble, and the Hollywood Bowl transforms into Casita!
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Encanto at the Hollywood Bowl


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Carico sconosciuto

Quando il camionista Roger perde tutto, riceve un'offerta allettante ma pericolosa: lavorare come autista per una banda di ladri.
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Carico sconosciuto


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The Painter

Un ex agente della CIA viene catapultato in un mondo pericoloso quando una donna misteriosa del suo passato riemerge. Ora smascherato e preso di mira da un killer implacabile e da un programma di operazioni segrete canaglia, deve fare affidamento sulle abilità che pensava di aver lasciato indietro in un gioco di sopravvivenza ad alto rischio.
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The Painter


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Pokémon - Jirachi Wish Maker

Ash, Pikachu e i loro amici (tranne Misty) stavano visitando un festival per l'apparizione di una cometa, quando si imbattono in un misterioso cristallo di roccia...
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Pokémon - Jirachi Wish Maker


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An animated road-movie set across the vast and barren landscape of Australia's Nullarbor Plain.
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Un père idéal

Trama non disponibile
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Un père idéal


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Jim Button and Luke the Engine Driver

A young orphan boy Jim Button, his best friend Luke and a magical steam engine called Emma travel across the world in search of the truth about where Jim came from. Battling pirates and dragons, outsmarting make-believe giants, they must travel through the Forest of a Thousand Wonders, beyond the End of the World to find the hidden Dragon City.
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Jim Button and Luke the Engine Driver


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Set in the 1800s, the film is about a "dacoit" tribe who take charge in fight for their rights and independence against the British.
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The film is a violent, edgy ride focusing on down and out Reagan Tyler, a man who is troubled by visions and premonitions that ultimately lead him to old school Las Vegas. It's there that Reagan meets the beautiful and mysterious Monika, a young woman who turns out to have been killed the night before he even met her. Reagan is then forced to put the puzzle together of what happened, how she is still present, and help Monika with her revenge on the killers of her younger sister.
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Blade Runner 2049 - 2048: Nowhere to Run

“2048: Nowhere to Run” takes place one year before the events of Blade Runner 2049. The short film focuses on Sapper, a man who is trying to make it through life day-by-day without turning back to his old ways. We’re introduced to both the gentle nature of Sapper and the violence he’s capable of when set off.
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Blade Runner 2049 - 2048: Nowhere to Run


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Il mistero del profumo verde

Durante una rappresentazione teatrale della Comédie-Française, a Parigi, un attore muore avvelenato sul palco. Spirando fra le braccia di Martin, suo collega e amico, dice una frase criptica: «Mi hanno ucciso... Il profumo verde...». Subito dopo è Martin a ritrovarsi drogato e prigioniero in una villa fuori città, interrogato da un rappresentante della fantomatica Repubblica di Volognie, e poi, una volta libero, ricercato dalle autorità francesi che lo sospettano di omicidio e di complotto contro lo Stato. La sola a sostenerlo sarà la stralunata fumettista Claire, che lo seguirà prima in Belgio e poi in Ungheria, dove durante un'altra rappresentazione teatrale andrà in scena la resa dei conti fra i veri complottisti, le forze dell'ordine e i due poveri malcapitati.
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Il mistero del profumo verde


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Weekend Rebels

Mirco von Juterczenka's novel "Wir Wochenendrebellen" is the story of a father and his ten-year-old son, who is Asperger's autistic. The boy has set his mind on finally finding his favourite football club. But his selection criteria are very specific and besides, he wants to experience all the clubs (no matter in which league they play) live in the stadium.
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Weekend Rebels


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King - Un cucciolo da salvare

King, un cucciolo di leone destinato alla tratta, scappa dall'aeroporto e si rifugia in casa di Inès, 12 anni, e Alex, 15. Fratello e sorella, i due hanno la folle idea di volerlo riportare a casa, in Africa, ma superare i controlli della dogana non è cosa da poco. Quando però Max, il nonno che hanno visto solo due volte nella loro vita, si unisce alla loro avventura, tutto diventerà possibile...
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King - Un cucciolo da salvare


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Son of a Rich 2

Grigory, the son of an oligarch, is fully rehabilitated after his humbling experience as a 19th-century serf. Moreover, he develops a strong sense of moral justice. When he meets a pampered young socialite named Katya, he is abhorred by her insolent escapades. Grigory transports Katya “back in time” to teach her a valuable lesson about humility.
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Son of a Rich 2


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Elevator Game

Socially awkward teenager Ryan discovers that the night his sister disappeared, she had played 'The Elevator Game' — a ritual conducted in an elevator in which players attempt to travel to another dimension using a set of rules found online. Ignoring warnings, he resolves to follow and find her.
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Elevator Game


