Oliviero Rising (2009)

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Data di uscita
feb 10, 2009
01h 25m
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Film Simili a Oliviero Rising

Il vendicatore di Jess il bandito

Quando i responsabili della morte di Jesse vengono graziati, il fratello Frank abbandona i campi e li insegue ovunque insieme ad un giovanissimo compagno. Nemmeno l'amore ricambiato per una giornalista lo distrarrà dalla sua vendetta.
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Il vendicatore di Jess il bandito


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Siempre la duda

Trama non disponibile
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Siempre la duda


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Scusa ma ti voglio sposare

Seguito di "Scusa ma ti chiamo amore". Ritroviamo Alex e Niki tre anni dopo che si sono giurati amore eterno al faro: adesso lui ha capito che Niki è la donna della sua vita, nonostante la differenza d'età, e le chiede di sposarlo. Sulle prime, Niki è felice, ma poi con l'avvicinarsi della data fatidica non riesce a tenere a bada la paura sempre più crescente e decide di mandare a monte tutto. Ma per loro non sarà finita, perchè ci saranno nuovi colpi di scena in arrivo.
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Scusa ma ti voglio sposare


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Hello! Project 2008 Winter ~Kashimashi Elder Club~

Hello! Project concert held in Yokohama Arena.
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Hello! Project 2008 Winter ~Kashimashi Elder Club~


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No Greater Love

Jeff and Heather Baker were life long sweethearts and happily married... for a time. But at her greatest moment of weakness, Heather abandons Jeff, forcing Jeff to raise their young son alone. Ten years later, through a God ordained encounter, Jeff and Heather meet again. They must wrestle with forgiveness, reconciliation and the pressing of the Savior on their hearts.
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No Greater Love


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Blood Spilled at Takadanobaba

The tale of Nakayama Yasubei’s duel is famous, even if he in reality probably did not cut down 18 opponents. The story has been related in film, rakugo, kodan and on stage many times, in part because Nakayama later joined the famous 47 Ronin (Chushingura) as Horibe Yasubei. But Makino and Inagaki’s version gives no hint of this more serious future, playing up the thrills and the comedy with Bando’s bravura performance. The multiple pans of Yasubei running to the duel are an exemplar of the experimental flourishes of 1930s Japanese cinema and the final duel, performed virtually like a dance number, is a marker of Makino’s love of rhythm and one of the best sword fights in Japanese film history. The film was originally released under the title Chikemuri Takadanoba (Bloody Takadanobaba) with a length of 57 minutes, but suffered some cuts and a title change when it was re-released in 1952.
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Blood Spilled at Takadanobaba


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Smart Things

There is a noisy bazaar inconspicuous shop with a sign "Smart Things". And the goods in it completely wonderful no ordinary thing to find. Anyone who would go to the store, they can buy there thing and pay high seller does not require. That's just not everyone will be able to such curiosities to really take advantage of.
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Smart Things


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At the end of September 1941, Soviet artillery troops in besieged Leningrad realize that pretty soon they will fire their last shot, and after that the defense of the city will be doomed. The film is based on a true event: a small group of fearless soldiers transported a large supply of gunpowder through enemy lines to Leningrad.
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Marty Feldman: Six Degrees of Separation

A documentary about the legendary and influential comedian, actor and writer, who went out from the BBC to conquer Hollywood, but sadly the system quickly withdrew its support when they couldn't contain his talents. This portrait is spiked with many comments from people who knew Feldman privately or had dealt with him professionally. His early death sadly rendered him all but forgotten by the public. The compilation consists of interviews, some film clips and photos as well as various audio clips from him.
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Marty Feldman: Six Degrees of Separation


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What If...

Athens - Greece - The age of Economic crisis Demetris is a highly independent man who lives a normal life. A confirmed bachelor at the age of 33! When a moment arrives, his choice at that point in time will change everything. His roommate is a female German Shepherd called Lonesome. One night, after supper, Lonesome wants to be taken out. Demetris tries to change her mind but Lonesome insists Its at this moment that he comes to a decision. This decision will change his entire life. If Demetris goes out he will meet Christina, the love of his life. If he stays in, he will not meet her. Does true love exist? What is the impact of a severe economic crisis on people and how can the crisis destroy a couple? One story shown from two different angles.
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What If...


