البئر (2015)

(6) basato su 2 voti
Data di uscita
set 10, 2015
01h 36m
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Film Simili a البئر

The Senior Class

By agreeing to keep his crush's secret, a college student becomes her friend. But things soon fall apart when she gets swept up in scandalous rumors.
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The Senior Class


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Michael Lives Alone

A young photographer's home is haunted by it's former residents.
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Michael Lives Alone


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Sissi - Il destino di un'imperatrice

Dopo la celebrazione delle nozze con Francesco Giuseppe, Sissi deve confrontarsi con i problemi della politica. Malgrado la sua giovane età, dà subito dimostrazione di tatto e dell'innato carisma che la contraddistingue, riuscendo a placare i focolai rivoluzionari scoppiati in Ungheria e in Italia.
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Sissi - Il destino di un'imperatrice


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Decalogo 10

Artur e Jerzy sono due fratelli molto diversi fra loro: il primo è serio, posato e padre di famiglia; il secondo è uno spirito ribelle, cantante rock e scapestrato. I due si ritroveranno, dopo due anni, per il funerale del loro padre. Quando però a visitare la casa del genitore, fanno una singolare scoperta: l'uomo viveva da anni in estrema povertà, eppure trovano centinaia e centinaia di francobolli in un armadio. Quando cercano di venderli per guadagnare qualcosa, fanno una scoperta ancor più incredibile: nel corso di 30 anni di vita il padre ha messo insieme una collezione che vale centinaia di milioni.
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Decalogo 10


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Dragon Ball Z - Sfida alla leggenda

Dopo sette anni dalla sua sconfitta, una navicella contenente un Broly in fin di vita si schianta sulla Terra. Videl, Goten e Trunks, alla ricerca delle sfere del drago, capitano in un villaggio povero, anche se ricco di cristalli. Lo sciamano del posto gli rivela che un terribile mostro minaccia il villaggio così i tre amici, in cambio della promessa di ricevere in cambio la sfera, sconfiggono il mostro che si rivela essere un dinosauro molto debole. Quando però Videl e Goten hanno un battibecco tra di loro, le urla di quest'ultimo risvegliano l'odio cieco del leggendario Super Saiyan. Una forte eruzione vulcanica porta Videl ad investigare finendo per imbattersi proprio con Broly.
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Dragon Ball Z - Sfida alla leggenda


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For frihed og ret

Trama non disponibile
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For frihed og ret


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Ketki marries Vinay, who is exploited by hard-nosed businessman Tirpat. Ketki then organizes local women against Tirpat & Co. Her group includes her sister-in-law, who had a run-in with a dangerous priest.
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Underworld: Evolution

Continua la saga della guerra tra Vampiri e Licantropi. Si scoprono le origini dell'odio tra le due razze grazie alle ricerche della vampira Selene e dell'ibrido Michael, che tentano di venire a capo della loro discendenza. Naturalmente questo finirà per portarli ad una nuova resa dei conti...
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Underworld: Evolution


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Scrooge: Canto di Natale

Nuovo adattamento cinematografico animato del racconto senza tempo di Charles Dickens. La storia vede il vecchio, ricco e avaro Scrooge affrontare il suo passato e aprire gli occhi sul presente durante la vigilia di Natale, così da poter costruire un futuro migliore per chi ha bisogno di aiuto.
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Scrooge: Canto di Natale


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Destination Death

A group of West German men on a stag party find themselves stranded in a Montenegrin village inhabited only by vengeful women since all their men were shot during the war.
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Destination Death


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Outskirts of Moscow. A girl comes to an unfamiliar apartment to look after a dog. After a while, she realizes that the owner of the apartment has disappeared. She finds herself into a series of people that have been taking care of the dog for years in that same apartment, creating a weird community around this strange absence of the owner.
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Ekti Bangali Bhooter Goppo

A woman who was not happy in married life accidentally kills her husband and then the ghost of the man haunts her. She can't bear the trauma and tries to suicide. A must watch film for those who loves horror and mystery thriller.
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Ekti Bangali Bhooter Goppo


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A woman recounts her sensual yet macabre childhood memory about the boy next door.
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Six Hours: Surviving Typhoon Yolanda

In the middle of a broadcast about Typhoon Yolanda's initial impact, reporter Jiggy Manicad was faced with the reality that he no longer had communication with his station. They were, for all intents and purposes, stranded in Tacloban. With little option, and his crew started the six hour walk to Alto, where the closest broadcast antenna was to be found. Letting the world know what was happening to was a priority, but they were driven by the need to let their families and friends know they were all still alive. Along the way, they encountered residents and victims of the massive typhoon, and with each step it became increasingly clear just how devastating this storm was. This was a storm that was going to change lives.
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Six Hours: Surviving Typhoon Yolanda


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The Show Must Go Off! One Man Army Live at The Troubadour

Recorded at The Troubadour in West Hollywood, California, February 4, 2003.
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The Show Must Go Off! One Man Army Live at The Troubadour


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Liberation: The Last Assault

In Berlin, Lieutenant Yartsev's infantry and Tzvetaev's battery fight their way in the U-Bahn. Captain Neustroev's company is selected to hoist the Victory Banner atop the Reichstag.
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Liberation: The Last Assault


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75 Degrees in July

Sibling rivalry and other conflicts are revealed as one daughter, now a successful modern artist living in New York, returns to visit her Texas family.
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75 Degrees in July


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Bewildered Bolbol

Bulbul meets a successful aristocratic girl named Yasmine, but she's not the romantic type he dreams of, at the same time he admires his cousin Hala for her calmness and kindness. In the middle of all this, the psychiatrist Amal shows up and he thinks of getting engaged to her.
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Bewildered Bolbol


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Flat Foot Stooges

The stooges are firemen at a station that still uses horses to pull the engines. A salesman who wants to sell the chief some modern equipment plants gun powder in one of the engines. The chiefs daughter catches him and after a chase both are knocked unconscious. When a fire starts, the stooges respond to the alarm, but don't realize its their firehouse that's burning! Somehow they manage to arrive in time to save the girl, and the villain gets his just desserts.
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Flat Foot Stooges


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O statečném kováři

Hrdinou příběhu je silný a odvážný mladý kovář s dobrým srdcem. Jmenuje se Mikeš a stejně jako jeho otec i on zatouží vydat se do světa na zkušenou. Cestou se spřátelí se dvěma mladými siláky, mlynářským pomocníkem Matějem a pacholkem Ondrou. Když se dovědí o třech krásných princeznách, které záhadně zmizely, přesvědčí Mikeš své lenivé společníky, aby se vydali ztracené královské dcery hledat. Po dlouhé cestě plné překážek se jim podaří zjistit, že princezny unesl zlý Černý král. Když se Mikešovi podaří přelstít ohyzdnou babici, a výměnou za její utržený vous získat její služby, podaří se jim osvobodit dvě ze tří princezen. Boj o záchranu třetí, nejkrásnější princezny však bude mnohem obtížnější.
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O statečném kováři


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Der Herr Karl

The antihero "Mr. Karl" tells a "young person", the viewer, his life story while he sits at work in the warehouse of a delicatessen. The narrator increasingly turns out to be an opportunistic follower from the petty-bourgeois milieu, who maneuvered his way through life in the changing course of Austrian history from the end of the First World War to the end of the occupation in the 1950s.
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Der Herr Karl


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Nasrin; a wild rose, purged of its share of dry branches tries to flourish in Iran.
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