Параллельные прямые пересекаются в бесконечности (2016)

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Film Simili a Параллельные прямые пересекаются в бесконечности

Angelica e il gran sultano

Rapita da Escrainvilla e da Corano, Angelica è ad Algeri nelle mani di un certo Mezzo Morte, che rifornisce l'harem del re del Marocco. Con l'aiuto di due schiavi cristiani, la donna riesce a fuggire, ma è inseguita dagli uomini del sovrano che la vogliono uccidere. Sarà salvata dal marito in cambio del segreto per fondere l'oro, e con lui potrà mettersi alla ricerca dei due figli, anch'essi rapiti...
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Angelica e il gran sultano


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Decalogo 5

Jacek è un poco di buono. È un teppista, un vandalo, completamente privo di senso morale. Piotr, invece, è un uomo dai sani principi, che crede nella giustizia ma non nella pena capitale, che considera inutile: sin dai tempi di Caino, considera, nessuna pena è mai stata un valido deterrente. Jacek, senza alcun motivo apparente se non per la propria malvagità, uccide un taxista, un uomo comunque sgradevole come lui. Viene arrestato e tocca proprio a Piotr, appena diventato avvocato, difenderlo in tribunale. Tutto è inutile, e Jacek viene condannato.
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Decalogo 5


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Il fascino del delitto

Franck Poupart is a slightly neurotic door-to-door salesman in a sinister part of Paris' suburbs. He meets Mona, a teenager, who's been made a prostitute by her own aunt. Franck would like to change his life and also save Mona from her aunt. Murder is the only solution.
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Il fascino del delitto


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The Hour of Liberation Has Arrived

In the late 1960s, Dhofar rose up against the British-backed Sultanate of Oman, in a democratic, Leninist guerrilla movement. Director Heiny Srour and her team crossed 500 miles of desert and mountains by foot, under bombardment by the British Royal Air Force, to reach the conflict zone and capture this rare record of a now mostly-forgotten war.
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The Hour of Liberation Has Arrived


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La Condizione Umana: Parte III – La preghiera del soldato

Il battaglione del caporale Kaji (Tatsuya Nakadai) viene sconfitto dall'Armata Rossa in Manciuria e gli ultimi superstiti, tra cui lo stesso Kaji, sono costretti ad attraversare la giungla, dove incontrano alcuni civili che si uniscono al gruppo, tra contrasti per le ultime razioni del cibo e altre perdite umane. Arrivano così a un villaggio dove però poco dopo vengono presi prigionieri dai russi. Kaji non demorde mai dalla sua lotta contro la difesa dei diritti umani ma è anche tormentato dagli omicidi commessi in guerra, finché non verrà mandato in Siberia ai lavori forzati.
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La Condizione Umana: Parte III – La preghiera del soldato


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Outrage Beyond

Mentre la polizia cerca di smantellare il crimine organizzato su scala nazionale, scoppia una guerra tra i due più potenti clan Yakuza del Giappone: i Sanno dell'est e gli Hanabishi dell'ovest. Non riuscendo a porre freno all'ondata di sangue generata, la polizia decide di rimettere in libertà Otomo, il vecchio scagnozzo che tutti credevano morto.
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Outrage Beyond


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...et pour quelques hectares de plus

Trama non disponibile
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...et pour quelques hectares de plus


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Bruscolo alla fattoria

Bosko fishes, and sings and dances with frogs. But two ladybugs use a wasp as an airplane, and a beehive and tree branch as a machine gun to drive him away.
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Bruscolo alla fattoria


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Zombie Fight Club

It's the end of the century at a corner of the city in a building riddled with crime - Everyone in the building has turned into zombies. After Jenny's boyfriend is killed in a zombie attack, she faces the challenge of surviving in the face of adversity. In order to stay alive, she struggles with Andy to flee danger.
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Zombie Fight Club


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Passion Fanny Ardant

A portrait of the famous French actress Fanny Ardant, who has worked with great figures of cinema such as Agnès Varda, Alain Resnais, Michelangelo Antonioni, Sydney Pollack and, above all, François Truffaut (1932-84), with whom she had a sentimental relationship and whose death marked the rest of her life.
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Passion Fanny Ardant


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Tension mounts between a quadraplegic man and his wife as she prepares a bath for him.
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Il... Belpaese

Anni '70. Dopo ben otto anni trascorsi su una piattaforma petrolifera, Guido Belardinelli ritorna in Italia, nella natia Milano, trovandola immersa nel caos dei terribili anni di piombo. Con i suoi risparmi apre un negozio di orologeria che però non ha il successo sperato. È inoltre bersaglio di attacchi malavitosi ad opera di Spadozza, un boss locale che intende rilevare il suo negozio per trasformarlo in un punto per lo smercio di droga, oltre ad essere spesso vittima di furti e rapine da parte di ladri e gruppi di studenti-rivoluzionari.
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Il... Belpaese


