Varanasi (2012)

(4,8) basato su 5 voti
Data di uscita
feb 13, 2012
01h 38m
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Film Simili a Varanasi

The Phantom Stockman

Kim Marsden inherits a cattle station near Alice Springs after the death of her father. Kim becomes convinced her father was murdered. She sends for a legendary local bushman called the Sundowner, who was one of her father's best friends.
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The Phantom Stockman


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Chekka Chivantha Vaanam

A bloody power struggle erupts between three brothers who are vying to take over the family business following the death of their father.
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Miracle on Everest

2006 was one of the deadliest Everest seasons on record. Experienced mountaineer Lincoln Hall was invited to join an expedition as a high altitude cameraman. It was his second attempt to summit the mountain, having turned back just short 22 years earlier. Shortly after reaching the summit, Hall began to behave irrationally, suffering from lack of oxygen. Aided by his loyal Sherpas for over 9 hours, he eventually collapsed and they declared him dead. His family were informed and the news hit headlines. But something happened that night that science cannot explain. The next morning Lincoln Hall was found alive by approaching climbers and his dramatic rescue began. Never before has a man been declared dead so high on Everest and survived. This is the remarkable true story of Lincoln Hall’s extraordinary journey back from beyond.
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Miracle on Everest


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Jack Ryan - L'iniziazione

Jack Ryan è un giovane analista finanziario che lavora sotto copertura a Mosca per conto della Cia. Quando scopre che il suo datore di lavoro è implicato in un complotto teso a finanziare un attacco terroristico per far collassare l'economia americana, Jack non esita ad affrontarlo, anche a costo di mettere a repentaglio la propria vita.
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Jack Ryan - L'iniziazione


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This Is Home: A Refugee Story

The lives of four Syrian families, resettled in Baltimore and under a deadline to become self-sufficient in eight months.
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The Black Island

Tintin is out on a peaceful walk. But the comfortable atmosphere will not last long. When an aircraft with an engine failure lands, Tintin does his part to help, but he is shot and ends up in hospital.
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The Black Island


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La Vie Privée des Animaux 2

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La Vie Privée des Animaux 2


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Black Sea

Il capitano di sommergibili Robinson, con un divorzio alle spalle e un figlio adolescente con cui non ha quasi alcun rapporto, viene licenziato dalla sua società di recupero relitti. Robinson decide di riscattarsi con un’impresa straordinaria: recuperare l’immenso carico d’oro contenuto in un sommergibile tedesco che giace sul fondo del Mar Nero dal 1941. Una volta raggiunto il tesoro sommerso, l’avidità dei membri dell’equipaggio prenderà il sopravvento in un gioco al massacro alla fine del quale potrà restarne soltanto uno.
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Black Sea


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Resident Evil: Extinction

La razza umana è stata sterminata da un virus che muta in zombie.Il T-virus, creato dalla Umbrella Corporation, ha trasformato la popolazione mondiale in morti viventi, portandola alla quasi totale estinzione. Ora la compagnia cerca di rimediare, ma per farlo ha bisogno di Alice, mutata geneticamente in un essere sovrumano. La donna cerca rifugio in Alaska, dove anche altri superstiti si stanno recando.
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Resident Evil: Extinction


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L'agente speciale Mackintosh

Un agente del controspionaggio inglese, in carcere, come detenuto, contatta una spia nemica. Tra Malta e l'Irlanda scopre un rete spionistica che fa capo ad insospettabili.
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L'agente speciale Mackintosh


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Jennifer Lopez | iHeartRadio Music Festival 2011

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Jennifer Lopez | iHeartRadio Music Festival 2011


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Mind Games

After suffering a head injury during training, aspiring footballer Jordan traverses his own mind and memory in order to rediscover his passions and fix his broken relationship with his Coach Father.
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Mind Games


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Resident Evil: Afterlife

In un mondo devastato da un virus che trasforma i contagiati in zombie, Alice prosegue il suo viaggio alla ricerca dei sopravvissuti, nel tentativo di radunarli e guidarli verso la salvezza. La sua battaglia contro la Umbrella Corporation riprende e la combattente riceve aiuto da un vecchio amico, che promette di guidare i sopravvissuti verso Los Angeles. Una volta giunti nella città scoprono che è infestata da migliaia di zombie: una trappola mortale da cui uscire sembra impossibile.
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Resident Evil: Afterlife


