危險情人 (1992)

(5) basato su 4 voti
Data di uscita
giu 27, 1992
01h 35m
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Film Simili a 危險情人

It's a Wonderful Binge

Come il film originale, il sequel è ambientato in un futuro prossimo in cui tutti gli alcolici e le droghe sono vietati tranne che in un giorno glorioso noto come The Binge. Quest'anno, quel giorno capita miracolosamente di atterrare a Natale.
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It's a Wonderful Binge


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To Kill the Beast

Emilia arrives at her Aunt Inés' hostel located on the Argentina-Brazil border, looking for her missing brother. In this lush jungle a dangerous beast which takes the form of different animals seems to be roaming around.
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Ah Boys To Men 2

After realising his foolishness in malingering, Ken returns to Tekong to continue his Basic Military Training, and reforms himself as a model recruit. However, this draws dislike and mockery from his section mates, led by the street-smart Lobang.
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Il passatempo di Groot

(Terzo cortometraggio). Svegliandosi nel bel mezzo del sonno, nel Quadrante di Eclector, Baby Groot trova una fiala rotta e tracce di liquido color bolla in tutta la nave. Cosa sarà successo?
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Il passatempo di Groot


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Baby Boss: Un Natale speciale

La vigilia di Natale prende una piega imprevista quando Baby Boss si scambia accidentalmente con uno degli elfi di Babbo Natale e rimane bloccato al Polo Nord.
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Baby Boss: Un Natale speciale


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Encanto at the Hollywood Bowl

A taped performance of the Encanto Live-to-Film Concert Experience at the Hollywood Bowl. The original cast puts on a miracle of a concert as they sing the favorite songs, accompanied by a full orchestra and 50 person ensemble, and the Hollywood Bowl transforms into Casita!
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Encanto at the Hollywood Bowl


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Joni Mitchell - Both Sides Now - Live at the Isle of Wight Festival 1970

Directed by Academy Award winning filmmaker Murray Lerner, Both Sides Now: Live At The Isle of Wight Festival features new interviews with Joni, discussing her recollections of the event intercut with festival footage, both onstage and behind the scenes, offering a fascinating insight into a now legendary concert from the artists point of view and putting the events of the day into context. Alternatively, fans can enjoy the uninterrupted live concert footage featuring classic songs such as "Woodstock", "Both Sides Now" and "Big Yellow Taxi". This was the final film from Murray Lerner, who sadly passed away not long after the films completion.
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Joni Mitchell - Both Sides Now - Live at the Isle of Wight Festival 1970


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A grieving young inventor finds solace in repairing an antique typewriter.
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There Are No Saints

A man is imprisoned for a crime he didn't commit. When his wife is murdered and his son kidnapped and taken to Mexico, he devises an elaborate and dangerous plan to rescue his son and avenge the murder.
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There Are No Saints


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Main Street

A small town in Spain, October 1955. Isabel, a 35-year-old dreamer who feels like a failure because she is not married yet, becomes the new target of a group of soulless pranksters.
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Main Street


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The Park

A dystopian coming-of-age movie focused on three kids who find themselves in an abandoned amusement park, aiming to unite whoever remains. With dangers lurking around every corner, they will do whatever it takes to survive their hellish Neverland.
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The Park


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Lesson Plan

Dopo la morte del suo migliore amico insegnante, un ex poliziotto accetta un incarico nella scuola dove lavorava per affrontare la gang che ritiene responsabile della sua morte.
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Lesson Plan


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Principe azzurro cercasi

La principessa Mia sta proseguendo il suo "addestramento reale", quando scopre che non solo le toccherà diventare regina prima del previsto, ma anche andare in moglie ad uno spasimante inglese...
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Principe azzurro cercasi


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Tiny Times 4

In the film series finale, Lily finds herself near financial ruin because of the debts left behind by her father, all while battling a newly diagnosed cancer. Too proud to seek solace from anyone around her, Lily sets off a chain of self-destructive events that lead to her estrangement from best friends Lin Xiao, Nan Xiang, and Ruby.
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Tiny Times 4


