हकीकत (1995)

(5,625) basato su 4 voti
Data di uscita
dic 29, 1995
02h 46m
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Film Simili a हकीकत

Inaam Dus Hazaar

Kamal Malhotra lives a struggling life with his mom and is employed as a salesman with retailers for a product called "Godrej", a famous hair dye. His life take a new turn when he is abducted, beaten, blind-fold and taken to a strange place with orders to have him killed but somehow he manages to flee from the killers. And then he begins a man hunt for one of the killers, whose voice he can recognize. His searches gets him framed for the brutal murder of a man called Mr. Narottam, and is arrested by the police but manages to escape and decides to leave the city via train. While on the train Kamal meets a beautiful young woman, Sonia Mehra and after a few misunderstandings both fall in love. But what Kamal does not know is that Sonia have links with a notorious smuggler, captain S.P. Singh, who is responsible for getting Kamal framed and to make matters worse the captain has plan to kill Kamal with the help of Sonia.
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Jura is 23 years old - and Lena is 23. They live in Budennovsk, play computer games, walk and learn. They live in a city where Shamil Basayev entered 23 years ago with militants, and know almost nothing about the events of that time.
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Storia di fantasmi cinesi 3

Un Gran Sacerdote e il suo giovane discepolo Fong si recano al Tempio dell'Orchidea per scacciare il malvagio Demone dell'Albero, ma questi invia la bella Lotus per sedurre il ragazzo. La giovane, però, si innamora di Fong e decide di ribellarsi al suo padrone.
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A Tribute to Stevie Ray Vaughan

One by One, the musicians climb on stage and take their places: B.B. king, Eric Clapton, Buddy guy, Robert Cray, Bonnie Raitt, Jimmie Vaughan, Dr, john and Art Neville. Vaughan, standing at center stage, launches into "Six Strings Down," A moving tribute to his late brother, Stevie Ray, whose memory has drawn this group together. The guitarists fall in, each finding a corner of the song to call their own; King plays fills to Clapton's solo, Cray fires off economical, chiming counterpoint to Raitt's stinging slide, and Guy unleashes piercing single-notes bends to answer Vaughan, who's finger-picking the main theme on his battered Stratocaster. Suddenly, the song blasts into the stratosphere, a gorgeous mosaic of clarion guitar tones.
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A Tribute to Stevie Ray Vaughan


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Killjoy's Psycho Circus

Killjoy, the demon of vengeance, trickster god and killer clown has finally made it to Earth! Along with his gruesome crew Freakshow, Punchy and the sexy/psychotic Batty Boop, Killjoy is free to terrorize mortals in new and excruciating ways.
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Fredz Jurassic Fight Club Claymation Style Part 1

Shorter & More Violent Versions Instead of the lame clay sculptures previously seen. The animals are not in Vivid color B/C I don't have a large amount colorful clay. This video Has 4 out of 8 Episodes i'll be doing & soon i'll be making colorful Versions of The Creatures In Runcycles.
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Fredz Jurassic Fight Club Claymation Style Part 1


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A Broadway actress uses her sex appeal to ruin a marriage only to dump her lover for a richer prospect.
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July Dust

“Poussières de Juillet”, produced in 1967 by Hachemi El-Chérif, is taken from a poem by Kateb Yacine. "We made a film on the return of the ashes of Emir Abdelkader, to Algeria. It was the opportunity to make a film on the ancestors with M'hamed Issiakhem. He designed glass plates on the basis of my texts. Then we had actors collaborate. It was a film which cost us a total of 300 dinars, proof that we could do work for television without too much money. We won two first international prizes at the Belgrade festival. We left the original of the film with the Egyptians in Alexandria and they lost it. We kept a copy but over time I wonder what happened to it, because there is no not even had a screening, they say it still exists, but I don't know in what state." Kateb Yacine, July 28, 1986, interview with Arlette Casas.
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The Summer of Love

In 1967 an expressive, colourful musical force painted a backdrop of social change, fashion, love, turmoil and war. The world remembers the Summer of Love in 1967 as one of those moments when a unique and creative explosion of music and popular culture arrived in the UK and USA.
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A celebration of 'Allo, 'Allo, the sitcom that ran for 87 episodes through the 1980s.
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A seductive witch kills men by casting a spell on them. A bunch of friends are trapped in a haunted house with mysterious lady. Is she the Chudail?
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C'è un dottor Jekill in quel topo?


