I Love It from Behind! (1981)

(4,6) basato su 11 voti
Data di uscita
lug 10, 1981
01h 05m
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Astronaut's Uniform

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Nothing but Troubles

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Susan Miller works behind the girdle counter in a department store and dreams about the beautiful clothes and glamour she can never hope to have. Enter May Worthington and Warren, a pair of con artists who pose as the mother and uncle of a pretty girl in order to separate millionaires from their money. They convince Susan she has an opportunity to fulfill all her dreams, and the trio heads for Palm Beach. Susan meets John Wheeler who says he is shopping for a sailboat. Believing that he is a millionaire, Warren and May sell him a boat that doesn't belong to them, and make off with his $15,000 life savings. Looking for greener pastures, they work themselves into the family of wealthy Tod Fenwick, who falls for Sue, posing as "Linda Worthington". But John shows up as a guest of Fenwick and he tells "Linda", not knowing she was part of the scam, that he has a detective after the fake captain that sold him the boat...
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Ragazze che sognano


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Le dolci zie

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Educazione inglese ma non troppo per Sylvie che, reduce da una tragedia familiare, viene messa in collegio dal tutore libertino. La disciplina è dura, ma le ragazze vengono sottoposte a giochi erotici d'ogni genere. Relazioni saffiche ed esperienze sadomaso forgeranno la ragazza. Quando torna a casa, sarà il tutore a strisciare ai suoi piedi, mentre Sylvie se la spasserà con l'amante, un evaso che fingeva d'essere una professoressa, in collegio.
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Una donna da guardare

Un uomo di mezza età, Gianni Luraghi, si scopre impotente e tenta di risolvere il problema rivolgendosi a un sessuologo e a una bella psicologa. Il consiglio, piacevole (almeno per gli spettatori) è di avere rapporti con più donne, ma Gianni ha in testa solo Pamela, una donna incontrata durante un viaggio in traghetto.
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Marinai in guardia, amanti gementi!


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La compagna di viaggio

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