വൺമാൻഷോ (2001)

(5,9) basato su 6 voti
Data di uscita
dic 12, 2001
02h 19m
Disponibile in streaming su

Film Simili a വൺമാൻഷോ

La douleur

1944. La Francia è sotto l'Occupazione tedesca e lo scrittore Robert Antelme, figura di spicco della Resistenza, viene arrestato e spedito a Buchenwald. Ciò rappresenta l'inizio di un'attesa insopportabile per sua moglie, Marguerite Duras, un'agonia lenta e silenziosa nel mezzo del caos della liberazione di Parigi.
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La douleur


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Raoul Taburin

If anyone knows anything about bikes, it’s Raoul Taburin, official bicycle dealer of Saint Céron, a lovely village in the South of France. But Raoul has a terrible secret: he has never been able to keep his balance on a bike without using stabilisers. His childhood and teenage years were spent trying to overcome his flaw - in vain. All attempts to tell his secret have also failed. Nobody believes him. When photographer Hervé Figougne moves to Saint Céron, the two men become fast friends. And when Figougne offers to photograph Raoul riding a racing bike along a mountain precipice, the moment of truth has arrived. He does all he can to avoid the photo shoot. But everything goes against him and he finally has to accept his destiny. “At least”, he thinks, “people will have to believe me”. But for Raoul Taburin, things are never that simple...
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Raoul Taburin


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Quando eravamo fratelli

Noi tre. Fratelli. Noi re, inseparabili. Tre bambini affrontano l’infanzia nella loro città natale nella campagna di New York, e rispondono come possono al precario affetto dei loro genitori. Il loro amore è capace di fare e disfare una famiglia molte volte. Mentre Manny e Joel crescendo diventando sempre più simili al padre, la mamma (Ma) cerca di tenere il più piccolo, Jonah, “nel bozzolo” di casa. Più sensibile e consapevole dei suoi fratelli maggiori, Jonah abbraccia un mondo di immaginazione che è solo suo.
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Quando eravamo fratelli


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John Mulaney & The Sack Lunch Bunch

John Mulaney and his kid pals tackle existential topics for all ages with catchy songs, comedy sketches and special guests in a nostalgic variety special.
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John Mulaney & The Sack Lunch Bunch


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Chacun pour tous

In order to participate with medal options in the Sydney 2000 Paralympic Games, the national coach of France decides to form a basketball team composed mostly of fake mentally disability. Once in Australia, the fraudsters must fake their disability by living with the other athletes in the Olympic village or by attending the media in the post-match press conference.
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Chacun pour tous


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Beyond The Sky

A documentary filmmaker travels to a UFO convention in New Mexico where he meets a local artist with a dark secret. As they follow a trail of clues they discover disturbing sightings and question all they believe when they become immersed in the enigmatic culture of the Pueblo Indians.
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Beyond The Sky


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Stratton - Forze speciali

Un agente della Special Boat Service della marina militare inglese ha il compito di scoprire e catturare una cellula terrorista. Ha inizio così una caccia all'uomo che, attraversando l'Europa, lo condurrà a Roma da dove sarà costretto ad addentrarsi nelle maglie della criminalità italiana per intercettare Bascanti, il terrorista al centro di una operazione internazionale che sta pianificando un attacco a Londra.
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Stratton - Forze speciali


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Crime Wave

Leyre lives a quiet and comfortable life which ends abruptly when an act of rage of her teenage son leads her to protect him by any means necessary.
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Crime Wave


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K.G.F: Chapter 2

The blood-soaked land of Kolar Gold Fields (KGF) has a new overlord now - Rocky, whose name strikes fear in the heart of his foes. His allies look up to Rocky as their Savior, the government sees him as a threat to law and order; enemies are clamoring for revenge and conspiring for his downfall. Bloodier battles and darker days await as Rocky continues on his quest for unchallenged supremacy.
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K.G.F: Chapter 2


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Fisherman's Friends

Ten fishermen from Cornwall are signed by Universal Records and achieve a top ten hit with their debut album of Sea Shanties. Based on the true-life story of Cornish folk band, Fisherman's Friends.
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Fisherman's Friends


