Время отдыха с субботы до понедельника (1984)

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Film Simili a Время отдыха с субботы до понедельника

The Secret Six

Bootlegger/cafe owner, Johnny Franks recruits crude working man Scorpio to join his gang, masterminded by crooked criminal defense lawyer Newton. Scorpio eventually takes over Frank's operation, beats a rival gang, becomes wealthy and dominates the city for several years until a secret group of 6 masked businessmen have him prosecuted and sent to the electric chair.
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The Secret Six


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Barbie Fairytopia - La magia dell'Arcobaleno

La nuova fiaba racconta, in una fantasmagorica miscela di suoni, danze, colori e mistero, le avventure di Elina questa volta intenta a scoprire i segreti del misterioso Palazzo di Cristallo con un gruppo di nuovi amici: Glee, una deliziosa ninfa dei boschi, Lumina, una fata color viola con ali a forma di luna, Sunburst, una fata scintillante, il funghetto di bosco Bibble, dolce amico di Elina che si unisce al gruppo di fate e stringe presto amicizia con la funghettina Dizzle. La storia inizia mentre Elina sta frequentando la Scuola delle Fate nel grandioso Palazzo di Cristallo con le altre fate allieve, selezionate per imparare l’annuale volo di Primavera. Insieme riescono a creare il primo arcobaleno della stagione.
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Barbie Fairytopia - La magia dell'Arcobaleno


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Barbie e l'avventura nell'oceano 2

Merliah, simpatica ed elegante campionessa di surf, è anche una magica principessa sirena. Merliah va in Australia per un'importante gara di surf. Una volta scoperto che Eris, la sirena cattiva, ha abbandonato il suo vortice con l'intenzione di usurpare il trono di Oceana, Merliah e le sue amiche del mare si tuffano in acqua per fermarla. Merliah imparerà che tutto è possibile quando si rimane fedeli a se stessi.
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Barbie e l'avventura nell'oceano 2


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The execution was scheduled and the last meal consumed. The coolness of the poisons entering the blood system slowed the heart rate and sent him on the way to Judgement. He had paid for his crime with years on Death Row waiting for this moment and now he would pay for them again as the judgment continued..
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Barbie - Il segreto delle fate

Ken viene improvvisamente rapito e fatto prigioniero in un misterioso mondo fatato. Insieme alle sue amiche Fate e a Raquelle, Barbie inizia un lungo, avventuroso viaggio per trovarlo e riportarlo a casa. Lungo la strada il gruppo unirà le proprie forze fino a scoprire che la vera magia è l'amicizia.
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Barbie - Il segreto delle fate


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A boy walks through an abandoned building and films the interior. Suddenly his camera disappears.
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Recep Ivedik 2

Lo scontroso e grezzo Recep cerca di realizzare i desideri di sua nonna malata e si mette alla ricerca di un lavoro e di una moglie.
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Recep Ivedik 2


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Barbie e le tre moschettiere

Corinne (Barbie) e le sue tre amiche sognano Parigi e di diventare moschettiere. Riusciranno a trasformarsi in abili spadaccine, salvare il principe, e allo stesso tempo partecipare al ballo mascherato a corte?
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Barbie e le tre moschettiere


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Barbie Fairytopia: Mermaidia

Elina va nel regno di Mermaidia per salvare il suo amico Nalu, il principe sirena, rapito con un incantesimo da Laverna, che vuole diventare la piú potente fata di Fairytopia. Elina per riuscire nell'impresa dovrà sacrificare le sue ali trasformandosi in una coraggiosa sirena.
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Barbie Fairytopia: Mermaidia


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Light the Wick

This winter the TGR crew of athletes and cinematographers captured the most jaw-dropping footage ever witnessed. The team traveled around the world to uncharted destinations, as well as some of their favorite stomping grounds. Follow the crew as they discover the previously unskied big mountain playground of Petersburg, AK, find the best snow Croatia has seen in fifty years, ski deep pillows in undiscovered Italy, hit full throttle riding in British Columbia, and experience epic free-riding at Ripley Creek and North Cascades Heli. Don't miss Sammy Carlson and the Stevens Pass 3D experiment, the first-ever 3D ski segment. The groundbreaking dual RED One slow motion aerial shots will make you want to reach out and touch the action. Light The Wick showcases the most talented and well-rounded athletes in skiing together in one must-see film.
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Light the Wick


