On the Line (1984)

(4,4) basato su 5 voti
Data di uscita
nov 07, 1984
01h 41m
Disponibile in streaming su

Film Simili a On the Line


For the first short film for one of five consecutive record-breaking No. 1 hits from "Bad," Michael Jackson and director Martin Scorsese created an epic 18-minute tale of urban and racial challenges in the 1980s. "Bad" was named the second greatest of Michael's short films by Rolling Stone in 2014.
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Scooby-Doo! and the Sea Monsters

The scares start in Hawaii, where Scooby-Doo and Shaggy are scarfing down the surf-and-turf menu until a giant serpent tries to swallow them faster than you can say She Sees Sea Monsters by the Seashore. In Uncle Scooby and Antarctica, a friendly penguin invites the Mystery, Inc. crew to visit his polar home, which happens to be haunted by an ice ghost! Then, the gang meets music group Smash Mouth while visiting Australia's Great Barrier Reef to watch Shaggy and Scooby compete in a sand castle contest in Reef Grief! Just when they think it's safe to go back in the water... it isn't.
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Lone wolf and cub: white heaven in hell

Ogami decide di tornare a Edo per riscattarsi e uccidere Retsudo Yagyu, ma dovrà vedersela con Kaori Yagyu e affrontare la vera paura contro gli Tsuchigumo di Hyoei. Nello scontro finale il lupo solitario batte tutti i record di carneficine della storia del Chambara.
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Lone wolf and cub: white heaven in hell


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Scooby-Doo! and the Safari Creatures

The gang flies off to Africa for a video animal safari titled 'So Goodi!,' only to learn that - zoinks! - the creatures are actually shape-shifting jungle demons! In Homeward Hound, a "fiercely fanged" cat creature petrifies the competing pooches at a dog show, including the visiting Scooby-Doo! Finally, a giant Wakumi bird is stealing sculptures that are scheduled to be housed in a museum in New Mexico, Old Monster. There's never a dull moment when Scooby-Doo enters the scene!
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Scooby-Doo! and the Safari Creatures


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Ninja: Shadow of a Tear

Fight everyone and trust no one: it's the code of survival practiced by martial-arts master Casey Bowman after his life of domestic bliss is shattered by a savage act of violence. Vowing revenge, the fearless American stealthily tracks the killer from Osaka to Bangkok to Rangoon with the help of a wise and crafty sensei. His only clues: a series of victims whose necks bear the distinctive mark of strangulation by barbed wire. Fighting to avenge as well as to survive, Casey must sharpen his razor-like responses and take his battle skills to the next level, even using deep meditation to fake his own death. His target: the sinister drug lord Goro, who is flooding the streets with deadly meth cooked at his remote jungle factory. To prepare for his ultimate confrontation, Casey must finally become an invisible warrior worthy of the name Ninja. But just when his prey is cornered, an unexpected twist shows Casey that his battle is only beginning: he truly can trust no one.
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Un piccolo sogno

Bobby Keller (Corey Feldman) ha una ragazza ed un migliore amico. Ma non è felice, i suoi genitori non lo notano e va male a scuola. Ritiene la sua vita superficiale ed una notte tutto cambia, quando Bobby si scontra con Lainie (Meredith Salenger) nel giardino di due anziani: Coleman (Jason Robards) è bloccato nel Corpo di Bobby, sua moglie Gina è bloccata nel corpo di Lainie. Coleman può mettersi in contatto con Bobby solo nei suoi sogni e lui non è disposto a tornare indietro a meno che Coleman non metta a posto la sua vita.
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Un piccolo sogno


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Líba has only one birthday wish every year. She insists that the whole family come together for her celebration, which they all always do. That is, until this year's birthday. Her son Petr has other plans for this year, so he pretends to be sick in front of the family. This year, for the first time, he wants to spend his birthday with his friend Karl, who has a birthday on the same day. And Karel is Peter's long-hidden secret for the rest of the family. However, Líba is not going to give up her celebration so easily. She decides to surprise Peter and move in with the whole family. An unexpected visit forces Peter to quickly improvise. In front of your family, turning your friend Karel into a colleague from work and his sister Veronika into your girlfriend is basically a piece of cake. But Petr doesn't know yet that this is just the beginning and today will be one big rollercoaster ride.
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Scooby Doo and The Zombies

A DVD compilation of 3 zombie-themed episodes from What's New, Scooby-Doo?. Smile and say "ciao"! The phantom-busters travel to Italy in Pompeii and Circumstance. With a colossal mystery to solve, will our friends be ghoulish gladiator goners, or will their love for Italian art and Scooby Snax save them? Then it's off to the City by the Bay for the Grind Games in The San Franpsycho, where a seaweed-sprouting ghoul from Alcatraz prison cares competing skateboarders to the core. If they don't find the creep behind the Legend of the Creepy Keeper, it'll be lights out in Fright House of a Lighthouse. Who's scared of zombies? Not Scooby-Doo!
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Trama non disponibile
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Moskova'nın Şifresi: Temel