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Turn It Up

Trying to bootstrap his way out of Brooklyn's mean streets is Diamond, a rap musician. With his long-time pal Gage acting as his manager, he's trying to lay down a demo tape with cut-rate studio time. To pay the bills, he and Gage run drugs for "Mr. B." Inside a week, Diamond's beloved mother dies suddenly, his father appears after an absence of 12 years and wants a relationship, and his girlfriend Kia tells him she's pregnant, asking him if he's ready to be a father. Gage steals $100,000 in a multiple-felony robbery so that Diamond can record a full album, not knowing it's Mr. B's money he's taken. B wants his money, Diamond wants his music, Tia wants an answer.
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Turn It Up


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The Bulleteers

Criminals with rocket powered car loot and extort the city, and only Superman can stop them!
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The Bulleteers


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A Man from Boulevard des Capucines

Mr. Jonny First arrives to the Wild West to present the art of the Cinematograph.
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A Man from Boulevard des Capucines


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Dogtown and Z-Boys

Il campione di skateboard Stacey Peralta, che negli anni Settanta ha riscritto le regole e le coreografie di questo sport insieme alla propria squadra, racconta l'evoluzione di un fenomeno non solo sportivo, ma anche culturale e generazionale.
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Dogtown and Z-Boys


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A taxi driver is trying to make ends meet with his debts. His brother, a famous TV presenter, lives every day like it's his last one. Tied in their childhood, but alienated in their adult everyday life, they will meet again under unpleasant circumstances. The shared memories, the long journeys to Jamaica - the unattainable dream shared by children - one's inexhaustible humor and the other's pure soul will unite them again.
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The Call Girls

Exploitation film about prostitution.
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The Call Girls


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500 Years

From a historic genocide trial to the overthrow of a president, the sweeping story of mounting resistance played out in Guatemala’s recent history is told through the actions and perspectives of the majority indigenous Mayan population, who now stand poised to reimagine their society.
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500 Years


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Una pistola per Ringo

Ringo, detto Faccia d'Angelo, accetta l'ingaggio come sceriffo in cambio di una partecipazione ai proventi di una rapina che non ostacolerà nei panni di tutore della legge. Nonostante quanto promesso, s'infiltra nella fattoria in cui, reduci da una rapina in banca, si sono barricati i banditi e li sgomina.
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Una pistola per Ringo


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Il libro della giungla

La pantera nera Bagheera racconta la storia di un cucciolo d'uomo da lei trovato abbandonato nella giungla e allevato da una famiglia di lupi. Mowgli, così viene chiamato, cresce con gli animali fino a quando arriva il giorno del pericolo. La feroce tigre Shere Khan, che per istinto odia gli esseri umani, è di nuovo nella zona; il bambino deve tornare con gli umani. Bagheera si assume il compito di accompagnare il riluttante Mowgli. Troverà un valido, anche se originale, aiuto nell'orso Baloo ma i problemi non mancheranno.
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Il libro della giungla


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BoOzy’ OS e la Gemma di Cristal

Arrivata dallo spazio profondo, una mucca intergalattica invita BoOzy’ OS, un uomo preistorico muscolare, a partecipare al più grande festival di film d'animazione dell'universo. BoOzy’ OS si immagina già come la star principale e parte alla ricerca di “Cristal”, il famoso premio di Annecy, con l'aiuto di OSmic the Hedgeh’ OS e di altri ragazzi cool. Però Mari’ OS, losco pancione baffuto, è ben determinato ad accaparrarsi il malloppo prima di lui.
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BoOzy’ OS e la Gemma di Cristal


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Lo scopone scientifico

Ogni anno, Peppino lo stracciarolo e la moglie Antonia attendono l'arrivo a Roma dell'eccentrica miliardaria statunitense che li sfida periodicamente a giocare a scopone scientifico.
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Lo scopone scientifico


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Betty presidentessa

Betty's campaign tries to appeal to everyone. Real candidates are parodied, but campaign promises are a bit bizarre.
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Betty presidentessa


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Anders Matthesen: ...vender tilbage

”Anders Matthesen vender tilbage” til det klassiske stand-up comedy set-up: Nærværet, improvisationen, den platte joke - side om side med noget der måske endda kunne minde om en dyb tanke? Historier fra komikerens eget liv, opdigtet vrøvl, personlige meninger, eller påtagede provokationer. Præcis hvem komikeren er, og hvad han mener, er ikke vigtigt ... Det er den fælles oplevelse og de tanker der bliver sat i gang der tæller og vigtigst af alt: Grinet! Det er så befriende at få lov at grine i længere tid af gangen. Og Anders Matthesen ved kun én ting der er bedre end selv at grine: At se dig grine!
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Anders Matthesen: ...vender tilbage


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Operação Angola: Fugir para lutar

In 1961 the liberation struggles start in Angola against the portuguese colonial power. The African students in Portugal fear for their safety and plan to flee outside the country. With the help of Theology students, French and North-American pastors, the operation code name "Angola" fled over 100 african students abroad towards freedom, amongst them several future leaders of african countries.
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