Lo strangolatore di Boston (2008)

(3,7) basato su 18 voti
Data di uscita
lug 22, 2008
01h 32m
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Iconic imageries and moments of strange magic in California.
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Guided by the Word

A child's Sunday School Bible. A broken relationship between an adopted daughter and her parents that spans 25 years. A mother who only wants to forgive - and be forgiven. On her death bed, Abigail asks her husband Steven to find their estranged daughter, forgive her and ask her forgiveness. Steven makes the journey from Kentucky to California to fulfill that wish - and to give his adopted daughter the Bible she left behind so many years ago. Along the way, Joseph meets a mysterious hitchhiker who may very well hold the secret of the journey's end. On the way, we learn that every journey needs a guide and that Steven will be "Guided by the Word."
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Mobile Suit Gundam: The Origin IV - Eve of Destiny

Identificato come l'istigatore di Garma, Char viene congedato da Dozle Zabi e inviato per qualche tempo sulla Terra, a Manaus. Qui incontra Lalah Sune, una giovane ragazza in possesso di strani poteri psichici, e la salva dai suoi sfruttatori, portandola infine al sicuro nello spazio con sé quando viene richiamato in servizio. Nel frattempo il dottor Minovsky decide di tradire Zeon per passare alla Federazione, ma l'incontro sulla Luna tra lo scienziato e il ricercatore di punta della Federazione, Tem Ray, è sabotato dai mobile suit di Zeon, che annientano i Guncannon federali e uccidono Minovsky. Tra i piloti di mobile suit figura, tra gli altri, Char. Dopo aver osservato la potenza dei nuovi robot nemici, Tem mette a punto il prototipo di mobile suit denominato "Gundam", i cui progetti vengono trovati dal figlio Amuro nel suo laboratorio sulla colonia di Side 7. Il 3 gennaio 0079, infine, il rinominato Principato di Zeon, dichiara guerra alla Federazione.
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Please Be Normal

Victor is a struggling playwright and theater director and his girlfriend Mary is expecting their first child. He has a temporary job in construction to make ends meet, but the dusty, dirty job exhausts him. Across town, Mary is a manager in a tony Madison Avenue boutique. The young couple is about to move out of their bohemian apartment in Brooklyn to the suburbs, all funded by Mary's father. As Dad keeps buying buying them things they could never afford, Victor's sense of entrapment grows. His inner struggle to meet their expectations seems to be guiding him towards a way of life he is unwilling to accept.
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The Complete Walk: Cymbeline

To commemorate the 400th anniversary of the Bard's death, Shakespeare's Globe has assembled an all-star cast to make 37 short films – one for each play – and here's the twist: each lavish 10 minute vignette is made on location in the real setting of each plot. The films have been directed by a selection of young directors and blend existing Shakespeare's Globe footage with new material shot in locations that capture the breadth of the Bard's imagination, including the Pyramids of Dahshur in Egypt, the rocks of Elsinore, Denmark, and the historic Jewish Ghetto of Venice, Italy. “Cymbeline”, which starred Hayley Atwell as Innogen, was filmed on location in Wales.
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PilotsEYE.tv London City CS100/A220


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Easy Sex - Gioco proibito

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Cidades Fantasmas

In Humberstone (Chile), little was left of the saltpeter's prosperity. Near the old Fordlandia (PA), squatter houses are the last signs of the city built by Henry Ford. Armero (Colombia), had its population wiped out by the eruption of the Nevado del Ruiz volcano in 1985. Twenty-five years after a flood, ruins of Villa Epecuén (Argentina) expose the remains of the old water station.
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Ours, simplement sauvage


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A fantasy film on the theme of the early works of Nikolai Gogol, tightly interwoven with his personality and biography.
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Evenings on a farm near Dikanka


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