모텔 선인장 (1997)

(6,2) basato su 13 voti
Data di uscita
ott 25, 1997
01h 31m
Disponibile in streaming su

Film Simili a 모텔 선인장

1996 Mulberry

Sam Bo is a good-for-nothing gambler who loses more often than winning. His wife Hyun Jip takes care of the household and brings home the money. Her outstanding beauty and charm bring her a bevy of neighborhood admirers who are willing to provide her with anything she desires. The neighborhood women go up in arms when they realize their husbands are contributing to Hyun Jip's funds in exchange for her services. They try to run her out of the village but in vain. Sam Dol, the local farmhand, is known for his sexual prowess and his latest target is Hyun Jip. But when she continues to turn him down, he takes revenge on her by telling her husband what she has done.
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Le deportate della sezione speciale SS

Young women in Nazi-occupied countries are packed onto a train and shipped off to a prison camp, where the sadistic commandant uses them as rewards for his lesbian guards and perverted and deviate troops.
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The Secret Six

Bootlegger/cafe owner, Johnny Franks recruits crude working man Scorpio to join his gang, masterminded by crooked criminal defense lawyer Newton. Scorpio eventually takes over Frank's operation, beats a rival gang, becomes wealthy and dominates the city for several years until a secret group of 6 masked businessmen have him prosecuted and sent to the electric chair.
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The execution was scheduled and the last meal consumed. The coolness of the poisons entering the blood system slowed the heart rate and sent him on the way to Judgement. He had paid for his crime with years on Death Row waiting for this moment and now he would pay for them again as the judgment continued..
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Barbie e l'avventura nell'oceano 2

Merliah, simpatica ed elegante campionessa di surf, è anche una magica principessa sirena. Merliah va in Australia per un'importante gara di surf. Una volta scoperto che Eris, la sirena cattiva, ha abbandonato il suo vortice con l'intenzione di usurpare il trono di Oceana, Merliah e le sue amiche del mare si tuffano in acqua per fermarla. Merliah imparerà che tutto è possibile quando si rimane fedeli a se stessi.
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Mamma che Natale da cani!

Zeus, pluripremiato cane poliziotto, rovina una "carriera" impeccabile con qualche guaio di troppo. Finito in un canile, viene adottato dai Bannister. Coccolato e amatissimo dalla nuova famiglia, si adatta al clima, rimpiangendo un pò il passato sulla strada. Fino a che, lasciato da solo nelle vacanze di Natale, fronteggia i due ladri che cercano di svaligiare casa Bannister. L'occasione più ghiotta di riscatto, per un'ex superstar a quattro zampe delle forze dell'ordine.
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Mamma che Natale da cani!


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Mythica: The Darkspore

Combattendo in terre infestate da creature e inseguite da cacciatori di taglie, Marek e la sua compagnia sono in una corsa per recuperare tutti i frammenti di Darkspore prima che cada nelle mani di un malvagio mago.
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Twitches - Gemelle streghelle 2

Dopo avere salvato la loro madre e la loro terra Coventry dall'oscurità, è tempo che le ragazze vengano a sapere l'una l'altra cosa vuol dire avere i poteri magici. Mentre Camryn vive uno stile di vita quotidiana con la sua mamma, Alex è impaziente di iniziare la sua nuova vita come una studentessa di scuola superiore. Mentre prova a vivere il più normalmente possibile, le gemelle non sanno che l'oscurità perversa continua a minacciare la loro esistenza. Inoltre le due scoprono anche che il loro padre mancante, Aron, potrebbe ancora essere vivo.
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Twitches - Gemelle streghelle 2


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Ana and Helen, two divorced women, were close friends as teenagers. Today, amidst the corona virus pandemic and in quarantine, they get in touch after 20 years via internet. Through video conference calls, memories, sensations and emotions reflourishes.
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R. L. Stine: I racconti del brivido - Non ci pensare!

Cassie, una ragazza gotica di 13 anni, sta cercando di inserirsi nella sua nuova scuola. Per intrattenere se stessa, fa una serie di scherzi ai bambini popolari e a suo fratello minore, Max. Quando va in un negozio di Halloween in cerca di nuovi trucchi, trova un libriccino intitolato "The Evil Thing"
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LeapFrog: Learn to Read at the Storybook Factory

Embark on a magical reading adventure with Tad and Lily! Deep inside the Storybook Factory--where pictures, words and imagination bring stories to life--Tad, Lily, Casey and Dot decide to put a few new twists on a classic tale. The result is a fun-filled adventure that turns reading into a delightful game! Special features include sing-along songs to help your little ones learn, complete with a string of read-along words that run across the screen.
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Main Line to Terror

Akiyama is an intern, disgusted with the noise pollution caused by the bullet trains and the heart attacks that noise has been causing in older hospital patients, plots to disrupt and, in ten days, destroy a unit of the operation. He warns the Japan National Railway, that, if nothing is done to reduce the noise, he will derail a bullet train. Takigawa is the police detective sent to stop him.
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Un amore sul ghiaccio

In seguito ad un infortunio, Claire, una giovane atleta di pattinaggio sul ghiaccio, si sottopone a delle sedute di fisioterapia in una clinica in Canada. Qui conosce Luke, un papà single ed ex giocatore professionista di hockey.
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Un amore sul ghiaccio


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Naruto: L'acqua dell'eroe / Battaglia al Villaggio della Cascata

