El muro del silencio (1974)

(4,7) basato su 6 voti
Data di uscita
gen 31, 1974
01h 45m
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January 13, 2018. 8h08. Hawaii is in a state of alert: ballistic missiles have just been launched in the direction of the island, there are only a few minutes left to find a shelter. Like every year, a group of friends has come to spend a week's vacation in the hotel of one of their friends, who has left to live in Hawaii. As they think they are living their last moments, years of unspoken words come back and degenerate into a settlement of accounts. Fortunately for them, it's a false alarm. Unfortunately, they still have eight days of vacation to spend together.
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Il mio amico Finnick

Non molti sanno che ogni casa è abitata da finlandesi. Sono creature pelose che appaiono nel mondo umano per prendersi cura di una casa e mantenere il focolare. Finnick è un giovane finlandese, a cui non sembra importare della sua responsabilità di creare una casa fuori casa. Sta solo facendo scherzi al «suo popolo» ed è per questo che nessuna delle famiglie ha voluto rimanere a lungo a casa sua. Tutto cambia quando una nuova famiglia arriva a casa sua, dove i trucchi di Finnick non funzionano affatto, e incontra Christine, 13 anni, e in città iniziano ad accadere eventi inspiegabili. Finnick e Christine, che sono così diversi, dovranno collaborare e collaborare per risolvere il mistero degli eventi e salvare la città.
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I misteri di Aurora Teagarden - Il mistero del teschio

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Life is bliss until one day Kanti Sharan Mudgal’s son Vivek is blamed for immoral conduct and expelled from school. Overwhelmed, Kanti plans to leave town until a divine intervention leads him to seek justice by taking those responsible to court.
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Fred è entrato a far parte di un concorso organizzato dalla NASA. Il prototipo di un cane meccanico, però, perde il controllo durante la sua presentazione scatenando il panico. La gang farà squadra con la figlia dello scienziato che ha progettato il cane e dovrà vedersela con scenzati approfittatori e tecnologie avanzate prima di arrivare alla soluzione del mistero.
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Il coraggioso prenderà la sposa

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The White Storm 3: Heaven or Hell

Hong Kong police agent Cheung (by Aaron Kwok) works undercover in Kang’s (by Sean Lau) drug cartel, while another undercover cop Au (by Louis Koo) successfully earns their trust in an incident, a brotherly-bond is built among the three. After the Police busts the syndicate in Hong Kong, Kang subsequently hides away in the Golden Triangle, by chance he receives a tip-off about the betrayal within his circle of trust…
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What You Can See from Here

On a beautiful spring day, a small village full of eccentric characters wake up to hear Selma has had a premonition: she dreamt of a rare animal again – an okapi. All the village knows this means someone is about to die. Selma’s granddaughter, 11-year-old Luise, and her best friend Martin look on as fears of being the victim of the prophecy throw the village into a frenzy of confusion. But when the premonition comes true, it is young Luise’s world that is suddenly turned upside down. Ten years on from the event that changed her life, Luise lives a quiet life working in a bookstore, until the arrival of an unexpected guest enables her to rediscover how powerful and life-giving love can be.
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What You Can See from Here


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