They Will Outlive Us All (2013)

(4,5) basato su 6 voti
Data di uscita
set 14, 2013
01h 13m
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It's On 2

The famous Teahupoo wave, nicknamed "the perfect wave", was bigger than ever in 2019. In August 2019, mountains of water dropped on the coral reef like bombs. Towed by jet skis, local surfers tried and succeeded what seemed impossible. Bravery and dauntless! Commented by seasoned Tahitians like Kévin Bourez, Matahi Drollet, Kauli Vaast or Ariihoe Tefaafana who share this unique experience, their fear and pride to have faced heights never seen before. The Polynesians have proven that they are the best, that the Teahupoo wave is "made for them". Unforgettable images, interviews and testimonies… It has become an unmissable event for riders and those who love the beauty of the Pacific Islands. No need to be interested in surfing to appreciate spectacular performances. This is a pure wave of pleasure for the eyes. A wave of emotion with these “aito” (heroes in Tahitian) of surfing, who share a part of the Polynesian culture.
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To commemorate the 400th anniversary of the Bard's death, Shakespeare's Globe has assembled an all-star cast to make 37 short films – one for each play – and here's the twist: each lavish 10 minute vignette is made on location in the real setting of each plot. The films have been directed by a selection of young directors and blend existing Shakespeare's Globe footage with new material shot in locations that capture the breadth of the Bard's imagination, including the Pyramids of Dahshur in Egypt, the rocks of Elsinore, Denmark, and the historic Jewish Ghetto of Venice, Italy. “Cymbeline”, which starred Hayley Atwell as Innogen, was filmed on location in Wales.
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A child's Sunday School Bible. A broken relationship between an adopted daughter and her parents that spans 25 years. A mother who only wants to forgive - and be forgiven. On her death bed, Abigail asks her husband Steven to find their estranged daughter, forgive her and ask her forgiveness. Steven makes the journey from Kentucky to California to fulfill that wish - and to give his adopted daughter the Bible she left behind so many years ago. Along the way, Joseph meets a mysterious hitchhiker who may very well hold the secret of the journey's end. On the way, we learn that every journey needs a guide and that Steven will be "Guided by the Word."
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