Il magnifico avventuriero (1963)

(6) basato su 2 voti
le avventure Benvenuto Cellini: in fuga da Firenze, arriva a Roma e sotto il papa Clemente VII ne approfitta per coniare monete false alla zecca.
Data di uscita
ago 02, 1963
01h 33m
Disponibile in streaming su

le avventure Benvenuto Cellini: in fuga da Firenze, arriva a Roma e sotto il papa Clemente VII ne approfitta per coniare monete false alla zecca.

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Macross: Flash Back 2012

Realizzato come un video musicale dedicato a Minmay, Flashback 2012 parte con quello che doveva essere il concerto di chiusura del film di Macross. Seguono le varie canzoni di Minmay montate su spezzoni della serie e del film. In chiusura un ultimo segmento mostra il seguito della storia con la partenza di una nuova astronave dalla terra comandata da Misa.
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At the end of September 1941, Soviet artillery troops in besieged Leningrad realize that pretty soon they will fire their last shot, and after that the defense of the city will be doomed. The film is based on a true event: a small group of fearless soldiers transported a large supply of gunpowder through enemy lines to Leningrad.
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Hayflower, Quiltshoe and the Chicken

Hayflower starts her summer holiday on a badminton camp which is ruined by Cynthia, a runaway chicken. Quiltshoe makes a new friend, Anita, who, to everyone's surprise, turns out to be a chicken. Under the leadership of constables Bellybutton and Goggleclock, a big chicken hunt is launched.
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Hayflower, Quiltshoe and the Chicken


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Queen: Live Aid

L'esibizione dei Queen al Live Aid allo stadio di Wembley nel 1985 è spesso considerata la più grande performance live del rock di tutti i tempi. Il loro set durò 21 minuti e consisteva in "Bohemian Rhapsody", "Radio Ga Ga", "Hammer to Fall", "Crazy Little Thing Called Love", "We Will Rock You" e "We Are the Champions". Mercury e May tornarono più tardi per eseguire una versione di "Is This the World We Created?".
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Queen: Live Aid


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La Condizione Umana: Parte III – La preghiera del soldato

Il battaglione del caporale Kaji (Tatsuya Nakadai) viene sconfitto dall'Armata Rossa in Manciuria e gli ultimi superstiti, tra cui lo stesso Kaji, sono costretti ad attraversare la giungla, dove incontrano alcuni civili che si uniscono al gruppo, tra contrasti per le ultime razioni del cibo e altre perdite umane. Arrivano così a un villaggio dove però poco dopo vengono presi prigionieri dai russi. Kaji non demorde mai dalla sua lotta contro la difesa dei diritti umani ma è anche tormentato dagli omicidi commessi in guerra, finché non verrà mandato in Siberia ai lavori forzati.
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La Condizione Umana: Parte III – La preghiera del soldato


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Lo spaventapasseri

Il contadino Buster e un altro contadino si contendono la figlia di un contadino. Dopo che Buster viene inseguito dal cane di questo quando in realtà l'animale voleva solo fare amicizia, prende la ragazza e la porta via per sposarla, inseguiti dal rivale e dal padre di lei. vengono sposati da un prete che era finito per caso sul mezzo col quale i due stavano fuggendo. Finiti in acqua col mezzo di trasporto, gli innamorati divengono marito e moglie.
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Lo spaventapasseri


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The story takes place on New Year's Eve that a group of friends have been celebrating together for years. The host is the newly divorced psychologist, Aliz, and her guests are her younger brother, Döme, the chemistry teacher, Kristóf, the gynecologist, Gábor, the cook, and Márk, the photographer. They are all childhood best friends. In the meantime, Gábor's wife, Saci, the lawyer, and Márk's girlfriend, Fanni, the young special education teacher joins the group. The topic of the conversation veers in the direction of how nowadays people store many secrets and confidential information on their cell phones, and what kinds of conflicts may arise if the phones fall into unauthorized hands. Each of the seven members of the group insists on not having any secrets, on their lives being an open book, to which Aliz suggests that they should prove it.
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The Blackwell Ghost

A filmmaker tries to prove that ghosts are real but soon regrets his intentions after he finds himself being terrorized in a haunted house by a ghost with a dark past. An authentic documentary that shows actual ghost footage that was captured on camera.
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The Blackwell Ghost


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The film is a violent, edgy ride focusing on down and out Reagan Tyler, a man who is troubled by visions and premonitions that ultimately lead him to old school Las Vegas. It's there that Reagan meets the beautiful and mysterious Monika, a young woman who turns out to have been killed the night before he even met her. Reagan is then forced to put the puzzle together of what happened, how she is still present, and help Monika with her revenge on the killers of her younger sister.
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¿Dónde estará mi niño?