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We follow Ichi during his high school years. Mr. Dai is the best fighter in school... whenever he fights Ichi is there and has a huge smile on his face. Mr. Dai thinks that Ichi is laughing at him but in fact he enjoys watching the violence that goes through the fights. Everyone is bullying, taunting and making fun of Ichi... even little kids from his karate class. Yet Ichi refuses to let go of his anger and fight others. Just when Mr. Dai is about to get Ichi, a new transfer student starts to make his own laws... by beating up everyone and breaking their bones! In a fight with the new student, Mr. Dai ends up on the ground, beaten and broken up from almost everywhere. It seems like this new guy wants to fight Ichi because supposedly he is the only one that could give him some challenge.
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When a British-born actor abandons his Hollywood career to volunteer to Join the Kurdish YPG to fight ISIS in Syria, many see him as a selfless hero battling America's most insidious enemy. But others think he's a hot-tempered narcissist, staging a publicity stunt to further his career - and when his service ends, neither the UK nor the US welcome him back. Through incisive interviews with the actor, his supporters, his detractors, and top-tier experts - and featuring the actor's own jaw-dropping helmet-cam video of deadly battles with and interrogations of ISIS fighters - Heval gives viewers unprecedented access into a war against evil and one man's controversial role in it.
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Duro, veloce e bello

When most people look at Florence Farley, they see a pretty teenager. But when Milly Farley looks at her daughter she sees something else: a tennis prodigy who could be Milly’s ticket to money and fame.
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Duro, veloce e bello


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Open To You

A residence event is held to support visual artists. Both local and foreign artists gather at this faraway location. They begin to lodge at the accommodation that used to be a cattle shed in a pear orchard. As the day of the exhibition draws near, fans gather at this residence, among them a young woman named 'Yul-li.' Artists disappear one by one, making the residence spookier than ever.
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Open To You


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Varg Veum - The Writing on the Wall

Varg Veum is no longer working as a private investigator. He's got a permanent job as a teacher, and has calmed down his life, enjoying the domestic bliss with his new girlfriend Karin, but the idyll doesn't last long. Veum gets a brutal meeting with the past, when "The Knife" is released from prison, determined to take revenge on those who got him convicted for the murder of a teenage girl.
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Varg Veum - The Writing on the Wall


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Needing You...

Wah and Kinki both work at a computer company. Despite not getting on too well initially, their friendship develops into romance when they get to know each other after a while.
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Needing You...


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Varda by Agnès

Agnès Varda mette in luce la sua stessa esperienza di regista, soffermandosi su ciò che lei definisce "cine-scrittura" e viaggiando da Rue Daguerre a Parigi fino a Los Angeles e Pechino.
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Varda by Agnès


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The Girl in the Sneakers

In love with a teenage boy, Tadaei leaves home in the morning heading for school but decides not to go to school and instead starts wandering in the streets of Tehran. She makes up her mind not to return to home and run away with her lover, because of her parents' reaction to her having a boyfriend but meandering in the city, she gets into some troubles that make her change her mentality of love and inevitably her pathway
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The Girl in the Sneakers


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Lutherapia es un espectáculo teatral de humor musical del conjunto argentino de instrumentos informales Les Luthiers. Se estrenó el 22 de agosto de 2008 en el Teatro Astengo, de Rosario, Argentina, y su éxito logró que permaneciera en cartelera hasta el 2010, luego, siendo sucedido por el espectáculo ¡CHIST!, el cuál es un antología de Les Luthiers y lleva varias semanas vigente. El espectáculo gira en torno a un terapia psicoanalítica en la que Marcos Mundstock representa el papel de psicólogo y Daniel Rabinovich el de paciente, y la charla entre ambos va dando lugar a los números que componen el espectáculo. Este espectáculo ha sido aclamado tanto por la crítica como por el público.
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The time has come for CREAM - the latest product that will fix your life. This is the story of Dr. Bellifer, a scientific genius, who after years of smashing particles together, reveals his revolutionary new product: a cream with the power to fix all of the world’s problems.
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Stanlio e Ollio finiscono in prigione dopo varie peripezie. In seguito a una sommossa dei prigionieri riescono ad evadere e si nascondono in una piantagione di cotone camuffandosi da schiavi di colore. Vengono però riconosciuti dal direttore delle carceri e sono di nuovo ricondotti in prigione. Otterranno la libertà in premio del loro comportamento durante una seconda rivolta dei prigionieri.
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