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Saddle Up For Revenge

Parody of the acclaimed Australian series of the 80s, Return to Eden. Wealthy heiress Stephanie Harper marries athlete Craig Danners, without suspecting that he only wants her money and is having an affair with her best friend, Crystal. Craig and Crystal have a plan to get rid of Stephanie and steal her fortune by making her suffer a terrible accident, which leaves her face disfigured. She is saved by the handsome Doctor Danley, who performed a plastic surgery on Stephanie that turned her into a completely different and beautiful woman. Stephanie starts plotting her revenge against Craig and Crystal, who believe that she died in the accident.
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Saddle Up For Revenge


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Whom the Gods Wish to Destroy 2

Now Brunhild knows by which treason she was won for king Gunther of Burgund by Siegfried of Xanthen, and has been revenged by his foul murder by Hagen, more bloody revenge is inevitable. Hagen steals the Nibelungen-treasure to sink it in the stream and manages to kill Alberich and seize his invisibility-cap. Queen Kriemhild is packed of to an abbey so her son may grow up to become a prelate, but Hagen's men raid them and kill the child. She now accepts to become the wife of Etzel, king of the truly barbaric Hun nomads and invites the Burgund court nomenclature at their Danube court for their heir's baptism a few years later, but prepared a bloody conspiracy with her xenophobic brother-in-law behind her surprisingly chivalric husband's back, while Gunther accepts, hoping to avoid a far bloodier war, despite the danger for his party of knights, which materializes...
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Tomoko Ashimura types on a computer her memory of her late husband Goro, but Tomoko Ashimura succumbs to a disease. On behalf of Tomoko Ashimura, her grandchild Osamu collects Tomoko’s memoirs. He learns about the love between his grandparents for the past 50 years and the difficult life they faced during and after the Pacific War.
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When Will You Return?


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Daddy's Girl

A girl needs to get rid of her father.
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Trama non disponibile
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As I Was Moving Ahead Occasionally I Saw Brief Glimpses of Beauty

A compilation of over 30 years of private home movie footage shot by Lithuanian-American avant-garde director Jonas Mekas, assembled by Mekas "purely by chance", without concern for chronological order.
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As I Was Moving Ahead Occasionally I Saw Brief Glimpses of Beauty


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My Very Beautiful Movie

Super 8 short film by Derek Jarman, shot on Fire Island in New York.
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Le streghe

Cinque novelle umoristico-grottesche sul tema della donna fatale, tutte con Silvana Mangano. 1) “La strega bruciata viva” (di L. Visconti con M. Girotti, A. Girardot): attrice cerca un'improbabile tranquillità a Cortina e scopre di essere incinta. 2) “Senso civico” (di M. Bolognini con A. Sordi): ricca signora raccoglie un camionista ferito, ma si preoccupa soltanto di non essere in ritardo a un appuntamento. 3) “La Terra vista dalla Luna” (di P.P. Pasolini con Totò, N. Davoli): vedovo sposa la sordomuta Assurdina che, per racimolare qualche soldo, inscena un suicidio al Colosseo con esito tragico. 4) “La siciliana” (di F. Rossi con P. Tordi): l'orgogliosa Nunzia provoca una faida. 5) “Una sera come le altre” (di V. De Sica con C. Eastwood): una moglie trascurata dal marito sogna di far l'amore, acclamata, in uno stadio.
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A documentary about the production of the famous Japanese animation "Millennium Actress" by genius director Satoshi Kon, a god-like work. Unfortunately, genius is always short-lived.
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George Gruntz Concert Jazz Band-Estival Jazz Lugano

George Gruntz (b. Basilea, Svizzera 24 giugno 1932) è un pianista organista, clavicembalista, tastierista e compositore jazz svizzero , degno di nota per il lavoro svolto con artisti come Phil Woods, Roland Kirk, Don Cherry, Chet Baker, Art Farmer, Dexter Gordon, Johnny Griffin e Mel Lewis. Dal 1972 al 1994 è stato direttore artistico per la JazzFest di Berlino. Gruntz è anche arrangiatore e compositore esperto, essendo stato commissionato da molte orchestre e sinfonie.
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A woman who is trapped in a boring routine working in a slaughterhouse finds an unexpected opportunity to change her life. Marta Bayarri and Pepo Blasco star in this short film. Directed and written by Marta Bayarri.
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