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Rentrée à l'étable

Geneva (Exhibition 1896): back to the barn.
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Rentrée à l'étable


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The Crucible

Richard Armitage stars in Yael Farber's powerful production of Arthur Miller's timeless witch hunt parable.
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The Crucible


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Human | Animal

An Italian boy dreams of becoming a bullfighter. In the sunny Andalusian pasture, a calf is born destined to be a fighting bull. Humans and animals grow up in totally different worlds, but their lives reflect each other. Only in the end will they meet.
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Human | Animal


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Waldbühne 2018: Goodbye Sir Simon!

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Waldbühne 2018: Goodbye Sir Simon!


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Doomsday Party

Hong Kong, Oct 2013. Following a long period of social unrest over bank failures, property speculation and government mismanagement, crowds gather to demonstrate in front of the Legislative Council building. Panic ensues as a bomb is reported inside the LegCo building, planted by someone calling himself "Skywalker". Meanwhile, a branch of Hong Kong & China Banking Corporation is held up by two young people in masks - chemistry student Lang (Kelvin Kwan) and social drop-out Fish (Fish Liew). Among the people in the bank are disillusioned former teacher Yue Chung-tak (Teddy Robin), councilman Ho Chung-lai (K.K. Cheung), his mistress Rebecca (Maggie Chan), the bank's investment saleswoman Luk Wan-yee (Kay Tse), her philandering boyfriend Victor Lo (Wilfred Lau), and Wan-yee's onetime boyfriend, police detective Kin-ho (Paul Wong). All have their own reasons for being in the bank that day.
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Doomsday Party


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Two unsuspecting thieves break into the wrong house and must face a sinister home owner.
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The story is about a company president Zenzo Shinozaki who is successful in his business but has no friends or family to speak of. He ends up hiring hostess turned thief Saori Yamane to drive him to Tokyo to visit his daughter that he has not seen in 30 years. While both have their own reasons to isolate themselves from the rest of the world, they find a connection which helps bring them in touch with each other and themselves.
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A 17-year-old girl faces a life with an adverse perspective, where her social life, her experiences, her happiness and emotional stability only depend on a thread that is too damaged.
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The Miller and the Sweep

In front of a flour mill, two men fight. One is the miller, and he's swinging a bag of flour in the scuffle. The other is a chimney sweep, and he's swinging what may be a bag of flour, but when it breaks open, it's clearly something else. Well into the havoc, spectators gather and give chase to the flour-covered sweep and the "well-sooted" miller.
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The Miller and the Sweep


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Emilio Vedova. Dalla parte del naufrago

Un ritratto della figura e del valore artistico del più importante pittore veneziano del XX secolo nel centenario della nascita: Emilio Vedova. Sono i suoi diari, le sue parole ritrovate negli archivi, i ricordi dei suoi amici e degli artisti che ne hanno misurata la grandezza a guidare per mano lo spettatore in questo viaggio. Ed è la voce di Toni Servillo a prestare a Vedova quel suono che permette di entrare nel suo emozionante mondo interiore.
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Emilio Vedova. Dalla parte del naufrago


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Barbie - La principessa e la popstar

Lei è una principessa di 17 anni che fa parte della famiglia reale di Meribella. Tori vuole essere libera dai doveri reali e sogna la vita della sua pop star preferita: Keira. E’ gentile e allegra, ha molta voglia di divertirsi e si sente soffocare dai doveri regali che le impediscono di potersi vestire come vuole e di potersi scatenare come le altre ragazze della sua età.
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Barbie - La principessa e la popstar


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Barbie e le scarpette rosa

Barbie torna sullo schermo con una storia che coniuga le più grandi passioni delle sue ammiratrici: l'amicizia e la danza!
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Barbie e le scarpette rosa


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The Changing Room

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The Changing Room


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