Dommeren (2005)

(6) basato su 3 voti
Data di uscita
nov 04, 2005
01h 29m
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Film Simili a Dommeren

Cenerentola II - Quando i sogni diventano realtà

I topolini, aiutati dalla Fata Smemorina, decidono di confezionare un libro da regalare a Cenerentola. Scrivono così tre diverse storie: Aim to Please (Cenerentola e il Principe sono appena tornati dal viaggio di nozze, ma il giovane deve partire nuovamente per affari di Stato...), Tall Tail (Il topolino Giac si sente inutile, e chiede alla Fata Smemorina di trasformarlo in un uomo. Nella sua nuova identità si troverà a disagio...), An Uncommon Romance (Anastasia, sorella di Cenerentola, si innamora di un panettiere. Sua sorella Genoveffa e Lady Tremaine, la matrigna di Cenerentola, non sono d'accordo. Cenerentola, dimenticando tutti i torti subiti, aiuta la sorella a imparare a sorridere e a imporre la propria volontà alla madre...). In conclusione del film, il libro confezionato è regalato a Cenerentola, che lo legge insieme ai topolini e alla Fata Smemorina.
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Cenerentola II - Quando i sogni diventano realtà


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Red's peaceful morning routine is interrupted by a pesky visitor.
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Anna dai capelli rossi 2

La storia riprende dal punto in cui era stata lasciata dal film Anna dai capelli rossi. Anne Shirley l'orfana che tanti anni prima era stata accolta a Green Gables dai due fratelli Cuthbert, è ormai cresciuta e a 18 anni, dopo la morte di Matthew, ha deciso di rimanere accanto a Marilla, la sua madre adottiva, rinunciando a proseguire gli studi. Ora Anne è l'insegnante presso la scuola di Avonlea e Gilbert Blythe, una volta suo rivale dopo una offesa subita, ora la corteggia molto discretamente.
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Anna dai capelli rossi 2


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Welcome Back, Mr. McDonald

A love story written by an ordinary housewife is going to be broadcast as a radio drama and almost everyone among the crew insists on changing various parts of the play to their liking.
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Welcome Back, Mr. McDonald


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Blood Games

When a women's softball team win a game against a group of rough talking and dirty playing men, they find themselves unwittingly involved in a new competition with much higher stakes: life and death. After being horribly attacked and assaulted by their male competitors, the women are forced to use both their wits and strength to escape their tormentors and avenge their teammates.
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Blood Games


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The United Monster Talent Agency

A short comedy spoof about Universal Monsters and their everyday unconventional work done at their very own talent agency for their movies.
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The United Monster Talent Agency


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Now Judge...

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Now Judge...


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Cold War Secrets: Stealing the Atomic Bomb

On the 29th of August 1949, the USSR set off their first atomic bomb, just four years after the Americans. The speed with which they achieved this surprised the world. What nobody knew was that it was the result of espionage. At the centre of the operation was a very unusual female spy, Elizabeth Zaroubin, in a story worthy of the best spy novels ever written.
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Cold War Secrets: Stealing the Atomic Bomb


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Carry On Constable

With a flu epidemic running rife, three new bumbling recruits are assigned to Inspector Mills police station. With help from Special Constable Gorse, they manage to totally wreck the operations of the police force and let plenty of criminals get away, even before they arrive at the station. They all have to prove themselves or else they'll be out of a job and Sergeant Wilkins will be transferred. Sub-plots include romances between Wilkins and Moon, Constable and Passworthy.
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Carry On Constable


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Crossword Mysteries - Caduta libera

Tess si sta preparando per una gara di cruciverba con un nuovo supercomputer e decide di volerne conoscere l'inventore. Quando si reca alla società, l'ascensore su cui si trova l'uomo si schianta al suolo.
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Crossword Mysteries - Caduta libera


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Woodland Cemetery

While on assignment a photographer sees an old woman placing a lantern on a grave. When the photographer shoots a picture of this very private moment, she soon finds out that this haunting image is more haunted than she bargained for.
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Woodland Cemetery


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A Jupatarama

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A Jupatarama


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Star is a young graffiti writer, the best in his city, Paris. His reputation attracts him as much into art galleries than in the police precincts. Accused of vandalism, he faces jail. Despite the threat, he decides to go to Rome with his crew in search of the meaning of his art.
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Theo Maassen: Zonder Pardon

Registration of the sixt theatre program by the Dutch comedian Theo Maassen.
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Theo Maassen: Zonder Pardon


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But What If This Is Love?

High school students Ksenya and Boris are in love but all the world is against them.
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But What If This Is Love?


