Sawney: Flesh of Man (2012)

(5) basato su 28 voti
Data di uscita
ago 22, 2012
01h 29m
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Film Simili a Sawney: Flesh of Man

The Good Witch's Gift - Il matrimonio di Cassie

Dopo essere rimasta a Middleton, Cassie gestisce una boutique di successo ed è fidanzata con Jack che, a soli sei giorni dal Natale, le propone di sposarlo in modo da risvegliarsi la mattina della festività come una famiglia felice, insieme ai due figli. In fretta, i due cominciano i preparativi per le nozze ma niente va come previsto e i problemi si susseguono senza sosta a causa della comparsa di Leon, un criminale che Jack ha provveduto ad arrestare in passato, desideroso di vendicarsi mandando all'aria la cerimonia. Come se non bastasse, nonno George, il padre di Jack, si sente trascurato e minaccia la famiglia di andarsene di casa mentre Martha si propone come wedding planner, che con le sue manie snob manda Cassie in confusione.
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The Good Witch's Gift - Il matrimonio di Cassie


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When '80s B-movie icon Tim Thomerson wakes up one day to realize the acting roles are not coming his way any more, he sets out on a quest to find his former co-star Lance Henriksen to discover his secret of Hollywood longevity and gets more than he bargained for in the process.
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Joseph is a retired police officer with adept investigative skills. He accidentally gets involved in a crime case after his ex-wife’s unexpected demise.
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Santiago is a skeptical young man, but his friend Andrés is obsessed with a mysterious door in the forest that he says is capable of taking them to another world. One day, Andrés disappears without explanation, which will lead Santiago to cross the mysterious door to find him.
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The United Monster Talent Agency

A short comedy spoof about Universal Monsters and their everyday unconventional work done at their very own talent agency for their movies.
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The United Monster Talent Agency


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Loreena McKennitt: Nights from the Alhambra

Una performance musicale incantata questa, con Loreena McKennitt impegnata ad ammaliare il pubblico intervenuto sotto un cielo di stelle, nel mezzo del cuore moresco della Spagna medievale. In questo concerto, registrato nel 2006, la cantante canadese (ma di chiara discendenza scozzese e irlandese) conduce gli spettatori nelle sonorità delicate e labirintiche del suo repertorio, che comprende ballate celtiche dal sapore antico, momenti narrati e ovviamente i brani migliori dal suo ultimo album, "An Ancient Muse".
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Documentary that explores Argento's film career.
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Siempre la duda

Trama non disponibile
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Siempre la duda


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Topolino direttore d'orchestra

Topolino è direttore di un'orchestra composta da animali, ma durante la composizione dei brani avviene sempre qualcosa che fa allontanare Topolino dalla sua piattaforma. Infatti alla fine del concerto il direttore verrà premiato con una doccia di acqua gelida gettata da una mucca pestifera.
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Topolino direttore d'orchestra


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A viso aperto

Billy e Chuck, due amici innamorati dell stessa donna, scelgono vite diverse: uno ladro, l'altro sceriffo. Ma nel momento del bisogno la solidarietà tra i due non viene meno.
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A viso aperto


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Benavidez’s Case

During his entire existence, art teacher Benavidez has been living in the shadow of his formidable father, a famous artist who constantly reminded his son of his lack of talent and vision. Even more painful is that the love of his life, one of his ex-students, reveals herself to be a gifted artist. To some she’s even considered to be the true successor to Benavidez’s father. It’s no wonder that this creates tensions and after a devastating lovers quarrel, Benavidez puts all his artworks into a big case and, having nowhere else to go, drags it to his shrink. The man specializes in treating creative spirits and even has an artist’s colony in the basement of his huge mansion. As part of their therapy, his patients produce artworks that get sold for lucrative prizes at auctions organized by the psychiatrist himself. When he looks at what’s inside the case of Benavidez, he realizes that the son has finally surpassed his father.
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Benavidez’s Case


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An expedition film in the form of a multi-voice travel diary, where all emotions pass through the spectators who are immersed for three weeks with these riders and guides in the Karakoram massif in Pakistan.
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Pigs 2: The Last Blood

Franz Maurer, a compromised cop, former officer of the criminal department of the Warsaw's police, is released from prison where he was doing time for his brutality and murders. He is awaited by Nowy, a former police colleague. Franz tries to go straight starting hard work in a steel mill. Nevertheless, he must leave the factory as a criminal with an uncertain past when he doesn't join the strike organized by the workers' union. At the same time, a merciless war continues in former Yugoslavia. Wolf and William, two high rank officers, come to Poland in order to organize a network selling and smuggling arms to Yugoslavia by way of Albania.
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Circleen the elf girl and her comical mouse pals, Ingolf and Frederik, live under the geraniums on an artist's balcony. Their idyllic lives are interrupted when they meet the myopic Cindermouse, whose grumpy dad refuses to hold her birthday and instead locks her up in a box. Short, plump, cheese-loving Ingolf is forced to act and to show that he is a real hero.
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The Good Witch's Charm - L'incantesimo di Cassie

La strega buona Cassie Nightingale fatica a destreggiarsi tra la maternità e il suo nuovo incarico come sindaco della città, quando un reporter impiccione decide di screditarla pubblicamente dopo aver scoperto i suoi poteri. A complicare le cose, la terribile matrigna di Cassie decide di farle visita...
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The Good Witch's Charm - L'incantesimo di Cassie


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Bitter Tears of a Woman Gambler


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Velvet Mirage

Neil, accompanied by his supernatural visionary abilities, attempts to heal all those who have experienced the tragedy of losing a loved one, as well as individuals who have dedicated themselves to his cause. All of this crumbles when Neil detects the presence of someone attempting to use his power for malicious intent, which leads to an assassination. The incident results in unexpected casualties and unites two women amidst a conflict between two rival families. Inspired by a modern Danish auteur Nicolas Winding Refn, this supernatural crime story revolves around three protagonists, their enemies, and colleagues, through the struggle of friendship, betrayal, and responsibility.
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Top Gear: Patagonia Special

The 11th Top Gear Special is a glorious celebration of the V8 engine, or at least, it was supposed to be. In it, Jeremy Clarkson, Richard Hammond and James May take a trio of V8 powered sports cars for an epic and arduous 1600 mile road trip through the spectacular landscapes of Patagonia. Along the way they encounter swamps, deserts, forests, beaches and snowy mountain passes as the threesome and their often malfunctioning machines press on towards the southernmost city in the world and an impending game of car football. Unfortunately, that's not quite how things turn out...
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