聽見下雨的聲音 (2013)

(6,2) basato su 9 voti
Data di uscita
ott 04, 2013
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Lost and Found

Lost and Found
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Lost and Found


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Oculus - Il riflesso del male

La famiglia Russell è stata colpita da una terribile tragedia che ha segnato per sempre la vita dei fratelli Tim e Kaylie. Dieci anni dopo, Tim, che era stato accusato del brutale assassinio di entrambi i genitori, lascia il carcere con l’unico desiderio di lasciarsi tutto alle spalle e ricominciare. La sorella Kaylie invece, ancora ossessionata da quella fatidica notte, è fortemente convinta che la morte dei suoi genitori sia stata causata da qualcos’altro. Secondo la ragazza, una forza maligna risiederebbe in un antico specchio che si trovava nella casa di famiglia. Kaylie, determinata a provare l’innocenza del fratello, rintraccia lo specchio e scopre che nel corso dei secoli i diversi proprietari dell’oggetto sono stati tutti vittime di morti violente simili a quella dei suoi genitori. Ora che lo specchio è di nuovo nelle loro mani, Tim e Kaylie sono decisi a scoprire la verità, ma si renderanno conto troppo tardi che l’incubo della loro infanzia è tornato.
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Oculus - Il riflesso del male


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Main Krishna Hoon

In answer to an orphan boy's prayers, the divine Lord Krishna comes to Earth, befriends the boy, and helps him find a loving family.
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Main Krishna Hoon


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13 Exorcisms

After participating in a séance, young Laura begins to behave strangely. Alarmed, her parents ask Father Olmedo, one of the few exorcists authorized by the Vatican to intervene in cases of demonic possession, for help.
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13 Exorcisms


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Maine-Ocean Express

"Maine-Ocean" is the name of a train that rides from Paris to Saint-Nazaire (near the ocean). In that train, Dejanira, a Brazilian, has a brush with the two ticket inspectors. Mimi, another traveler and also a lawyer, helps her. The four of them will meet together later and live a few shifted adventures with a strange-speaking sailor (Mimi's client).
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Maine-Ocean Express


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Six A.M.

After drinking all night, Monty and his friend try to get home, but it turns out to be not easy. The next day, Monty tries to win the heart of a theater actress.
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Six A.M.


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Main Tera Hero

Seenu loves Sunaina but they're chased by a stalking cop, an infatuated beauty and her mafia don dad - can Seenu's heroics work?
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Main Tera Hero


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Ip Man - Il risveglio

Durante una visita a Hong Kong, il giovane Maestro Ip interrompe un tentativo di rapimento, innescando involontariamente una guerra per il territorio con una spietata banda di trafficanti di esseri umani.
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The King's Avatar: For the Glory

Film prequel di Quan Zhi Gao Shou, che tratta dell'ingresso originale di Ye Xiu nel mondo dei videogiochi professionisti di Glory e del primo torneo della serie Pro League.
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The King's Avatar: For the Glory


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K9 - Squadra antidroga

L'ufficiale K-9 della polizia di Los Angeles Jake Rosser ha appena assistito allo scioccante omicidio del suo fedele partner da parte di un misterioso aggressore. Mentre indaga sull'identità dell'assassino, scopre una vasta cospirazione che soffoca la città in questo emozionante viaggio attraverso le strade intricate di Los Angeles e la burocrazia corrotta della polizia di Los Angeles.
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K9 - Squadra antidroga


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Quattro migliori amiche partono per un'avventura in Thailandia, ma la loro paradisiaca meta si trasforma presto in incubo quando si ritrovano nel mirino del locale cartello del narcotraffico.
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Demon Slayer: Kimetsu no Yaiba - Tsuzumi Mansion Arc

Tanjiro ventures to the south-southeast where he encounters a cowardly young man named Zenitsu Agatsuma. He is a fellow survivor from Final Selection and his sparrow asks Tanjiro to help keep him in line.
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Demon Slayer: Kimetsu no Yaiba - Tsuzumi Mansion Arc


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Attack on Titan

As viable water is depleted on Earth, a mission is sent to Saturn's moon Titan to retrieve sustainable H2O reserves from its alien inhabitants. But just as the humans acquire the precious resource, they are attacked by Titan rebels, who don't trust that the Earthlings will leave in peace.
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Il figlio incallito di un potente industriale torna a casa dopo anni all'estero e giura di vendicarsi sanguinosa di coloro che minacciano la vita di suo padre.
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Rahul Subramanian: Kal Main Udega

Rahul Subramanian's stand up comedy solo 'Kal Main Udega' is filled with unrelated topics, no transitions, inconsequential takes on consequential subjects and also a bit of mildly bad dancing.
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Reign of Chaos