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RoboCop è ambientato nel 2028, anno in cui la multinazionale conglomerata OmniCorp è leader nell’industria robotica. All’estero, i droni da essa prodotti, vengono impiegati dalle forze militari da anni, ma sono stati vietati come tutori della legge all’interno dei confini americani. Ora la OmniCorp vorrebbe impiegare questa controversa tecnologia anche sul fronte interno, considerando questa opportunità un’occasione d’oro. Quando Alex Murphy (Joel Kinnaman) – marito affettuoso, padre, e buon poliziotto, facendo del suo meglio per arginare l’ondata di criminalità e corruzione a Detroit – resta gravemente ferito, la OmniCorp intravede un’occasione unica per creare un poliziotto ibrido, in parte uomo ed in parte robot. La OmniCorp immagina un futuro in cui ogni città avrà il suo RoboCop, con conseguenti ricavi miliardari per i propri azionisti; ma alla OmniCorp stanno dimenticando una cosa fondamentale: che c’è pur sempre un uomo all’interno della macchina.
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X-Men - Conflitto finale

Finalmente la sfida tra umani e mutanti sta per subire una svolta decisiva: questi ultimi verranno accettati e integrati nella comunità se decideranno di sottoporsi alla cura per la sottrazione dei loro poteri. Il dottor Xavier e i suoi seguaci, fedeli al concetto di tolleranza, si trovano ancora una volta a dover combattere contro l'ostile Magneto e il suo esercito di mutanti ribelli che si è arricchito di una nuova terribile alleata: la Fenice Nera, ovvero la rediviva Jane Grey passata dall'altra parte della barricata...
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X-Men - Conflitto finale


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American Hot Wax

This is the story loosely based on Cleveland disc jockey Alan Freed, who introduced rock'n'roll to teenage American radio audiences in the 1950s. Freed was a source of great controversy: criticized by conservatives for corrupting youth with the "devil's music"; hated by racists for promoting African American music for white consumption; persecuted by law enforcement officials and finally brought down by the "payola" scandals.
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American Hot Wax


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Ever After High: Dragon Games

In the epic series from Ever After High and Netflix, the powerful princesses go on a brand new adventure. Baby dragons hatch at Ever After High and the most amazing sport ever after returns, Dragon Games! But all is not fun and games when the Evil Queen escapes from behind her mirror and plans to take over the school.
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Ever After High: Dragon Games


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Friends battle former U.S. presidents when they come back from the dead as zombies on the Fourth of July.
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RETURN tells the story of a retired Green Beret who embarks on a healing journey from Montana to Vietnam. There he retraces his steps, shares his wartime experiences with his son, treats his Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder, and seeks out the mountain tribespeople he once lived with and fought alongside as a Special Forces officer.
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Lady Gaga: iTunes Festival 2013

Lady Gaga opens the iTunes Festival with an hour-long performance of music from her upcoming album ARTPOP. Surrounded by her Little Monsters in London's celebrated Roundhouse, Lady Gaga performs seven new songs, including her hit single "Applause."
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Lady Gaga: iTunes Festival 2013


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Rocky V

Fisicamente invecchiato e rovinato da affaristi privi di scrupoli, Rocky ritrova la voglia di vivere per la sua famiglia e per allenare un giovane promettente che finirà per rivoltarglisi contro.
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Rocky V


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Deidra & Laney Rob a Train

After their mother ends up in jail, two sisters turn to train robbery in order to support their family.
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Deidra & Laney Rob a Train


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The Legend of the Galactic Heroes: Die Neue These Collision 1

True enemies are uncovered in the continuation of Legend of the Galactic Heroes: Die Neue These.
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The Legend of the Galactic Heroes: Die Neue These Collision 1


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Scott Pilgrim vs. the Animation

Scott Pilgrim vs. The Animation is an animated short based on Bryan Lee O'Malley's "Scott Pilgrim" franchise.
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Joy in Moscow

Pretty Joy and her friend come to Moscow to shoot a commercial. A taxi driver, who recruits girls for an underground organization run by a distant descendant of Rasputin, suggests they visit the Rasputin Museum. During the tour, the girls are hypnotized by the evil character, who hypnotizes his victims before using their charms to seduce the rich tourists.
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Joy in Moscow


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Atlas Shrugged: Part III: Who Is John Galt?

Approaching collapse, the nation's economy is quickly eroding. As crime and fear take over the countryside, the government continues to exert its brutal force against the nation's most productive who are mysteriously vanishing - leaving behind a wake of despair. One man has the answer. One woman stands in his way. Some will stop at nothing to control him. Others will stop at nothing to save him. He swore by his life. They swore to find him.
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Atlas Shrugged: Part III: Who Is John Galt?


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San Andreas Quake

Quando una sismologa screditata di Los Angeles cerca di avvisare dell’imminente arrivo di un terremoto di magnitudo 12.7, nessuno la prende sul serio. Da sola, dovrà correre disperatamente per mettere in salvo la sua famiglia prima che il terremoto distacchi Los Angeles dalla terraferma.
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San Andreas Quake


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