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A Better Tomorrow II

New York. Il fratello gemello del gangster del primo atto cerca di aiutare un amico a superare il trauma per la figlia uccisa e si mette in azione per vendicarlo.
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A Better Tomorrow II


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Mask the Kekkou: Reborn

Sparta Academy is the nation's top prep school, where students with poor grades undergo frightening torture under the school headmaster's direction. Kekko Kamen makes her appearance at the school in outrageous attire, completely naked except for her red mask, boots and gloves, and attacks the torturing teacher.
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Mask the Kekkou: Reborn


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I misteri di Aurora Teagarden - L'ultima scena

Una troupe cinematografica di Hollywood arriva nella città di Lawrenceton per la realizzazione di un film basato su un libro scritto da Robin Crusoe, un tempo fidanzato di Aurora Teagardem. Tuttavia, quando l'attrice che interpreta la parte di Aurora viene assassinata, la vera Aurora si ritroverà a indagare su una lunga lista di sospetti.
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I misteri di Aurora Teagarden - L'ultima scena


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Off Course to China

Braulio after his misadventures in Berlin, moves to Hong Kong along with Rafa and Hakan in search of new opportunities. However, it is not easy to succeed in a land where language, culture and customs are very different from Europe.
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Off Course to China


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Beyond the Gates

Two estranged brothers reunite at their missing father's video store to liquidate the property and sell off his assets. As they dig through the store, they find a VCR board game titled 'Beyond the Gates' that holds a connection to their father's disappearance and deadly consequences for anyone who plays it.
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Beyond the Gates


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The Pass

Il giorno dopo ci sarà un'importante partita e due calciatori della Premier League sono in ansia perché sanno che quella partita decreterà il loro futuro. Mentre gli altri compagni di squadra si dedicano a passatempi insulsi, loro due si appartano in una stanza dove cominciano a baciarsi.
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The Pass


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A Vigilante

Poiché anche lei è stata vittima di abusi domestici, Sadie prova ad aiutare le donne su cui viene perpetrata violenza a liberarsi dei propri aguzzini. Contemporaneamente, non smette di dare la caccia all'uomo che, a lungo, si è accanito su di lei: suo marito.
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A Vigilante


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The Looming Storm

Yu, a self-assured factory guard, fancies himself a detective and begins poking his nose into a murder investigation.
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The Looming Storm


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Durante una notte sanguinosa, un giovane e la sua amante stanno lottando, non per arrivare in ospedale, ma per scappare e sopravvivere.
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Amanti & tradimenti

Sequel to 2002's "Summer Things" (Embrassez qui vous voudrez). This French comedy follows various people in two families. Bertrand and his wife, Elizabeth, are a wealthy couple who plan to vacation near the same coastal town as their friends, Jerome and Veronique, who are secretly struggling with financial problems. Meanwhile, Bertrand and his daughter, Emilie, have each been hiding a secret, and these deceptions are bound to have repercussions.
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Amanti & tradimenti


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Stati Uniti, anni 50. Tra barboncini impagliati, tè corretti al whisky, peccaminose lezioni di mambo e minacce d’invasioni aliene, Mrs. Fairytale passa le sue giornate rinchiusa nella sua meravigliosa casa dei sogni e senza un attimo di respiro. Un mondo surreale in cui le aspirazioni e i sogni dei personaggi prendono corpo, si scontrano, crollano e si realizzano. Un sogno, forse, in cui chiunque può finalmente essere chi vuole essere, ma dietro al quale si cela un'altra, sconvolgente realtà.
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The Survivalist

In a time of starvation, a survivalist lives off a small plot of land hidden deep in forest. When two women seeking food and shelter discover his farm, he finds his existence threatened.
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The Survivalist


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One Nation, One King

„Un peuple et son roi" crosses the destinies of the men and women of the population, and those of historical figures. Their meeting place is the newly founded National Assembly. At the heart of the story lie the fate of the king and the birth of the French Republic.
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One Nation, One King


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Les Tribulations d'une caissière

La vie n’est pas rose tous les jours pour Solweig, caissière dans un supermarché. Mais elle garde le sourire, malgré les remarques souvent déplaisantes des clients et un chef teigneux. Peut-être grâce au blog qu’elle tient en secret, où elle s’épanche avec humour sur son quotidien difficile… Un soir, sous la neige, son destin croise celui de Charles. Le jeune homme tombe aussitôt amoureux d’elle, sans se douter qu’ils ne sont pas du même monde. Mais si un simple blog peut changer le sort de milliers de caissières, n’est-il pas permis de croire aux contes de fées ?
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Les Tribulations d'une caissière


