Will To Love (2015)

(5,4) basato su 5 voti
Data di uscita
giu 27, 2015
01h 24m
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Terror Train 2

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Il ritorno del pistolero

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Twenty-year-old Cal returns from France to Britain after receiving news that his mother is ill. His finds his home city of Bristol facing hard economic times brought on by the global economic crisis, with poverty and crime on the rise and rioting and looting almost a nightly occurrence. It is not a warm homecoming as his sick mother remains stubbornly homophobic and wants nothing to do with the now openingly gay Cal while his battered Auntie Jane, now living in a run down council house, dulls her stagnation with welfare funded booze and disturbing attempts to sexually seduce her nephew. Navigating his way across this new landscape he meets a young student who needs his help. However his act of kindness brings him into contact with a lawless drug dealing pimp and a race against time to make peace with his mother and get out of town as quickly as possible. An intense tale of a family mired in poverty, angry and lost but still searching for love, respect and acceptance.
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A Bright Moon

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Nils Petter Molvaer - Baboon Moon

Il suono di Molvaer ricorda l'architettura lirica di Miles Davis, l'inventore del jazz fusion. Almeno così era alla fine degli anni '90 quando Molvaer con il suo album "Khmer" crea la fusione di Jazz e Electronica spingendolo in avanti. Ma Molvaer è un cercatore creativo, che ora lavora con una nuova semplicità e chiarezza.Attualmente Molvaer lavora in trio: formato da due principianti dell jazz. Il giovane chitarrista Stian Westerhus proveniente dalla band post-rock "Jaga Jazzist", il batterista Erland Dahlen che ha suonato a lungo nella band psichedelica "Madrugada.
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Il Truffatore - The C(r)ook

A killer for the Russian Mafia in Vienna wants to retire and write a book about his passion - cooking. The mafia godfather suspects treason.
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Deportees 3

The war is over and the deportees are back to their homes and each is after his life. A TV-show is trying to meet some old veterans of war. One of them who is very sick should go to hospital but they late and he is near to meet death. This cause his other friends (the deportees) who now are each with a different look to come visit him.
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Deportees 3


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Nella seconda parte, Goku viene ingaggiato da Yoshiko Kadoma, una ragazza che gli chiede di ritrovare suo fratello Ryo; il suo compenso sarà di tre milioni di yen, ma solo se riuscirà a ritrovarlo entro tre giorni al massimo. Zenzo Kadoma, comandante in capo delle forze speciali giapponesi, nonché patrigno di Yoshiko e Ryo, ha utilizzato quest'ultimo come cavia, dotandolo di enormi poteri paranormali che lo hanno trasformato in un assassino incontrollabile. Yoshiko chiede a Goku di aiutarla a ritrovare Ryo in modo da potergli iniettare una droga che lo farebbe tornare alla normalità. Purtroppo quando i due trovano il fratello della ragazza, Ryo ha perso il controllo e, per evitare la morte di altri innocenti, Yoshiko chiede a Goku di uccidere suo fratello. Ma in realtà le cose non sono come sembrano...
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Donizetti: L'elisir d'amore

Donizetti's L'Elisir d'Amore is one of the staples of the comic opera repertory. The plot hinges on whether earnest but dim-witted Nemorino will snag Adina, the flirtatious heroine. She's a tease who takes up with Belcore, an army sergeant, to make Nemorino jealous. After numerous (and humorous) plot twists that include a phony love potion, it all ends happily. Adina and Nemorino declare their love for each other, Belcore is dumped, and the fraudulent Dulcamara does a landslide business in love potions. It's all a fast-moving bundle of fun, especially with the star-filled cast of this 2005 Vienna State Opera performance.
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The Voice

An actress needs to dub her voice after the production of her movie has wrapped. At the same time, she is facing a life crisis that alters her plans: just released from the hospital, she realizes that her illness is more than she can emotionally handle. Overwhelmed, she has to look at the simple task of dubbing from a completely new perspective. This film had an attendance of 2.3 million in the Soviet Union when it was released.
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Atomik Circus

James Bataille is in love. He attempts to stage an elaborate motorcycle stunt to impress the girl, but when it goes sour, he ends up in prison with a 133-year sentence. Bataille escapes from behind bars to make an appointment to fix the car of music biz tycoon, as well as watch the love of his life take part in the town's annual talent show.
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Rainbow Dance is a 1936 British animated film released by the GPO Film Unit. This is Lye's second film. It uses the Gasparcolor process.
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Educazione fisica

I genitori di tre alunni vengono convocati dalla preside di una scuola media di provincia: è successo un fattaccio, di cui i loro figli sono i responsabili. Ma è difficile da credere e da accettare. La palestra si trasforma in un’aula di tribunale improvvisata, dove ha inizio un processo feroce nel tentativo ostinato di smentire e nascondere la verità.
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