75 Degrees in July (2000)

(6) basato su 1 voti
Data di uscita
gen 01, 2000
01h 27m
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Film Simili a 75 Degrees in July

Il mio amico ninja 2

Kevin Ryan is Hollywood's leading teen heartthrob. He's the star of "Ninja Boy," a hot Martial Arts TV series. The trouble starts when Kevin decides he wants to leave the hit show, so that he can go to high school and lead a normal teenager's life. However, he is the Studio's biggest money maker and the unscrupulous executives are NOT going to let him leave. Their sinister plans involve a desirable young starlet, a muscle-bound mountain man, and an army of inept thugs trying to kill Kevin's loveable, but mixed-up manager, Uncle Bob.
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Trama non disponibile
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Leonardo - Cinquecento

A 500 anni dalla sua scomparsa, Leonardo continua ad essere uno dei personaggi più conosciuti ed ammirati nella storia dell’umanità. Artista, architetto, naturalista, stratega militare, ingegnere, il più grande scienziato di tutti i tempi fu prima di tutto un osservatore alla costante ricerca di nuove scoperte.
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München 1945

Shot in Munich just a few weeks after it was taken by the American troops on April 30, 1945.
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Emmanuel Macron: Behind the Rise

Deputy General Secretary at the Elysée to candidate for the presidency of the Republic, the novice in politics went from the shadows to the light in a very short time. For 200 days, our cameras followed him behind the scenes of his campaign and his exceptional ascent. For eight months we were the only ones allowed to follow the candidate Emmanuel Macron with our camera behind the scenes of this exceptional campaign. From the announcement of his candidature until his election on May 7, we propose you an exclusive documentary allowing you to live from inside the campaign of Emmanuel Macron in the manner of a political thriller.
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The Golden Age of Songs From Our Childhood

This 135-minute documentary offers to reopen this magical parenthesis which has seen the birth of a whirlwind of artists with very different styles. From Chantal Goya to Annie Cordy, from Pierre Perret to Carlos. They knew how to bring each in their own way generations of children into their poetic universe.
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Herman Finkers: Dat Heeft Zo'n Jongen Toch Niet Nodig

1. Opening, 2. Ein brief aus holland, 3. Je kunt er geen voorstelling van maken, Mijn broer, 5. Tante Sien, 6. Verkoopt U ook kussentjes? 7. De Ardennen, 8. De omroeppastor, 9. Recept voor een wilde eend, 10. Bonnie of een onmogelijke liefde, 11. Condooms of een onmogelijke liefde, 12. Het meisje van de slijterij, 13. Paterswolde, 14. Klein Duimpje, 15. Trouw nog eenmaal met mij, 16. In de sneeuw van Tirol, 17. Visite, 18. De Kikkerrap, 20. Gebarentaal, 21. Het meisje van de slijterij - besluit.
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Herman Finkers: Dat Heeft Zo'n Jongen Toch Niet Nodig


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Winter Stories

An adult Martin Roy reminisces about his life in the 1966/67 school year. At fifteen years old and in his last year of junior high school, he breathed, ate and slept hockey. He collected hockey cards, played street hockey with his friends, tried skating and ice hockey for the first time in his life, but was most fascinated with his local national league team, the Montréal Canadiens, and its star player, Henri Richard. He dreamed of growing up and working for the Canadiens franchise. But a more immediate goal was to get tickets to one of their games, using M. Richard and his banker father, Hervé, as possible conduits to that goal.
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La rosa bianca

Il giovane Joseph discende da un'aristocratica famiglia del sud; ha studiato in seminario e ora dovrebbe assumere il suo incarico religioso. Prima, però, vuole vedere anche il "mondo reale" in modo da servire al meglio la sua congregazione. Si reca a New Orleans e lì conosce Bessie, una ragazza povera e poco sofisticata. I due sono attratti uno dall'altra ma, lui, pensando alla carriera, lascia Bessie che, poco dopo, scopre di essere incinta. La giovane lascia il suo lavoro, cresce il bambino e va alla ricerca di Joseph. Quando lo incontra, però, scopre che questi, ormai, è impegnato con quella che era la fidanzatina della sua infanzia.
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La rosa bianca


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Decameron Nights

Italian poet Boccaccio (Louis Jourdan) hides in the court of Fiammetta (Joan Fontaine) and tells three tales of love and lust.
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WWE Cyber Sunday 2006

Cyber Sunday (2006) was the first annual Cyber Sunday PPV. It took place on November 5, 2006 at the U.S. Bank Arena in Cincinnati, Ohio replacing Taboo Tuesday. This event had the unique feature of being interactive. Fans could vote for selective characteristics in the scheduled matches, including opponents, stipulations, match types, etc. The voting for the event started on October 16, 2006, and ended during the event. The main event was the "Champion of Champions" match, between WWE's three top champions. The three champions in the match were WWE Champion John Cena, World Heavyweight Champion King Booker, and ECW World Champion The Big Show. The fans could vote for who would defend their championship in this match. The predominant match on the card was D-Generation X versus Rated-RKO. The featured matches on the undercard were Jeff Hardy versus Carlito for the WWE Intercontinental Championship and Lita versus Mickie James in a Diva Lumberjack match for the WWE Women's Championship.
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WWE Cyber Sunday 2006


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Jo Koy: Lights Out

Infectiously funny and painfully honest, Jo hits on such topics as the joys and struggles of fatherhood, growing up with strong and opinionated Filipino women, sleep apnea, and role playing. If you don't already know Jo from his stand-up or regular roundtable appearances on Chelsea Lately, it's time that you do. Ting ting!
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Christmas of Yes

Amy Bell is a pro at turning down party invitations, vacations with friends, and even dates because she's laser-focused on her job. When her job is eliminated, her brother dares her to do something terrifying: say "yes" to everything this holiday season.
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Central Airport

Aviator Jim Blaine and his brother Neil are rivals not only as daredevil flyers, but also for the love of parachutist Jill Collins.
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Questo mondo è per te

ll film racconta le scelte di Teo, un giovane appena diplomato, alle prese con un'improvvisa esigenza di autonomia economica che lo porterà nel mondo del lavoro per poter coronare il sogno di iscriversi ad una prestigiosa scuola per aspiranti scrittori. In questo suo percorso avrà modo di superare diverse "prove di maturità" nelle amicizie, in famiglia, nel lavoro e anche in amore.
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Questo mondo è per te


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Las obras de ayer

Les Luthiers is a comedy-musical group from Argentina, very popular also in several other Spanish-speaking countries such as Paraguay, Peru, Chile, Ecuador, Spain, Colombia, Mexico, Uruguay and Venezuela. They were formed in 1967 by Gerardo Masana, during the height of a period of very intense Choral Music activity in Argentina's state universities.
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Las obras de ayer


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O xenagos

Nine frustrated young architects in an equally frustrated city. A comedy about sexuality, Athens and modern Greeks. Iasonas arrives in Athens starting his new ambitious career as “architects’ guide”. His group consists of international students of architecture, finishing their Erasmus in Thessaloniki. Soon Iasonas faces the contradicting wishes of the students who prefer a day-long coffee or a visit to a graveyard than a guide to the Acropolis. Meanwhile, he meets back with his once (more than just a) best friend Mirsini. Trapped between a friend who progressively sees him less and less as a friend and a group that sees him less and less as a guide, Iasonas will have to give an answer to all his personal questions regarding his sexuality and his career.
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A race car driver, injured during an accident, opens up a repair shop only to become the target of crooked government agents.
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