団鬼六 縄責め (1984)

(6,3) basato su 6 voti
Data di uscita
set 01, 1984
01h 11m
Disponibile in streaming su

Film Simili a 団鬼六 縄責め

Female Teacher in Rope Hell

A female teacher spots one of her students being molested by a vagrant. But her rescue attempt fails as the vagrant drags the teacher into an empty classroom and sexually assaults her. The student finds a school employee, a piano tuner, to try and help but all they can offer is some comfort. Later the piano tuner invites the teacher to his house. He wants her to be his obedient loving bride and has built a nice caged apartment in his basement all for her. He subjects her to an endless series of sexual humiliations to persuade her to say yes.
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Female Teacher in Rope Hell


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Tomie: Rebirth

Young art student Hideo paints an unnerving portrait of Tomie, who whispers that she loves him. Inexplicably, he reacts by stabbing her to death with a painting trowel. Two friends, Takumi and Shunichi, arrive on the scene and help him dispose of the body. To cheer him up, the boys take the unwitting murderer to the nearest bar for a party... but a mysterious girl named Tomie shows up, bearing a few odd physical resemblances to the dead girl in the ground.
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Tomie: Rebirth


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Friends battle former U.S. presidents when they come back from the dead as zombies on the Fourth of July.
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Android Re-Enactment

Ermus Daglek, retired Empathtek engineer, commandeers a defunct factory where he creates androids based on persons from his past and recreates a dinner party where he lost the love of his life - until they malfunction and escape.
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Android Re-Enactment


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009 Re:Cyborg

Sono passati 27 anni dall’ ultima missione dei Cyborg ed il mondo sembra averli oramai dimenticati, ma degli attacchi missilistici alla metropoli di Shanghai, scena con cui si apre il film, ridestano la paura ed i nove Cyborg vengono richiamati per quella che potrebbe risultare la loro missione più pericolosa e fondamentale, scoprire come e da chi sono stati lanciati questi attacchi.
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009 Re:Cyborg


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They're Watching

An American TV crew gets trapped in a centuries-old web of revenge, horror, and blood, when their home improvement show is attacked by angry Eastern European villagers out to kill the show's star.
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They're Watching


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A Boy Called Po

A recently widowed, now single father struggles to raise his sixth-grade son with autism. The pressure of his job and coping with the loss of his wife proves to push him nearly to the breaking point.
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A Boy Called Po


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Synopsis 1. "Today's Superpower" (26min, 오늘의 초능력, o-neul-eui cho-neung-ryeok) by Lee Min-seob People who claim to be able to use superpowers once a day gathered! But why can't they use their superpowers? Do they really have superpowers in the first place? 2. "1+1" (30min, 1+1) by Han Jay "Toot! I'm 1+1!" One day, the same alter ego as me appeared! 3. "Jangah & Chichung" (35min, 장아치청, jang-a-chi-cheong) by Kim Tae-hoon-II "Burp!" Once you start burping, there's nothing you can do. A comedy action movie limited to 60 minutes, filled with real superpowers by superheroes. 4. "LOVE SICK" (23min, 러브씩, reo-beu-ssik) by Jung Seung-hoon A year after the end of the zombie crisis, Seung-beom prepares an unforgettable proposal for his girlfriend Ji-yoon who saved him.
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Five years after a zombie outbreak, the men and women of R-Division hunt down and destroy the undead. When they see signs of a second outbreak, they fear humanity may not survive.
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L'ombra dell'uomo ombra

Nick Charles deve indagare su un delitto nel mondo delle corse dei cavalli. Più che la moglie Nora, è il suo intelligente cagnetto Asta che gli dà una mano. Si fa per dire. Non è dei migliori, ma la qualità della stoffa è indiscutibile. Powell, nel personaggio inventato da Hammett, porta il giallo ai confini della commedia, e li supera. Seguito da L'uomo ombra torna a casa.
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L'ombra dell'uomo ombra


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Il peccato di Lola

Thriller erotico italiano anni '80.
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Il peccato di Lola


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Southbound - Autostrada per l'inferno