When the world is gripped by a plague unleashed by the evil lord Chaos, and humans are turned into rabid creatures, mankind can only be saved by three young women, descendants of a Goddess, with the power to stop Chaos' evil.
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Reign of Chaos


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San Francisco filmmaker Konrad Steiner took 12 years to complete a montage cycle set to the late Leslie Scalapino’s most celebrated poem, way—a sprawling book-length odyssey of shardlike urban impressions, fraught with obliquely felt social and sexual tensions. Six stylistically distinctive films for each section of way, using sources ranging from Kodachrome footage of sun-kissed S.F. street scenes to internet clips of the Iraq war to a fragmented Fred Astaire dance number.
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Main Aurr Mrs Khanna

Three people, each having different aspirations from life, are caught in a tangle of emotions and don’t know the way out. There’s a husband and wife with love eroding from their life. And there’s a single, happy-go-lucky dude who falls in love with the wife.
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Main Aurr Mrs Khanna


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Mega Tornado

Quando viene perso il controllo di un esperimento energetico, una gran quantità di uragani si abbatte sul nordamerica. Un insegnante di scienze del liceo mette in salvo la sua famiglia prima dell'arrivo degli uragani, creando un "hypercane", un uragano potente abbastanza da cancellare gli Stati Uniti dal mappamondo.
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Mega Tornado


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Panda! Go Panda!

Cheerful Mimiko has a wonderfully strange family—a Panda for her Papa; and his son Panny, calls her Mom! When Panny follows Mimiko to school, he must pretend to be a teddy bear so Mimiko won't get into trouble. Despite his efforts to behave, Panny causes trouble in school and now the school is after Panny! Then, Panny makes a new friend, Tiny, a baby tiger who's wandered off from the circus.
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Panda! Go Panda!


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Dev Kumar Verma comes from a middle-class family and must find employment to support his dad and mom. Dev, however, has set his mind upon becoming a music sensation like Elvis Presley. He loses his job because of this, and refuses to work until and unless he gets a job to his liking, much to the dismay of his parents and his brother, Shiv Kumar. Dev does get employment at Charlie's Disco, where he meets with Maya and falls in love with her. When Charlie's Disco's competitor, Rana, finds out about Dev, he wants to hire Dev, but Dev decides to continue to work with Charlie's Disco, as a result Dev and Charlie get a beating by Rana's men, and Dev is unable to sing. After recuperating, Dev is devastated to find out that Maya and Shiv Kumar are in love with each other. What impact will this have on Dev and his brother on one hand, and what of his career in music?
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Lo schiaccianoci e il flauto magico

Marie è una ragazza di 17 anni che ama danzare ed è molto affezionata ai suoi giocattoli. Alla morte del padre, Marie esprime un desiderio e come per magia diventa delle stesse dimensioni dei suoi giocattoli che improvvisamente prendono vita. Inizia così un’avventura incredibile fatta di divertenti, peripezie, amore e tanta magia.
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Lo schiaccianoci e il flauto magico


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Marty Feldman: Six Degrees of Separation

A documentary about the legendary and influential comedian, actor and writer, who went out from the BBC to conquer Hollywood, but sadly the system quickly withdrew its support when they couldn't contain his talents. This portrait is spiked with many comments from people who knew Feldman privately or had dealt with him professionally. His early death sadly rendered him all but forgotten by the public. The compilation consists of interviews, some film clips and photos as well as various audio clips from him.
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Marty Feldman: Six Degrees of Separation


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La plus belle pour aller danser

Marie-Luce Bison, 14 years old, is raised by her father in a cheerful boarding house for seniors where he is the director. It is soon the costume party of her new college: her father does not want her to go ... and anyway, she is not invited. But pushed by Albert, her 80-year-old best friend, Marie-Luce crashes the party, dressed as a man. That evening, everyone takes her for a boy... a boy who is looked at and who pleases. She then decides to invent a male double named Leo to finally live her teenage life. Of course, at home, the relationship with her father becomes complicated.
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La plus belle pour aller danser


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Avatar: Creating the World of Pandora

The Making-of James Cameron's Avatar. It shows interesting parts of the work on the set.
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Avatar: Creating the World of Pandora


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Joy Ride

Quattro amiche asiatico-americane scoprono la verità su cosa significhi conoscere e amare chi sei, mentre viaggiano attraverso l'Asia alla ricerca di una delle loro madri biologiche.
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Joy Ride


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Staring at Strangers

Carpenter Sergio runs away and hides in a closet after his boss fired him. When the closet arrives at its buyer's house, he decides to stay there, hiding in his new home living with an unknown family.
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Staring at Strangers


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