ソースの小壜 〜重松清「愛妻日記」より〜 (2006)

(6,5) basato su 2 voti
Data di uscita
ott 07, 2006
01h 07m
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Film Simili a ソースの小壜 〜重松清「愛妻日記」より〜

Lies 2014

Jin-hee (Yoon Seol-hee) meets married man Min-ki (Hong Seok-yeon) on an online meeting site to make a living for herself and her incompetent boyfriend. She meets him for money but they slowly fall into something more than just a physical relationship. One day, a rumor spreads that she's a whore and breaks up with her boyfriend. With the betrayal for her boyfriend and love for Min-ki growing deeper, Jin-hee decides to put everything in the past and go abroad. The day before she leaves, she goes to meet Min-ki for the last time...
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