Il Team 7 ha l'incarico di scortare un ninja di nome Shibuki, il kage del Villaggio della Cascata. Shibuki, a causa delle circostanze riguardanti la morte del padre, viene considerato un codardo. Il villaggio nascosto possiede una bottiglia d'acqua segreta, chiamata "Acqua dell'Eroe" che conferisce a chiunque la beva un sostanziale, anche se temporaneo, aumento di chakra a scapito dell'accorciamento della propria vita. Alcuni ninja attaccano il villaggio nel tentativo di rubare l'Acqua dell'Eroe ma il Team 7 riesce a fermarli.
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Naruto: L'acqua dell'eroe / Battaglia al Villaggio della Cascata


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Bela America

Lucas, the cook, seduces America, the television star and presidential candidate. He will clandestinely enter her house to seduce her with extraordinary meals, causing the unlikely intersection of the fate of Lucas, the cook, with that of America, the President.
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Bela America


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Naruto to Boruto: The Live 2019

“NARUTO to BORUTO THE LIVE 2019”, a special event for the 20th anniversary of the first publication of “NARUTO” series in Weekly Shonen Jump!! Featuring live performances by artists performing the theme songs of both “NARUTO” and “BORUTO: NARUTO NEXT GENERATIONS”, anime cast members reading original story episodes, and more.
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Secret of Naruto

From the pen of Yoshikawa Eiji comes this exciting story. The Naruto Strait separates Tokushima from the islands of Awaji and Honshu. On Tokushima the mad lord dreams of conquest and forges a bloody revolt against the Tokugawa shogunate. A mysterious swordsman named Noriyuki Gennojo has crossed Naruto’s waters to uncover the Awa clan’s secrets. He puts his life on the line after finding a testament of Awa’s secrets, written in blood by a dying man. Joining Noriyuki are a female ninja who loves him, and the beautiful daughter of an enemy who’s sworn to kill him. Awa’s defenders willl stop at nothing to prevent the blood-soaked letter from reaching the shogun.
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A chirpy and jovial teenager, Mehul, whose higher secondary finals are at the doorstep while her infatuation over her tutor cum neighbour Babai da, is in ascend. He is an exceptional student and the gem of the neighbourhood. On the day of Holi, Mehul mixes sindoor in the colour to play with Babai da. Unknowingly, Babai da pours the colour over her head signifying the holy "sindoor-daan" custom. But, catastrophe strikes when Babai da commits suicide under undisclosed circumstances which leaves Mehul's world in utter chaos. The journey of Mehul's unspoken love turning into the bindings of Babai Da's better half is the story of PARINEETA.
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Broadcast from 1977 to 1987 on FR3, every Sunday morning, for 1h30, Mosaïque is a variety show with a set where music groups from the countries of origin of immigration perform, and which broadcasts reports on these countries and on immigrants who live in France. When it was created, it aimed to promote the cultures of origin of immigrants, but also to make them better known to the rest of the population. However, the program was never financed by public television which considers that it was aimed at a specific audience and was therefore not part of a public service mission. It received financial support from the Ministry of Labor, through its subsidy to the National Office for the Cultural Promotion of Immigrants, ONPCI (later becoming Information Culture and Immigration, ICEI, in 1977, then Agency for the Development of Intercultural Relations , ADRI). , in 1982).
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Si riparla dell'uomo ombra

Nick e la moglie Nora vanno insieme al figlio alla villa di un colonnello minacciato di morte che verrà ucciso poco dopo. Come sempre risolveranno il mistero.
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Si riparla dell'uomo ombra


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Vacation of Terror

After inheriting a new summer home from a deceased relative, Fernando brings his family along for a vacation. They quickly discover strange happenings on the property, but when young daughter Gaby falls into a well and returns with an old doll, things take a turn for the horrific.
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A three-reel version of the famous stage production. Don Jose, the hero of the famous book by Prosper Merimee, and Bizet's celebrated opera, was born in the Basque Provinces of Spain. He was a young, good-looking peasant, devoted to his old mother, and greatly in love with his pretty sweetheart, Mercedes. The plans of Jose and Mercedes for an early marriage were rudely dissipated by the news that the young man had been drafted for service in the Spanish army. Jose comforted his mother and Mercedes, telling them that he would soon return and they would never be separated again.
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Scooby-Doo! e il tesoro del cavaliere nero

La Mystery Inc. è chiamata ad investigare in una villa infestata, dove un Cavaliere Nero terrorizza chiunque si avvicini in cerca del tesoro, nascosto dal proprietario molti anni prima. Molte sono le trappole e le insidie che devono superare, ma ancora una volta Scooby e i suoi amici si rivelano all'altezza della missione.
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Scooby-Doo! e il tesoro del cavaliere nero


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Con tutto il mio cuore - Il matrimonio

Dopo aver ereditato la locanda di Emily, Jenny e Brian sono stati ben accolti dalla comunità locale e sono alle prese con i preparativi delle loro nozze. Dal nulla, però, compare una lontana parente di Emily, che reclama la proprietà sulla locanda. L'amore tra Jenny e Brian sarà allora messo a dura prova mentre il giorno del matrimonio si fa sempre più vicino.
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Con tutto il mio cuore - Il matrimonio


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Case Unknown

An arrogant medical man discovers there's more to his new patient than he imagined in this drama from Polish filmmaker Feliks Falk. Dr. Konstanty Grot is an ambitious young doctor who is determined to make a name for himself, to the point that his wife often accuses him of being more interested in his career than in her. Grot believes that he can earn the respect of his peers by successfully treating a supposedly incurable patient, and he believes he may have found a likely candidate in Pawel Plocki, a mental patient who can barely function. Grot signs Plocki out of the mental hospital where he's been treated for years and moves him into his own home; in time, Plocki shows genuine improvement, and Grot thinks he?s beaten the state medical establishment at their own game. But that?s before Grot learns some secrets about his patient that cast his condition in a new and disturbing light.
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Case Unknown


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