결혼의 기원 (2013)

(3) basato su 2 voti
Data di uscita
gen 28, 2013
01h 43m
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Red is the story of three teens in rural Pennsylvania who are torn apart by the closet. James and Lizzy's seemingly normal relationship is shattered by Aaron, the guy James hooked up with and who is unable to bear their secret and confronts James.
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The execution was scheduled and the last meal consumed. The coolness of the poisons entering the blood system slowed the heart rate and sent him on the way to Judgement. He had paid for his crime with years on Death Row waiting for this moment and now he would pay for them again as the judgment continued..
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Red the Half Breed

A half-cast used cars salesman wants anything from the white society and is ready to do anything to get it. But when he is accused of murdering his half-sister who was killed with his rifle, he flees to an indian village. He doesn't feel any more at home there than in the white city. He decides to go back to find and punish the killer.
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Red, a shy orphan who spent most of his childhood in a girly bar, grew up to be the town's best fixer. When a rich kid was gunned down in a drug bust that went wrong, Red was hired by Art, a spoiled socialite, to fix the mess.
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Mobile Suit Gundam : The movie 3 - Incontro nello spazio

Ritornata nello spazio, la Base Bianca punta verso la neutrale Side 6, dove Amuro trava il padre, impazzito dopo l'anossia sofferta durante l'incidente su Side 7. Successivamente il giovane pilota del Gundam s'imbatte in Char, il quale viaggia sempre in compagnia della Newtype Lalah, dotata di un particolare legame mentale con lo stesso Amuro. Tutte le unità della Federazione Terrestre convergono in direzione di Solomon, per sferrare un attacco alla base militare di Zeon. Grazie ad una nuova arma segreta della Federazione, il Solar System, Solomon cade, insieme al suo eroico comandante Dozle Zabi. Nella stessa battaglia perde la vita il Tenente Sleggar, pilota di cui Mirai è segretamente innamorata.
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