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3 robot-themed episodes from various Scooby-Doo series. First stop is Cyber Gulch, where the Mystery, Inc. gang must solve the riddle of the man-a-trons or get terminated in Go West, Young Scoob. En route to Florida, Freddy runs into a real Monster Truck at a championship stock car race in Gentlemen, Start Your Monsters. Buckle up for a roller-coaster ride of fun and fear in Foul Play in Funland when the gang discovers a fully operated amusement park...with nobody in it! Will they find the phantom in the Hall of Mirrors? Stay tuned for more escapades with Scooby-Doo - and watch out for those robots!
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Il grande volo

Mike ricorda la propria infanzia, quando lui e suo fratello minore si trasferirono in una nuova cittá con loro madre, il suo nuovo marito e il loro cane , Shane. Quando il fratellino è vittima di percosse da parte del violento patrigno, Mike decide di trasformare il loro carrettino, il "Radio Flyer", in un aeroplano per farlo volare via in un posto sicuro.
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Il grande volo


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Morti e sepolti

Dopo una serie di omicidi cruenti commessi da folla di cittadini contro turisti in visita, i cadaveri sembrano tornare in vita e vivere normalmente come gente del posto nella piccola città.
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Morti e sepolti


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Inu-Oh è nato con caratteristiche fisiche singolarissime e gli adulti, sconvolti, ne hanno coperto il corpo con indumenti e il viso con una maschera. Un giorno incontra Tomona, un suonatore di biwa cieco. Mentre questi suona una delicata canzone su una vita contrastata, Inu-Oh scopre di essere molto bravo a danzare. I due diventano amici inseparabili e soci. Usano il loro talento per sopravvivere ai margini della società, ma canzone dopo canzone diventano sempre più famosi. Grazie alle canzoni, dal palcoscenico Inu-Oh incanta il pubblico e lentamente si trasforma in un essere di bellezza senza pari. Ma perché Tomona è cieco? Perché Inu-Oh è nato con caratteristiche fisiche così singolari? Il film è la storia dell’amicizia di Inu-Oh e Tomona, che danzano e cantano per raggiungere la verità e cancellare la maledizione che li ha colpiti.
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A Gruta

The only one survivor of a mysterious murderer that killed his wife, friends and the tourism guide who leaded them through a interdicted grotto, a boy become the only suspect to make the crime. He, however, claim for his innocence saying that your wife killed those people as she was possessed by an evil force. Refusing to talk to police officers who are in charge for the crime investigation, he asks for help to a nun.
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A Gruta


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Stan Lee

Prodotto da Marvel Studios e dall'acclamato regista David Gelb, "Stan Lee" è il documentario ufficiale su Stan "The Man" Lee e sulla sua ascesa nel mondo dei fumetti e della cultura pop. Tracciando la sua vita dall'infanzia come Stanley Lieber all'ascesa nei fumetti Marvel, "Stan Lee" raccolta la sua vita, la carriera e l'eredità con le sue stesse parole, attraverso materiali dal suo archivio personale.
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In turn-of-the-century San Francisco, an ambitious vaudevillian takes his quartet from a honky tonk to the big time, while spurning the love of his troupe's star singer for a selfish heiress.
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Non aprite quella porta - Parte 3

Una coppia, nel tentativo di sfuggire ad un benzinaio che li minaccia con un fucile, si ritrova a combattere contro un clan di cannibali nel deserto del Texas.
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Non aprite quella porta - Parte 3


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Prescription Thugs

Americans consume 75% of the world’s prescription drugs. After losing his own brother to the growing epidemic of prescription drug abuse, documentarian Chris Bell sets out to demystify this insidious addiction. Bell’s examination into the motives of big pharma and doctors in this ever-growing market leads him to meet with experts on the nature of addiction, survivors with first-hand accounts of their struggle, and whistleblowers who testify to the dollar-driven aims of pharmaceutical corporations. Ultimately his investigation will point back to where it all began: his own front door.
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Soffio al cuore

Digione, 1954: Laurent Chevalier, un quindicenne di buona famiglia, viene iniziato al sesso dalla madre Clara e vive una serie di esperienze che lo proiettano bruscamente nell'età adulta.
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Soffio al cuore


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Doraemon: Nobita no nankai daibōken

Nobita ed i suoi compagni di scuola stanno svolgendo un progetto relativo al mare ed alla sua letteratura, e Nobita decide di leggere il romanzo L'isola del tesoro per sapere di più al riguardo. Tuttavia il ragazzino ne rimane così affascinato da convincere Doraemon ed i suoi amici di fare un vero viaggio alla ricerca di tesori fra le isole caraibiche.
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The story of Jack Johnson, the first African American Heavyweight boxing champion.
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Il boom

Spinto a vivere al di sopra dei suoi mezzi, per conservare la moglie e il tenore di vita cui l'ha abituata, vende clandestinamente un occhio a un riccone che l'ha perso in un incidente. Apologo sull'Italia del miracolo economico e sul consumismo rampante, il film si sostiene sulle prodezze di Sordi, ma il moralismo greve di De Sica e Zavattini gira un po' a vuoto perché l'idea di partenza non resiste ai tempi di un lungometraggio.
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Il boom


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