Via di qui (1966)

(6,1) basato su 8 voti
Data di uscita
gen 28, 1966
00h 06m
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Film Simili a Via di qui

Godzilla contro Destroyer

1996: Birth Island, residenza del re dei mostri, viene distrutta misteriosamente. Contemporaneamente il mostro Godzilla, con la pelle ricoperta di ferite ardenti, attacca la città di Hong Kong. Lo studente Kenichi Yamane, nipote adottivo del professor Yamane, ritiene che Godzilla non sia più in grado di contenere le reazioni nucleari all'interno del suo corpo: se la potenza di Godzilla eruttasse completamente fuori, l'esplosione conseguente distruggerebbe l'intero Giappone, in altre parole, Godzilla si è trasformato in una bomba atomica ambulante. Per impedire ciò, la G-Force inizia a studiare gli effetti del Micro Oxigen, simili a quelli dell'Oxigen Destroyer, la bomba che neutralizzò Godzilla nel 1954. Intanto nelle fogne di Tokyo e in un acquario cominciano a svilupparsi strane creature simili a crostacei, in grado di emettere Micro Oxigen. Si ritiene che gli animali siano stati creati dal Distruttore d'Ossigeno più di quarant'anni prima.
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Godzilla contro Destroyer


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Janma Bhoomi

Janma Bhoomi is a compelling Nepali film that celebrates culture, family, and the triumph of good over greed. Arjun and Krishna, two brothers unaware of their bond, face Kuber Agarwal, a wealthy businessman set on destroying Naya Basti village to build a factory, ignoring the villagers’ heritage. Agarwal’s daughter Sirjana falls in love with Arjun and marries him against her father’s wishes.Chameli secretly loves Arjun but remains silent, while Krishna falls for Gita. With the villagers’ support, Arjun and Krishna resist Agarwal’s plans. The story takes a tragic turn as Agarwal and Chameli die, but the brothers succeed in protecting the village. Sirjana’s decision to leave her father highlights that love and integrity triumph over greed. Directed and written by Mohan Nirula and produced by Chabi Ojha, Janma Bhoomi showcases Nepal’s cultural roots and the power of unity.
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Janma Bhoomi


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Una bara per Ringo

Johnny Ringo è un abile pistolero fuorilegge la cui vera fisionomia è però un mistero; lo sceriffo di Tombstone organizza una squadra per ucciderlo, ma lui riesce a salvarsi grazie alla sua amante Bea, uccidendo però durante l'agguato tesogli nel ranch dei Conroy alcuni uomini della squadra; lo sceriffo si rivolge allora a Sam Dobby, ignorando che sia in realtà proprio il fuorilegge che sta cercando.
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Una bara per Ringo


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Soul Men

Due ex cantanti soul di riserva, Louis e Floyd, non si parlano da vent'anni e accettano a malincuore di attraversare insieme il Paese per partecipare a un concerto di reunion in onore del loro cantante principale recentemente scomparso. Cleo, una giovane e bella donna che si crede essere la figlia di Floyd, li accompagna come nuova cantante.
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Soul Men


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L'inafferrabile spettro

Chuck e Ferdinand ereditano una casa da un uomo perché ucciso in loro presenza. Qui ci sono nascosti dei soldi e per questo della gente li spaventa a morte (fanno in modo che i due credano che ci sono degli spettri). Ciò nonostante Ferdinand trova i soldi poco prima di scappare e sfuggono agli uomini che ora si erano fatti vedere.
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L'inafferrabile spettro


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Godzilla contro Space Godzilla

Mentre alcuni scienziati tentano di controllare telepaticamente Godzilla, una stazione della NASA viene attaccata da una strana creatura, molto simile a Godzilla. Il Giappone manda contro questa minaccia il robot Moguera che viene sconfitto facilmente. La creatura atterra su un'isola dove rapisce il piccolo Godzillosauro. Godzilla si lancia alla ricerca del mostro per salvare il piccolo.
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Godzilla contro Space Godzilla


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But Muzeyyen That's the Deepest Desire

Arif, who is trying to write his first book, believes that life contains many unanswerable questions, especially about women and relationships. But when Müzeyyen appears unexpectedly, everything he has ever known or tried to learn is suddenly turned upside down.
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But Muzeyyen That's the Deepest Desire


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Godzilla contro i robot

Ad Okinawa circola una profezia: un giorno arriverà un immenso mostro che rischierà di distruggere la Terra, ma sarà fermato dall'intervento di altri due mostri. La profezia sembra avverarsi quando Godzilla senza motivo attacca il Giappone, arrivando anche a ferire gravemente Angilas, suo compagno in tante battaglie. Nessuno sa spiegarsi tale cambiamento, finché non compare un secondo Godzilla, che attacca il primo smascherandolo: si tratta di Mechagodzilla, gigantesco automa che riproduce le fattezze del Godzilla originale, ed è stato costruito da una civiltà aliena per conquistare la Terra.
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Godzilla contro i robot


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A war veteran tells his personal experience in “The War” to a psychiatrist, as a part of a social experiment. But nothing is as it seems…
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Pariyerum Perumal

A law student from a lower caste begins a friendship with his classmate, a girl who belongs to a higher caste, and the men in her family start giving him trouble over this.
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Pariyerum Perumal


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Three Kilometres to the End of the World

Adi, a gay teenager, is spending the summer in his home village in the Danube Delta. One night he is brutally attacked on the street, the next day his world is turned upside-down. His parents no longer look at him as they did, and the seeming tranquility of the village starts to crack.
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Three Kilometres to the End of the World


