Воскресный папа (1985)

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Film Simili a Воскресный папа

Zombie Fight Club

It's the end of the century at a corner of the city in a building riddled with crime - Everyone in the building has turned into zombies. After Jenny's boyfriend is killed in a zombie attack, she faces the challenge of surviving in the face of adversity. In order to stay alive, she struggles with Andy to flee danger.
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Zombie Fight Club


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He's My Girl

A clarinetist is trying to finish his record when his wife and ten year old son reappear in his life. His 10-year-old son whom he has never seen, and Naim, a young Muslim transvestite who will change his life ...
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He's My Girl


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F, an 18-year-old boy, immerses himself in the world of the Drag Queen where he begins to build his identity despite family and social mandates, which impose on him to be afraid and ashamed of being who he is.
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Kill Bill: Volume 2

Dopo aver mandato al creatore i prime due tra i presenti sulla sua lista nera - O-Ren Ishii e Vernita Green - la Sposa continua il suo viaggio, durante il quale è intenzionata a rintracciare e far fuori le "future vittime": Budd, che si è ritirato dall'attività e vive isolato in Texas; Elle, che la vuole morta per tenersi il suo Bill; e naturalmente quest'ultimo. La questione tuttavia si complica quando la vendicatrice con la tutina gialla scopre che la figlia creduta morta in realtà è ancora viva...
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Kill Bill: Volume 2


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Il buono, il brutto, il cattivo

Durante la guerra di Secessione, tre spregiudicati avventurieri, cercano di impossessarsi di un carico d'oro che gli permetterebbe di chiudere con la vita da pistoleri. Ma la guerra li costringerà a cambiare i loro piani.
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Il buono, il brutto, il cattivo


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Running Out of Time 2

Ho Sheung Sang finds himself wrapped up in another cat-and-mouse game, this time against a tricky magician.
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Running Out of Time 2


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The ostensibly calm and courteous Gerald Ballantyne lives in and embodies modern suburbia. But he is haunted by the memory of a recent car crash and hounded by his estranged wife and her demands for divorce. Slowly, a festering insanity takes over and unwilling to face the outside world he embarks on a lunatic experiment. Confining himself to his middle-class home, he eschews contact with others and survives entirely off 'food' which he can find in his house. Based on JG Ballard's The Enormous Space.
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Two guys against globalization want to plant a virus in the network of a finance corporation. On the day of the attack Alex has an accident and cannot remember anything. Visions and reality are thrown together in a confusing maze. Alex tries to escape from this muddle but what he discovers turns out to be rather frightening…
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Skal - Fight for Survival

My name's Arthur, a huge Internet star who's just hit 3 million subs. While in the midst of throwing an epic party to celebrate, the universe had the balls to bring on the effing apocalypse and cut my night short. What was supposed to be a perfect hangover, has turned into an epic fight for survival.
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Skal - Fight for Survival


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Stormy Weather

Dancing great Bill Williamson sees his face on the cover of Theatre World magazine and reminisces: Just back from World War I, he meets lovely singer Selina Rogers at a soldiers' ball and promises to come back to her when he "gets to be somebody." Years go by, and Bill and Selina's rising careers intersect only briefly, since Selina is unwilling to settle down. Will she ever change her mind? Concludes with a big all-star show hosted by Cab Calloway.
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Stormy Weather


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L'esorcismo - Ultimo atto

Anthony Miller (Russell Crowe) è un attore ormai alla deriva, tormentato dai demoni del suo passato. Quando finalmente ottiene un ruolo da protagonista in un film horror sugli esorcismi, Anthony sembra riprendere contatto con la realtà, ricucendo persino il rapporto complesso con sua figlia adolescente. Durante le riprese, però, inquietanti fenomeni iniziano a susseguirsi sul set del film, trascinando Anthony in un baratro di follia. Scena dopo scena, il comportamento dell’uomo si fa sempre più sinistro, rendendolo una pericolosa minaccia persino per sua figlia.
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L'esorcismo - Ultimo atto


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Psycho-Pass: Sinners of the System - Case.2 First Guardian

2112; the summer before Akane Tsunemori was assigned to Division One of the Public Safety Bureau's Criminal Investigation Department. Teppei Sugo, an accomplished pilot of the Defense Army's 15th Integrated Task Force, joins the military operation in Okinawa. Three months later, an unmanned combat drone opens fire on the Ministry of Defense in Tokyo. Enforcer Tomomi Masaoka of CID Division One is dispatched to Sugo's military base to investigate the truth behind this case.
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Psycho-Pass: Sinners of the System - Case.2 First Guardian