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E non liberarci dal male

Anne and Lore, neighbors and best friends, barely into their teens, board at a convent school where they have taken a vow to sin and to serve Satan. Anne keeps a secret diary, they read a salacious novel, they get a classmate in trouble, they spy on the nuns, they set aside their communion wafers; they make a pact of devotion.
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E non liberarci dal male


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Dave Chappelle: Deep in the Heart of Texas

Comedy icon Dave Chappelle makes his triumphant return to the screen with a pair of blistering, fresh stand-up specials. Filmed at the Moody Theater in Austin, Texas, in April 2015.
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Dave Chappelle: Deep in the Heart of Texas


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Un uomo, un monstro e un mistero

When actor David Harbour finds lost footage of his father's disastrous televised stage play of a literary classic, he uncovers shocking family secrets.
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Un uomo, un monstro e un mistero


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Brigsby Bear

Uno show televisivo per bambini prodotto per una sola persona: James. Quando lo show termina bruscamente, James si rende conto che tutto ciò che riguarda la sua vita è una menzogna e deve imparare a far fronte alla realtà di un mondo nuovo.
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Brigsby Bear


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L'uomo che comprò la luna

Un pescatore sardo ha promesso la luna alla donna che ama. E gli uomini sardi mantengono sempre le loro promesse.
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L'uomo che comprò la luna


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Milly & Mamet

After two lovebirds make some sacrifices to build their nest, new opportunities to spread their wings put their union to the test.
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Milly & Mamet


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Verrà il giorno...

Un predicatore povero che cerca di aiutare i bisognosi di Miami, riceve un'offerta in denaro per salvare la sua famiglia dallo sfratto, tuttavia non sa che il suo sponsor lavora per L'FBI e che vogliono trasformarlo in un criminale dandogli il supporto per i suoi folli sogni rivoluzionari.
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Verrà il giorno...


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Noryang: Deadly Sea

The Imjin War reaches its seventh year in December of 1598. Admiral Yi Sun-shin learns that the Wa invaders in Joseon are preparing for a swift withdrawal following the deathbed orders of their leader Toyotomi Hideyoshi. Determined to destroy the enemy once and for all, Admiral Yi leads an allied fleet of Joseon and Ming ships to mount a blockade and annihilate the Wa army. However, once Ming commander Chen Lin is bribed into lifting the blockade, Wa lord Shimazu Yoshihiro and his Satsuma army sail to the Wa army’s rescue at Noryang Strait.
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Noryang: Deadly Sea


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Terrore in città

Il pluriomicida John Kirby viene ferito dalla polizia e trasportato moribondo in ospedale. Due medici decidono di sperimentare su di lui un nuovo farmaco che agisce sulla struttura genetica. L'esperimento riesce e il bruto non solo si salva, ma diventa addirittura indistruttibile. Ci vorrà uno sceriffo texano per neutralizzarlo, ma forse non definitivamente.
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Terrore in città


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A man discovers that he is part of a secret sect of magical beings who hunt down and destroy demons in the internet.
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Piccole volpi

Louisiana, primi del '900: Regina, sposata a un facoltoso e malato banchiere, riceve una richiesta di finanziamento dai fratelli, aspiranti industriali del cotone. La rapace Regina farà di tutto per volgere la situazione a proprio vantaggio, ma...
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Piccole volpi


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The Four 2

The four constables Emotionless, Iron Hands , Life Snatcher and ColdBlood are specially skilled in their own individual super powers. When the four constables of the Divine Constabulary investigate a murder in the suburbs, they unexpectedly stumble on clues to the murder of Emotionless's family 15 years ago.
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The Four 2


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A group of teenagers suffer a terrible accident during a joy ride and get trapped at the bottom of a ravine.
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Every Day a Good Day

A university student attends a Japanese tea ceremony near her house with her cousin. There she has the Japanese tea ceremony in her life and it's there for her during moments when she is sad or happy.
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Every Day a Good Day


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