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Winx Club - Il mistero degli abissi

Mentre gli esseri umani stanno inquinando gli oceani della Terra minando l'armonia dell'Oceano Infinito, le perfide Trix, che da sempre sognano di sottomettere tutta Magix, si mobilitano per impossessarsi di una perla che darebbe loro un potere sconfinato... Riusciranno le nostre sei fate a fermare le loro storiche nemiche prima che sia troppo tardi?
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Winx Club - Il mistero degli abissi


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Dead & Company: 2023-06-21 Citi Field, New York, NY, USA

Set 1: Shakedown Street(Grateful Dead cover) (Bob and John shared vocals) (>) Bertha(Grateful Dead cover) (John and Bob shared vocals) (>) Ramble On Rose(Grateful Dead cover) It Hurts Me Too(Tampa Red cover) (John Mayer on vocals) Dancing in the Street(Martha Reeves and the Vandellas cover) (John and Bob shared vocals) Althea(Grateful Dead cover) (John Mayer on vocals) Let It Grow(Grateful Dead cover) Set 2: China Cat Sunflower(Grateful Dead cover) (>) I Know You Rider([traditional] cover) St. Stephen(Grateful Dead cover) (Bob and John shared vocals) (>) Uncle John's Band(Grateful Dead cover) (John and Bob shared vocals) (>) Drums(Grateful Dead cover) (with Joe Russo) (with Oteil) (>) Space(Grateful Dead cover) (>) The Eleven(Grateful Dead cover) (>) Stella Blue(Grateful Dead cover) (>) U.S. Blues(Grateful Dead cover) (Bob and John shared vocals) Black Muddy River(Grateful Dead cover) (John Mayer on vocals)
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Dead & Company: 2023-06-21 Citi Field, New York, NY, USA


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Getting Rid of Mum

Impoverished former soprano Anneliese Behrens is forced to leave her house and collapses in an underground passage, when looking for a place to sleep. In the hospital, she learns that she suffers from a brain tumor and needs 24-hour attention. Although they have maintained no contact with each other, she will be hosted by her daughter, who, however, has already booked a Christmas vacation with her family in Thailand. The only solution is to take her mother with her.
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Getting Rid of Mum


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King Ping - Tippen Tappen Tödchen

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King Ping - Tippen Tappen Tödchen


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The Moment After 2: The Awakening

In The New World Order, who can you trust? The government? Ragtag militia? Religious "fanatics"? After a dramatic escape from death row, former FBI agent Adam Riley (David A.R. White) reunites with his friend and mentor Jacob Krause (Brad Heller) leader of The Way, and his small remnant of Christians. Little do they know the forces out for their destruction. Global Alliance leader Commander Fredericks (Monte Perlin) has forced Adam's former partner Charles Baker (Kevin Downes) to hunt them down while a ragtag militia, led by "Captain" Jackson (Lonnie Colon), spy on them for their own gain. As events lead to an explosive confrontation, all will be forced to an awakening of the real struggle... for their very souls.
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The Moment After 2: The Awakening


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Napoli, Palermo, New York - Il triangolo della camorra

Gennaro, dopo essere stato camorrista, è ora un tranquillo esercente di Napoli. Quando però sua moglie rimane uccisa in una sparatoria, risfodera la vecchia grinta e vola a caccia degli assassini in Sicilia e negli Stati Uniti. Con Mario Merola, re della "sceneggiata", in un film meno strappalacrime del solito. Ma rozzo e raffazzonato.
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Napoli, Palermo, New York - Il triangolo della camorra


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Lo Hobbit: Il viaggio favoloso del Signor Bilbo Baggins

L'Autore, ossia lo stesso Tolkien (interpretato da Zinovij Gerdt), racconta la "sua" storia: la vita di Bilbo Baggins, un hobbit tranquillo e godereccio, viene sconvolta quando decide di unirsi al mago Gandalf e a una compagnia di tredici nani nel tentativo di riconquistare un tesoro rubato a questi ultimi.
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Lo Hobbit: Il viaggio favoloso del Signor Bilbo Baggins


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The Dawn Of Victory

In 1943, a commando team wants to try to destroy the largest airport of the Germans in Crete. The leader of the commando, Nikitas is Cretan, but Lefteris, who is the leader of the resistance group, refuses to help him. Eventually the mission succeeds, but Nikitas is captured. Then the resistance fighters attack in prison and release the prisoners who were to be executed.
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The Dawn Of Victory


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Dhilluku Dhuddu

A rich man decides to do away with the middle-class guy whom his daughter loves by inviting the guy's family to a palatial house on the pretence of marriage. What he doesn't know is that the place is haunted by a fearsome ghost.
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Dhilluku Dhuddu


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