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The Calm Beyond

A young woman lives, hidden in plain sight in a ruined Hong Kong building after a tsunami destroyed the city - a castaway on a concrete island. Her concealed existence is changed forever when a small child literally floats into her life.
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The Calm Beyond


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Roughly chronological, from 3/96 to 11/96, with a coda in spring of 1997: inside compounds of Aum Shinrikyo, a Buddhist sect led by Shoko Asahara. (Members confessed to a murderous sarin attack in the Tokyo subway in 1995.) We see what they eat, where they sleep, and how they respond to media scrutiny, on-going trials, the shrinking of their fortunes, and the criticism of society. Central focus is placed on Hiroshi Araki, a young man who finds himself elevated to chief spokesman for Aum after its leaders are arrested. Araki faces extreme hostility from the Japanese public, who find it hard to believe that most followers of the cult had no idea of the attacks and even harder to understand why these followers remain devoted to the religion, if not the violence.
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Don't Sleep

After moving into a cottage together, two young lovers confront horrors of a forgotten childhood.
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Don't Sleep


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Hunted - Chi ha paura del lupo cattivo?

Eve incontra in un bar quello che reputa un ragazzo affascinante. Le cose per lei si complicano quando realizza di avere in realtà di fronte uno psicopatico che ha anche un complice. I due la inseguono con pessime intenzioni ma Eve non si arrende: la foresta sarà la sua sola alleata per la salvezza…
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Hunted - Chi ha paura del lupo cattivo?


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In Desert and Wilderness

Fourteen year old Polish boy Stas Tarkowski and eight year old Nel Rawlison from England are kidnapped as the hostages by Arabic fanatics and taken to their religion leader. Then they manage to escape and try to return to their fathers. Children have a lot of dangerous adventures, meet two Black kids; Kali and Mea, who also help them, make a friendship with an elephant and help one Black's tribe.
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In Desert and Wilderness


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Mister Car e i Templari

Quando uno storico dell'arte trova un'antica croce dei Templari deve fare squadra con un improbabile gruppo di avventurieri per scoprire i segreti della reliquia.
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Mister Car e i Templari


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Upon the Magic Roads

Il romantico John il Matto e il suo amico Puledro partono per una serie di imprevedibili avventure in diversi mondi magici. I due amici dovranno superare in astuzia un malvagio re tiranno, catturare l'uccello di fuoco e trovare il vero amore di John.
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Upon the Magic Roads


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Bullet Train Down

On its maiden run, the world's fastest bullet train is rigged with a bomb that will explode if it dips below 200 mph.
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Bullet Train Down


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Zoey 102

Il matrimonio di Quinn (Erin Sanders) e Logan (Matthew Underwood) si trasforma presto da rimpatriata della PCA a bagno di realtà per la nostra Zoey (Jamie Lynn Spears) che - ancora felicemente single - decide di farsi accompagnare dal suo nuovo, bellissimo (e fintissimo) fidanzato.
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Zoey 102


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Spy x Family Code: White

Lui è una spia. Lei è un’assassina. Insieme, Loid e Yor tengono riservata la loro doppia vita, fingendo di essere una famiglia perfetta. Tuttavia, la loro figlia adottiva Anya, una telepate, conosce a loro insaputa gli eccitanti segreti di entrambi. Con la scusa di portare la famiglia a fare un weekend di vacanza invernale, il tentativo di Loid di fare progressi nella sua attuale missione Operazione Strix si rivela difficile quando Anya viene erroneamente coinvolta e scatena eventi che minacciano la pace nel mondo!
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Spy x Family Code: White


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The Girl from Nowhere

Michel, a retired math teacher, has lived alone since his wife’s death and occupies his time writing an essay about the beliefs that shape daily life. One day he comes across Dora, a young homeless woman, who shows up injured on his doorstep, and puts her up until she recovers. Her presence brings something new to Michel’s life, but gradually the apartment becomes the site of mysterious happenings.
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The Girl from Nowhere


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Sniper: G.R.I.T. - Global Response & Intelligence Team

Quando una setta terroristica internazionale minaccia la stabilità politica globale e rapisce un collega agente, l'asso cecchino Brandon Beckett e il neonato Global Response & Intelligence Team - o G.R.I.T. - guidati dal colonnello Stone devono viaggiare attraverso il mondo fino a Malta, infiltrarsi nel culto ed eliminare il suo leader per liberare Lady Morte e fermare la minaccia globale.
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Sniper: G.R.I.T. - Global Response & Intelligence Team


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Old People

Una donna che è tornata a casa con i suoi due figli per partecipare al matrimonio di sua sorella deve improvvisamente difendere la propria vita contro gli anziani in una follia omicida.
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Old People


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