Cinque racconti del terrore si snodano lungo un'autostrada del deserto. Su un desolato tratto di strada due uomini in fuga dal loro passato, una band diretta al luogo di un prossimo concerto, un uomo che lotta per ritornare a casa, un fratello in cerca della sorella a lungo perduta e una famiglia in vacanza, sono costretti a confrontarsi con le loro peggiori paure e con i loro segreti più oscuri.
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Southbound - Autostrada per l'inferno


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À dix minutes de nulle part

The Stievenart family decides to spend their vacation far away and puts an ad on the internet. The Mailon family responds by offering to exchange homes. But the Stievenart family has an environmentally friendly house, while the Mailons consume a lot of energy.
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À dix minutes de nulle part


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Ana and Helen, two divorced women, were close friends as teenagers. Today, amidst the corona virus pandemic and in quarantine, they get in touch after 20 years via internet. Through video conference calls, memories, sensations and emotions reflourishes.
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...altrimenti ci arrabbiamo!

Carezza e Sorriso, fratelli molto diversi tra loro e in lite fin dall’infanzia, dovranno mettere da parte le loro controversie per recuperare la mitica Dune Buggy, un tempo appartenuta al loro amato papà e ora sottrattagli da Torsillo, uno speculatore edilizio senza scrupoli, e da suo figlio Raniero. Nel farlo, stringeranno un’insolita alleanza con una comunità di circensi, capeggiata dalla bella e pericolosa Miriam e minacciata dagli affari poco puliti di Torsillo. Tra inseguimenti rocamboleschi, scazzottate memorabili e delicati pasti a base di birra e salsicce, riusciranno i due fratelli a ritrovare la loro amata macchina?
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...altrimenti ci arrabbiamo!


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Night of the Living Dead: Re-Animation

After inheriting the family mortuary, a pyrophobic mortician accidentally exposes hundreds of un-cremated bodies to toxic medical waste. As the corpses re-animate, the mortician's inheritance-seeking younger brother unexpectantly shows up, stumbling upon a full zombie outbreak!
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Night of the Living Dead: Re-Animation


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BTS World Tour: Love Yourself in Seoul

Girato allo Stadio Olimpico di Seoul durante il BTS WORLD TOUR 'LOVE YOURSELF', una proiezione esclusiva del più ambito concerto del 2018 ha colpito le sale cinematografiche di tutto il mondo per un evento di un solo giorno. Questo evento riunirà i fan per celebrare i sette membri del boyband globale e il loro fenomeno internazionale senza precedenti.
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BTS World Tour: Love Yourself in Seoul


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Lost in Thailand

Lost in Thailand is the story of two rival business managers, Xu and Bo, who are fighting over a revolutionary new in-house technology for control of their company. If Xu wins, his future will be secured. The critical task is to secure control over the shares of the chairman, who is at a retreat in Thailand. Xu catches the first plane to Bangkok, where he meets the happy-go-lucky Wang, an unexpected travel companion who will open his eyes to life's true priorities.
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Lost in Thailand


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Royal Tramp

The story of Wilson Bond, a pimp who after saving Chan, the leader of the Heaven and Earth society, a revolutionary group, is made a member. After a botched first assignment for the group, he is made a servant to the Prince, the very person the Heaven and Earth society want to overthrow. What follows is plenty of mayhem and laughter.
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Royal Tramp


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A plane containing a highly classified government project crashes outside of a small town in the US. Realizing the level of danger, the government tries to secretly fix the problem. As tensions grow, the situation gets out of control, and civilians from the town find themselves facing their worst nightmare: a genetically enhanced killing machine that doesn't know how to stop.
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Beyond Re-Animator

Il folle dottor Herbert West si ritrova rinchiuso in carcere, quando il medico della prigione gli permette di rianimare un detenuto con il magico fluido verde. Naturalmente la situazione sfuggirà di mano ed il carcere si trasformerà in un carnaio di morti viventi.
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Beyond Re-Animator