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Tom and Grant

Two brazenly inept thieves attempt to rob a bank without a plan, a clue-or a gun.
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Tom and Grant


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La banda delle Antille

Francia, anni '70: Jimmy, un immigrato delle Indie occidentali deluso dalla vita, si unisce a una banda di rapinatori idealisti, ma tradimento e violenza lo aspettano.
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La banda delle Antille


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Peter Pan

This musical version of the tale of the boy who wouldn't grow up aired live on television on March 7, 1955. It was so popular that it was restaged the following year, and again four years later.
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Peter Pan


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Dad, Lenin and Freddy

During the 80's, in Athens, a nine-year old girl gradually loses touch with her workaholic communist father. She fantasizes that Vladimir Lenin wants to harm him. Things get worse when the American movie maniac Freddy Krueger joins forces with the Russian.
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Dad, Lenin and Freddy


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Fanatical: The Catfishing of Tegan and Sara

Tegan Quin (from Tegan and Sara) has been the victim of identity theft and an ongoing catfishing scam for over 15 years. While investigating, she shares for the first time, how she was ensnared in toxic fan culture that revealed the dark side of fame.
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Fanatical: The Catfishing of Tegan and Sara


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Puella Magi Madoka Magica: Parte 2 - La Storia Infinita

Mami, Saiyaka e Kyoko sono morte e la terribile strega nota come “Notte di Valpurgis” sta per attivare. L’unica speranza di poterla sconfiggere è che Madoka diventi una maga ma Homura è disposta a tutto pur di evitare che ciò avvenga. Anche se questo dovesse significare combattere da sola
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Puella Magi Madoka Magica: Parte 2 - La Storia Infinita


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Godzilla contro King Ghidorah

2204: un futuristico sottomarino si avvicina al corpo sommerso di un gigantesco dragone a tre teste, di cui una scomparsa... 1992: un velivolo simile ad un disco volante sorvola la città di Tokyo, osservato da migliaia di persone, tra cui c'è anche la ESP Miki Saegusa, apparsa nel precedente film. Il giorno dopo, lo scrittore Kenichiro Terasawa e l'editore Chiaki Morimura intervistano un soldato reduce della seconda guerra mondiale, che afferma di aver visto un dinosauro ancora vivo sull'isola di Lagos, nel Pacifico...
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Godzilla contro King Ghidorah


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The Dream

Alex is an artist shunned by success whose love life is affected by the career rise of his girlfriend, Carmen. Alex is sent to a maximum security penitentiary to stage the play "A Midsummer Night's Dream". The great Shakespeare with prisoners. In the face of their efforts to overcome his limits, Alex realizes that he is a prisoner in his own life. For their part, the inmates do everything to be selected in the penitentiary theater festival, because each scene has a hatch through which they can escape.
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The Dream


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America Latina

Latina: paludi, bonifiche, centrali nucleari dismesse, umidità. Massimo Sisti è il titolare di uno studio dentistico che porta il suo nome. Professionale, gentile, pacato, ha conquistato tutto ciò che poteva desiderare: una villa immersa nella quiete e una famiglia che ama e che lo accompagna nello scorrere dei giorni, dei mesi, degli anni. La moglie Alessandra e le figlie Laura e Ilenia (la prima adolescente, la seconda non ancora) sono la sua ragione di vita, la sua felicità, la ricompensa a un’esistenza improntata all’abnegazione e alla correttezza. È in questa primavera imperturbabile e calma che irrompe l’imprevedibile: un giorno come un altro Massimo scende in cantina e l’assurdo si impossessa della sua vita.
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America Latina


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The Road of Life

The story focuses in on three young boys who, arrested by the authorities, await sentencing in Mexico City's Juvenile Court. One boy has killed his stepfather to protect his mother; the second boy has been goaded into blinding his chief tormentor; and the third resorts to stealing to support his family.
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The Road of Life


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Zugvögel - Ein Jahr vergeht im Flug

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Zugvögel - Ein Jahr vergeht im Flug


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Gamad Machmad 4

Four years have passed since Kfar and Gamadi's last fight, which ended in Gamadi's defeat. As time passes, the neverending threat of Gamadi seems to haunt Kfar, and leads him into a life revolving around the constant seek of revenge, violence and hate. And now with Piggy, his best friend, leaving to join the army. Kfar is left to deal with Gamadi on his own.
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Gamad Machmad 4


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My name is Enric Marco

Enric Marco, ex-president of the Spain’s main deportees’ association, embarks on a car trip to Germany, a demythologising journey into his past. Two years earlier, a historian had shown that Enric Marco wasn’t the member of the Resistance he had claimed to be, and that he’d made up the stories of his experiences in a concentration camp that he had been recounting on television for years. Now, Marco retraces the route of his 1941 train journey as part of a convoy of workers sent by Franco to Hitler, in the middle of the Second World War.
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My name is Enric Marco


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Two teenagers are playing by night in a dirty parking lot. After they are driving on an empty road, they start to tease each other on the way to the sea, but they seem to be too young to drive and the road is a bit strange.
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Tales from the Apocalypse

This gripping sci-fi anthology film features five thrilling stories about space travel and black holes, family and loss, and artificial intelligence.
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Tales from the Apocalypse


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Needle Theory

Bored of routine, Wilson Ward recruits his best friend Leon Mark to start a fight club that the whole school can join... however the power goes to his head and his life catches up to him.
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Needle Theory


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In August 1983, architect Dinu Neagu together with his wife and two children, a boy and a girl, are on a beach of nudists near an industrial area. He is arrested and taken to Bucharest police office, where he is imprisoned in a cell together with Vali, a collaborator of the Security Service.
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