Stampa rosa (1978)

(5) basato su 3 voti
Data di uscita
dic 09, 1978
00h 07m
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Film Simili a Stampa rosa

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The Secret Six

Bootlegger/cafe owner, Johnny Franks recruits crude working man Scorpio to join his gang, masterminded by crooked criminal defense lawyer Newton. Scorpio eventually takes over Frank's operation, beats a rival gang, becomes wealthy and dominates the city for several years until a secret group of 6 masked businessmen have him prosecuted and sent to the electric chair.
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Barbie Fairytopia - La magia dell'Arcobaleno

La nuova fiaba racconta, in una fantasmagorica miscela di suoni, danze, colori e mistero, le avventure di Elina questa volta intenta a scoprire i segreti del misterioso Palazzo di Cristallo con un gruppo di nuovi amici: Glee, una deliziosa ninfa dei boschi, Lumina, una fata color viola con ali a forma di luna, Sunburst, una fata scintillante, il funghetto di bosco Bibble, dolce amico di Elina che si unisce al gruppo di fate e stringe presto amicizia con la funghettina Dizzle. La storia inizia mentre Elina sta frequentando la Scuola delle Fate nel grandioso Palazzo di Cristallo con le altre fate allieve, selezionate per imparare l’annuale volo di Primavera. Insieme riescono a creare il primo arcobaleno della stagione.
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Il Ninja malvagio Mukade sta per essere catturato da Naruto e il suo team quando convoca il potere delle Linee Temporali – un antico canale sotterraneo del chakra. Naruto viene imprigionato dal chakra e rispedito indietro nel tempo nella città di Loran, conosciuta per le sue mille torri. Lì incontra il futuro Quarto Hokage, Minato Namikaze, in una missione top-secret e la Regina di Loran, Sara, il cui governo è minacciato da Mukade. Riuscirà Naruto a tornare nel suo tempo e può un incontro casuale nel passato salvare il futuro?
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Trama non disponibile
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A boy walks through an abandoned building and films the interior. Suddenly his camera disappears.
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Paper Boys

A ragtag bunch of teenage door to door salesmen wreak havoc and spread the news of their coming of age in this summer before they begin their college lives. It centers around Sean, a sexually confused and drug afflicted teen who just can't seem to shake off his dysfunctional family history. Paper Boys is an adventure into the psychology of sales as a metaphor for life as these young "Glengarry Glen Ross" wannabes terrorize a suburban neighborhood near everyone!
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Mentre si preparano a iscriversi ad una nuova scuola, le studentesse del primo e del secondo anno incontrano problemi inattesi. Inoltre, dopo essere partite per il viaggio di diploma in Italia, le studentesse del terzo anno scompaiono. Quando vengono separate, le Aqours apprezzano per la prima volta il valore della loro unione. Ora, per andare avanti, devono decidere come reagire alle nuove situazioni.
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At the end of the world, day in, day out, three men take on the southern ocean and its legends. They leave their families and brave the cold and the storms to go and meet the isolated fishermen in the infamous Cape Horn islands. Some launch themselves into these epic channels through greed, others for love of the sea or family need, but all agree on the importance of carrying forward this endangered traditional livelihood and brotherly sharing.
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A chirpy and jovial teenager, Mehul, whose higher secondary finals are at the doorstep while her infatuation over her tutor cum neighbour Babai da, is in ascend. He is an exceptional student and the gem of the neighbourhood. On the day of Holi, Mehul mixes sindoor in the colour to play with Babai da. Unknowingly, Babai da pours the colour over her head signifying the holy "sindoor-daan" custom. But, catastrophe strikes when Babai da commits suicide under undisclosed circumstances which leaves Mehul's world in utter chaos. The journey of Mehul's unspoken love turning into the bindings of Babai Da's better half is the story of PARINEETA.
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Naruto to Boruto: The Live 2019

“NARUTO to BORUTO THE LIVE 2019”, a special event for the 20th anniversary of the first publication of “NARUTO” series in Weekly Shonen Jump!! Featuring live performances by artists performing the theme songs of both “NARUTO” and “BORUTO: NARUTO NEXT GENERATIONS”, anime cast members reading original story episodes, and more.
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Two professors secretly met at the back of the school with a cup of coffee. The battle of cutting water with a knife begins.
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Un amore sul ghiaccio

In seguito ad un infortunio, Claire, una giovane atleta di pattinaggio sul ghiaccio, si sottopone a delle sedute di fisioterapia in una clinica in Canada. Qui conosce Luke, un papà single ed ex giocatore professionista di hockey.
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Broadcast from 1977 to 1987 on FR3, every Sunday morning, for 1h30, Mosaïque is a variety show with a set where music groups from the countries of origin of immigration perform, and which broadcasts reports on these countries and on immigrants who live in France. When it was created, it aimed to promote the cultures of origin of immigrants, but also to make them better known to the rest of the population. However, the program was never financed by public television which considers that it was aimed at a specific audience and was therefore not part of a public service mission. It received financial support from the Ministry of Labor, through its subsidy to the National Office for the Cultural Promotion of Immigrants, ONPCI (later becoming Information Culture and Immigration, ICEI, in 1977, then Agency for the Development of Intercultural Relations , ADRI). , in 1982).
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