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Rewind 2: 1996

When Marty's car is stolen, he sets out on a mission to find it; however, he soon realizes that the person who stole it is much more dangerous than he thinks.
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Rewind 2: 1996


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Clockwork Bananas

Gilles, who operates a money losing garage, teams up with his friends Max, who operates a scrap yard, and lawyer Xavier to open a brothel catering to women. They get the idea from Gilles' secretary Irma, a former prostitute. They are assisted in the implementation by Max's wife Juliette and Sabine who is mad for Gilles. Unfortunately Gilles has fallen for Florence the daughter of the conservative Prime Minister and his wife. When the Prime Minister tries to shut down the brothel Gilles decides to stand against him in the election.
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Clockwork Bananas


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Plus bas que le ciel

Trama non disponibile
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Plus bas que le ciel


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An Extraordinary Study in Human Degradation

Despondent over his lovelife, Swedish director Patrik Eriksson decides to chronicle his existential crisis, with the aid of co-workers, via cell-phone video camera.
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An Extraordinary Study in Human Degradation


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I primi passi di Groot

(Primo cortometraggio). Dopo gli eventi di "Guardiani della Galassia Vol. 1", Baby Groot è finalmente pronto a provare a muovere i primi passi fuori dal suo vaso, solo per imparare che devi camminare prima di poter correre.
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I primi passi di Groot


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HeartCatch Pretty Cure! - Un lupo mannaro a Parigi

Le Pretty Cure vanno a Parigi per partecipare alla sfilata di moda della nuova linea di abiti creata dalla mamma di Erika. Nella capitale francese le Pretty Cure si trovano ad affrontare il Barone Salamader, primo Apostolo del Deserto, liberato dal confinamento nella cappella di Mont Saint Michel, dove era stato intrappolato quattrocento anni fa dalla prima Pretty Cure, Cure Ange, da un ragazzino, chiamato poi da Tsubomi Olivier, che le stesse Pretty Cure avevano precedentemente incontrato. Inoltre, il barone ha trasformato Olivier in lupo mannaro con l'inganno e le Pretty Cure devono assolutamente sconfiggere il malvagio per farlo tornare buono.
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HeartCatch Pretty Cure! - Un lupo mannaro a Parigi


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Welcome, Violeta!

Over the course of her stay at the remote residence, Ana becomes more and more familiar with Holden’s idiosyncratic methods that require the participating artists to abandon their own identities and live emotionally and psychologically as their characters. Captivated by her artistic investigation, Ana immerses herself wholly into the method and starts living as Violeta, until her fiction loses control.
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Welcome, Violeta!


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Secret Space UFOs: NASA's First Missions

Secrecy regarding UFOs during our early space programs takes center stage in this film. Researchers present the facts with expansive UFO evidence presented on each space mission from X-15, Project Mercury to the final Gemini Missions.
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Secret Space UFOs: NASA's First Missions


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Boobs in Arms

The stooges are greeting card salesmen who are mistakenly inducted into the army after escaping from the jealous husband of one of their customers. In bootcamp their sergeant turns out to be the same man, whom they constantly vex and bewilder. When the boys are sent to the front lines and the sergeant is captured they must rescue him, which they do after doping themselves with laughing gas. At the end they get shot off into the sunset on a cannon shell.
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Boobs in Arms


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Lon Chaney: A Thousand Faces

Lon Chaney, the silent movie star and makeup artist, renowned for his various characterizations and celebrated for his horror films, becomes the subject of this documentary.
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Everything is Normal

The movie is about a young rural man who migrates to Tehran trying to provide for his daily life during the drought period. He has to take on jobs without any previous knowledge or experience...
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Prima di andare via

Andrea è un giovane che convive con le sorprese e le difficoltà della vita. Vive con il suo migliore amico, cerca di completare gli studi e ha un'ex ragazza che gioca con lui come il gatto col topo. Quando scopre di avere un male incurabile, il mondo gli crolla addosso. Può una malattia cambiare la vita di una persona... in meglio? Grazie a Giulia, Andrea capirà che è arrivato il momento di assumere ciò che resta della propria esistenza.
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