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Emma e il giaguaro nero

Crescere nella foresta amazzonica ha regalato a Emma la più rara delle amicizie: un cucciolo di giaguaro di nome Hope. Quando un tragico evento costringe Emma a lasciare Hope per New York, il suo unico desiderio è tornare nella foresta pluviale e dal suo cucciolo. Trascorsi alcuni anni nella Grande Mela e abituatasi alla vita di città, Emma scopre che il suo villaggio d'infanzia è minacciato dai trafficanti di animali e decide che deve tornare in Amazzonia dal suo amato giaguaro. Intraprende così un viaggio per ricongiungersi con Hope e salvarla da coloro che cercano di distruggere la foresta pluviale e la sua fauna selvatica.
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Emma e il giaguaro nero


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BTS 2021 Muster: Sowoozoo Day 2

BTS 2021 Muster "Sowoozoo" was held on June 13-14, 2021 in South Korea and broadcasted live for fans.
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BTS 2021 Muster: Sowoozoo Day 2


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Bathtub Shark Attack

A young down-on-their-luck couple settle for a cheap apartment that seems too good to be true. Little do they know, something lurks in the drain of the bathtub. Something that's thousands of years old...and it is hungry.
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Bathtub Shark Attack


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Attrazione letale

Libby Wells, introversa 16enne, conosce il nuovo fidanzato di sua madre, John Smith, individuo dal fascino e intelligenza talmente rare da non sembrare umano. Libby è stranamente affascinata da John, tant’è accetta le sue confuse avance sessuali. Una notte, la giovane vede una luce rossa dal profondo del lago: John vi si immerge totalmente per poi riapparire alle spalle di Libby totalmente asciutto, instillando nella ragazzina un’orrenda inquietudine…
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Attrazione letale


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Heaven in Hell

Olga and Maks are 15 years away. She is a successful woman with an established position, the mother of an adult daughter, he is a handsome young man who enjoys his life in a handful and lives only in the moment. It might seem that these two different worlds will never meet, and yet fate put them in the way.
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Heaven in Hell


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The Christmas Cottage

Sebbene sia ancora una giovanissima donna, Lacey Quinn ha già rinunciato all'amore. Ha avuto il cuore spezzato diverse volte e ha deciso di concentrarsi solo sulla carriera di interior designer. Quando la miglior amica Ava le chiede di farle da damigella d'onore per le sue imminenti nozze, Lacey accetta assumendosi alcuni compiti da portare a termine. Tra le cose da fare, deve assicurarsi che il cottage della famiglia dell'amica sia perfetto per la luna di miele degli sposi. Secondo la leggenda, chi trascorre nel cottage la prima notte insieme a chi ama sarà felice per sempre. Lacey non ci crede molto. Tuttavia, riprenderà in considerazione la cosa quando si troverà costretta dalla neve a trascorrere una notte dentro la casa con Charlie, il fratello di Ava.
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The Christmas Cottage


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Grisaia: Phantom Trigger The Animation - Stargazer

While Rena and Maki recover from their injuries, the other SORD members jet off overseas for a school trip. Within moments of their arrival, though, the Mihama gang are pulled into a manhunt for a SORD deserter, assisted by student Sylvia and Velvet of St. Aile's International School. Tohka's the star of the show this time round, but she's wrestling with her own issues - old memories of her parents, and a promise to a friend that she wasn't able to keep...
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Grisaia: Phantom Trigger The Animation - Stargazer


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A customs agent follows a jewel smuggler's trail of corpses from Paris to New York.
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Killer of Men

A man lurks the night alleys, killing people at random, he feels nothing, no emotion, and no pain; when he meets a graceful widow he must confront what it means to be human.
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Killer of Men


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Wild Seas

A couple of fisher-folk are joined by a young new apprentice in the middle of a raging storm.
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Wild Seas


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Vixen è una procace ragazza che vive con il marito pilota Tom, che non si accorge dell'infedeltà della moglie. Quando una giovane coppia chiede ospitalità nella casa dei coniugi, Vixen inizierà subito a sedurre entrambi. Le voglie di Vixen si dipanano nell'opera prima del genio dell'erotismo Russ Meyer.
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Bang Bang


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Private Lessons: Another Story

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Private Lessons: Another Story


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Emmanuelle in Rio

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