Solace (2006)

(5,8) basato su 4 voti
Data di uscita
nov 29, 2006
01h 54m
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Film Simili a Solace

Il silenzio si paga con la vita

Undertaker L.B. Jones, the richest black man in his county of Tennessee, is divorcing his wife for infidelity with a white policeman. Taking a stand against racism, he is greeted with a hostile bunch of Southern bigots and other various stereotypes.
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Il silenzio si paga con la vita


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Jonatan Spang: Damer

I efteråret 2005 tournerede Jonatan Spang landet rundt med sit første one (wo)man comedy show ”DAMER”. Showet er optaget i Store Vega i København. Hvorfor har græske statuer så små tissemænd? Hvorfor er kønsrolledebatten kun spændende, når man kalder koner for kællinger?
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Jonatan Spang: Damer


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Il teorema della felicità

Palermo, marzo 2020, l'Italia si appresta a entrare in lockdown a causa del Covid-19. Antonio è un bambino di nove anni a cui il fratello maggiore spiega che la paura aumenta il rischio di mortalità negli anziani. Così Antonio, che ama tantissimo il proprio nonno, trova uno modo per salvare tutti i nonni del quartiere: con un sorriso e l'ottimismo darà loro la cura per non ammalarsi.
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Il teorema della felicità


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This is a story about two brothers. The older brother is a police officer, and the younger brother, whose name is Suraj — is a regular truck driver. There is a Gulf of misunderstanding between them, as is often the case between brothers, and Suraj's Affairs are always wrong in the eyes of the elder. But if the older one has problems, the younger one is willing to die to protect his brother's reputation. And so, independently of each other, the two brothers try to meet each other halfway. But how difficult this path is!
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L'École des contribuables

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L'École des contribuables


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Tarzan e i cacciatori d'avorio

Un gruppo di cacciatori d'avorio capeggiati dalla perfida Lyra, va in cerca di elefanti per ucciderli e prenderli le zanne. Ma hanno bisogno di uomini battitori, perciò catturano tutta la gente valida di una tribù. Tarzan accorre e li libera, ma viene catturato da Lyra che brucia la sua casa sull'albero. Lyra sa benissimo che gli elefanti obbediscono al richiamo di Tarzan e per convincerlo rapisce anche Jane, la sua ragazza. Tarzan acconsente a richiamare gli elefanti, ma ha un piano: infatti appena appaiono, gli enormi pachidermi attaccano i cacciatori.
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Tarzan e i cacciatori d'avorio


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La rapina del secolo

Il poliziotto Edward Gallagher, insieme alla moglie Ellen, prendono sotto la loro protezione un ragazzo, Jerry Florea, il quale è rimasto ferito a causa di una fucilata durante una rapina e ha trascorso ingiustamente tre anni di riformatorio a causa di una truffa commessa però da un suo compagno di scuola. Edward deve partire per la guerra e, quando rientra, scopre che Jerry è diventato un boss della malavita; facendo credere di avere buone intenzioni e di ritornare sulla retta via, accetta di lavorare come gestore di una stazione di servizio.
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La rapina del secolo


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Pigs 2: The Last Blood

Franz Maurer, a compromised cop, former officer of the criminal department of the Warsaw's police, is released from prison where he was doing time for his brutality and murders. He is awaited by Nowy, a former police colleague. Franz tries to go straight starting hard work in a steel mill. Nevertheless, he must leave the factory as a criminal with an uncertain past when he doesn't join the strike organized by the workers' union. At the same time, a merciless war continues in former Yugoslavia. Wolf and William, two high rank officers, come to Poland in order to organize a network selling and smuggling arms to Yugoslavia by way of Albania.
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Pigs 2: The Last Blood


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Born to Lose - Lorenzo Woodrose

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Born to Lose - Lorenzo Woodrose


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A punto de llegar

Ilia has returned from her graduate studies in Europe to her hometown in the heart of the Puerto Rican mountains: Jayuya. She encounters absurd and bizarre situations with her friends, family, work and romantic life that would only happen in a small rural town.
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A punto de llegar


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In Bed with an Elephant

This feature documentary provides a gripping retrospective of United States-Canada relationships through a study of successive presidents and prime ministers. Using archival film footage, it demonstrates that Canadian prime ministers, from John A. Macdonald down, all began their tenures by making overtures to their American counterparts. Attitudes and outcomes have varied widely. The almost comic antipathy between Kennedy and Diefenbaker, for instance, is as palpable here as is the folksy camaraderie of Reagan and Mulroney.
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In Bed with an Elephant


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Don't be Tired!

Roman and Maria, a tourist couple with their own disputes, face a problem in Iran with the tourism institute they have a deal with. Morteza, the fired employee of the hotel where the tourist couple are staying, has plans for them with the help of his cousin, Hossein.
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Don't be Tired!


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Silver Road

Lifelong friends Danny and Mark, both seventeen, struggle with the awkwardness of saying goodbye the night before Danny leaves for university in the city. Mark will stay behind to work on his father's farm, hoping someday to buy some land of his own.
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Silver Road


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Topolino pescatore di frodo

Mickey takes Pluto fishing in a boat on a lake, but they aren't too successful. The fish mock them, and even steal the bait can. Finally, the game warden spots them (Mickey had ignored the "no fishing" sign) and gives chase.
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Topolino pescatore di frodo


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Not adapting to their new life, Xosé falls down a self-destructive spiral.
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La seconda chance

Max e Anna Mancini sono sposati da venticinque anni ed hanno due figli adolescenti. I due ragazzi, sebbene siano gemelli, sono caratterialmente agli antipodi: Tina è ribelle e poco studiosa; Nico è pacato, solitario ed ha il chiodo fisso dei videogiochi. Tra genitori e figli è in atto una guerra costante, che raggiunge l’apice il giorno del diciottesimo compleanno dei gemelli, quando la festa a casa, che era stata loro concessa, degenera. Max e Anna si rendono conto di non sapere nulla di quei due adolescenti, si chiedono dove abbiano sbagliato e ripensano con nostalgia ai tempi in cui Tina e Nico erano adorabili scriccioli da proteggere. Ma ricordano davvero com’è andata? Al termine di quella serata disastrosa, si presenta una seconda chance per Anna e Max, per vedere chiaro nel rapporto con i loro figli e tentare, dove possibile, di non ripetere gli stessi errori.
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La seconda chance


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Impermeável Pavio Curto

Jacqueline has what some people would call a strong personality. The teenage girl lives with her aunt and faces some problems at school. Her daily company is a bicycle with which she wanders through the neighborhood. One day, Jacqueline and her aunt hit the road, but things don’t go as expected
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Impermeável Pavio Curto


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My Place

At the famous Grand Hotel in Sopot, each worker - whether a porter, a maid, a cook or a stoker - feels an important part of their workplace. Perhaps even the most important.
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My Place


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City Girl

In this tearful crime melodrama, a waitress becomes so taken with her dream of living in posh luxury and comfort that she leaves her honest boyfriend the district attorney to take up with a notorious gangster who lavishes her with stolen furs and fabulous diamonds. She has no idea that the crook is only using her as a pawn in his scheme to learn the DA's secrets. When she finally does learn the truth, she gives up her life for truth, justice and love.
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City Girl


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