Manolo is a famous singer who has a brief affair with Diana, a beautiful hitchhiker. Diana becomes pregnant and gives birth to a child, Lito, the Manolo ignores their existence. Seven years later, Diana wants her son Manolo meet and therefore decided to look for him. However, when he is suffering a great disappointment because Manolo does not remember her. One person who remembers the father Manolo, who follows that Lito is his grandson and both plan unite Manolo and Diana.
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¿Dónde estará mi niño?


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Dio non ti odia

Una giovane fanciulla contrae una rara e mortale malattia. Al villaggio nessuno può curarla, allora il frate ordina di allontanarla dalla comunità, prima che possa contagiare tutti. Unica speranza di poter salvare la giovane è farla visitare da un misterioso guaritore pagano che vive in isolamento sulla montagna che sovrasta il piccolo villaggio.
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Dio non ti odia


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El barril de amontillado

An Italian city, 1860. During the carnival, Fortunato de Bettini mocks his friend Montresor who, humiliated, plans an elaborate and cruel revenge.
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El barril de amontillado


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Bed Bugs

Burned out and lonely Rocky is almost 50 years old and has seen better times as a womanizer. One day, Thorben shows up at his door claiming to be his son. He is trying to get advice on how to be successful with women.
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Bed Bugs


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A young college student is given a disturbing ultimatum when a dark secret from his past is resurrected.
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Un re a New York

Dopo essere stato deposto da una rivoluzione marxista, un Re europeo viene esiliato negli Stati Uniti, la patria della democrazia e della libertà. Oltreoceano però finisce ben presto nella rete della Commissione per le attività antiamericane.
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Un re a New York


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Haikyuu!! Movie 3: Genius and Sense

Recap film focusing primarily on the match against Aoba Jouhsai from the second season.
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Cops and Robbers

Animazione e attivismo si fondono in questo spoken word multimediale in risposta alla violenza della polizia e all'ingiustizia razziale.
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Cops and Robbers


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Cholesterol: The Great Bluff

The link between heart disease and blood cholesterol is a medical dogma that has existed for the past fifty years and has led to the development of a billion-dollar, low-fat, food industry, as well as to statins, a drug that lower “bad cholesterol” levels, so it has became one of the most prescribed medicines in the world. But more and more researchers are openly questioning the mainstream opinions on cholesterol…
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Cholesterol: The Great Bluff


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Washington Square - L'ereditiera

Catherine, figlia di un medico affermato, vive nella New York della metà dell'Ottocento ed è sempre bersaglio delle critiche del padre. Costui, uomo insensibile, le rimprovera di non possedere nessuna delle doti della madre, vale a dire: bellezza, fascino e raffinatezza. Catherine è destinata a rimanere zitella, finché nella sua vita fa la sua comparsa un giovane avventuriero.
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Sagar Alias Jacky Reloaded

An underworld don who operates internationally, Sagar Alias Jacky had to deal with the likes of Naina (Suman) and Goa based Rozario brothers who want to do away with Sagar. But each time Sagar with his fearlessness and brilliance in plotting, outplays them. The film starts off very interestingly when Indhu(Shobhana), the daughter of the state chief minister (Nedumudi Venu) calls Sagar to save her husband Manu (Manoj K Jayan) from the clutches of Rozario brothers.
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Morgan Freeman: Breaking Barriers

Perhaps it is his distinctive velvet smooth voice and calming demeanor that made Morgan Freeman a household name. World-renowned actor, Freeman has starred in over 100 movies in just three decades and continues to break barriers.
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Gloria Mundi

A Marsiglia una famiglia si riunisce per la nascita della piccola Gloria. Nonostante la gioia, per i giovani genitori sono tempi duri. Mentre lottano per uscire dalla difficile situazione, si ricongiungono con il nonno di Gloria, un ex carcerato.
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Un pittore invecchia e lui e sua moglie fanno sempre più fatica a far fronte alla sua demenza che avanza.
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L'onore della cavalleria

Ispirato all'opera di Miguel de Cervantes, Don Chisciotte della Mancia (El Ingenioso hidalgo Don Quijote dela Mancia).
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L'onore della cavalleria


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A high school English teacher goes to disturbing lengths to protect his favorite students from bullies, and challenge the power of a wealthy patron within the community.
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ReMastered: The Two Killings of Sam Cooke

This investigation examines the mysterious shooting of soul icon Sam Cooke, whose death silenced one of the most vital voices in the civil rights movement.
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