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La mosca 2

Martin, figlio dello scienziato Seth Brundle, è destinato a subire la stessa tremenda mutazione del padre. Con l'aiuto di una collega tenterà di trovare un antidoto per poter sopravvivere.
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La mosca 2


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Calogero - En Concert Symphonique

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Calogero - En Concert Symphonique


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Caged Birds

Barbara Hug is a young radical lawyer fighting Switzerland's antiquated prison system in the 1980s. Walter Stürm is in and often escaping out of jail becoming known as the Jailbreak King. When the two meet an unlikely alliance is formed.
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Caged Birds


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TAEMIN : N.G.D.A (Never Gonna Dance Again)

Taemin's solo ‘Beyond LIVE’ concert titled N.G.D.A (Never Gonna Dance Again) performed in KSPO Dome.
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TAEMIN : N.G.D.A (Never Gonna Dance Again)


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Cold Hands

In an effort to make friends in high school, Lucas finds himself in a position that compromises his safety. In the aftermath, he realizes that the support he seeks is not guaranteed.
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Cold Hands


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Roger & Me - Roger e io

Roger è Roger B. Smith, dal 1981 presidente della General Motors, la più grande casa automobilistica del mondo. "Me" è il giornalista Moore, autore di un film in cui racconta come e perché per due anni cercò inutilmente di parlare con il primo per indurlo a far visita a Flint (Michigan) dove la chiusura di undici stabilimenti della GM aveva lasciato senza lavoro trentamila operai.
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Roger & Me - Roger e io


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Love You. Waiting. Lena

The former paratrooper, and now the worker of the geological party Sergey Krutov, hurries to the station to meet a stranger girl and take a note from her for his friend - Having delivered the cherished message, he gladly learns about the arrival of the one he was thinking about, saving someone else's love.
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Love You. Waiting. Lena


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Brother Wang And Brother Liu Tour Taiwan-Part 1

Overweight shoeshiner Brother Wang (Wang Ge) and skinny rickshaw driver Brother Liu (Liu Ge) are best friends and roommates. One day, they come across a fortune teller who offers a peculiar forecast: that Wang will become very wealthy in three days but that Liu will die in 44 days. When Wang strikes gold by winning the lottery, just as predicted, the celebratory mood is soon eclipsed by the reminder that Liu’s death also has been forecast. With his newfound wealth, Wang decides to reward his dying buddy with the trip of a lifetime. Carrying around a suitcase full of cash, the working-class twosome embark on a road trip around the beautiful island of Taiwan. Enjoying a lavish lifestyle as inexperienced big spenders, they find themselves in unexpected situations and amusing predicaments, one after another.
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Brother Wang And Brother Liu Tour Taiwan-Part 1


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Tupac Uncensored and Uncut: The Lost Prison Tapes

As Tupac's interviewer announces, 'Tupac, this interview is not about your trial, or your court appeals it is about Tupac, the inner man, then, and now.' Featuring an uncut and never-before-seen interview at the Clinton Correctional Facility, TUPAC UNCENSORED AND UNCUT: THE LOST PRISON TAPES presents a raw look into Tupac's world, as the rapper riffs on topics ranging from his involvement with gang life to prisons in America to his relationship with his mother. What emerges is a moving self-portrait of an artist who sees himself as fundamentally misunderstood: He may have diagnosed thug life, but he didn't invent it, and he is determined to uplift not destroy the black community. Capturing the intensity and passion of a fierce talent, TUPAC UNCENSORED AND UNCUT: THE LOST PRISON TAPES offers a glimpse inside the mind of the enigmatic artist whose music is, in his own words, 'all about life.'
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Tupac Uncensored and Uncut: The Lost Prison Tapes


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Dance Dance

A woman and her husband Jackson welcome their baby boy the same day the King of Pop Michael Jackson died. A dance enthusiast, she names her son Michael, making his full name Michael Jackson. Michael goes on to become a great dancer, winning a reality show title. Owing to this, he becomes very famous in his college as well. However, one day, he mysteriously goes missing from college, leading to a string of unexpected events.
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Dance Dance


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A small group of artists travels the Brazilian backlands presenting a show. Upon arriving in a small village, they find an abandoned city with houses, a church, and a fountain spouting clean water, like a miracle of a biblical desert. Tired of and battered by their life as wanderers, the artists decide to settle in the village and start a new community, assigning themselves different roles from those they have played throughout their lives. This new arrangement, however, will reveal these artists the worst vices of the civilian life.
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