3 Chinesen mit dem Kontrabass (2000)

(6,8) basato su 4 voti
Data di uscita
mar 16, 2000
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Film Simili a 3 Chinesen mit dem Kontrabass


Early morning silence is broken by screeching tires as a helicopter bears down on a speeding vehicle. Taking a quick corner, the team tumbles out into the woods as their car pulls away. Now they must make their way through the thick of nature and thick gunfire to accomplish their mission. Not a single word of dialogue is spoken throughout the entire film. Instead, the music, sounds, images and deeply truthful acting turn a simple plot into an intense experience. Passion and intrigue keep building to the very end.
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One Week Friends

A high school student suffers from a strange amnesia, causing her memories to only last a week. After she befriends a new student, his kindness and persistence make her gradually open up.
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One Week Friends


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The OctoGames

Eight contestants compete in eight deadly, classic children's games. They seek fame beyond their wildest dreams, competing for the chance to take over the YouTube channel of the famous yet elusive masked content creator known only as "JaxPro".
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The OctoGames


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Jigen Daisuke

Il film segue le vicende di JigenDaisuke , tornato in Giappone dopo un lungo periodo per cercare il più grande armaiolo del mondo, l’unico che possa controllare la sua inseparabile Smith & Wesson M19 Combat Magnum, che gli sta dando qualche problema.
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Jigen Daisuke


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Pirates Down the Street II: The Ninjas from Across

The pirates feel right at home in Sandborough, but the atmosphere cools right down when the ninjas come to live in the street. After all, pirates and ninjas are sworn enemies! While pirate captain Hector Blunderbuss struggles to get rid of his new neighbours, son Billy and ninja daughter Yuka become friends. The pirates challenge the ninjas to the ultimate battle at the village's annual hexathlon. Who will win the match? Ninjas are faster and more agile of course, but pirates are the best cheats in all of the seven seas...
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Pirates Down the Street II: The Ninjas from Across


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K9 - Squadra antidroga

L'ufficiale K-9 della polizia di Los Angeles Jake Rosser ha appena assistito allo scioccante omicidio del suo fedele partner da parte di un misterioso aggressore. Mentre indaga sull'identità dell'assassino, scopre una vasta cospirazione che soffoca la città in questo emozionante viaggio attraverso le strade intricate di Los Angeles e la burocrazia corrotta della polizia di Los Angeles.
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K9 - Squadra antidroga


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The Forbidden Legend: Sex & Chopsticks 2

Rich and powerful Simon Qing has been schooled in the ways of sex by his virile father, but is still a virgin. That is, until he meets his first love Violetta who has fun with him all over his father’s estate. Their love does not last, so Simon embarks on a journey. Along the way he meets the comely nun Moon whom Simon deflowers and then marries. He then becomes enamored of Golden Lotus but she is married to dwarf Wu Da-Lang.
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The Forbidden Legend: Sex & Chopsticks 2


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Gabriel's Redemption: Part I

After leaving his prestigious post at the University of Toronto, Gabriel embarks on a new journey with Julia, and he is eager to become a father. However, Gabriel's idyllic vision is jeopardized when Julia's intensive program becomes all consuming. When Julia is granted a prestigious opportunity to deliver an academic lecture at Oxford, Gabriel challenges her about the subject of her presentation, which clashes with his own research. In Oxford, their past resurfaces, including an old nemesis determined to humiliate Julia and expose one of Gabriel's well-guarded secrets. Emotions run high, alliances are tested, and the couple must confront the shadows of their shared history in a battle for love, truth, and redemption.
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Gabriel's Redemption: Part I


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Il gioco del destino e della fantasia

Tre storie di rivelazioni e coincidenze nel Giappone d'oggi. Nella prima, una ragazza si rende conto che la sua amica ha incontrato e si sta invaghendo del suo ex-fidanzato, e deve decidere come comportarsi. Nella seconda, uno studente vuole vendicarsi di un professore che lo ha bocciato, e persuade una studentessa a incastrarlo con un tentativo di seduzione dagli esiti imprevisti. Nella terza, due donne si riconoscono reciprocamente per strada come due importanti figure del rispettivo passato, ma un pomeriggio insieme farà venire alla luce una realtà un po' diversa.
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Il gioco del destino e della fantasia


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When civil engineer Siddharth is arrested for a murder on the basis of a pictorial evidence, cops discover his lookalike Aditya and realize they have only 48 hours to solve the case.
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The Last Heretic

Juan Conte is a world-renowned spokesman of the new atheism. After suffering a heart attack, he receives a transplant and a change in his personal life begins, opening up to the possibility of being in a couple for the first time. Juan will go on a journey of horror and pain, in which his vision of reality will be put to the test.
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The Last Heretic


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Generazione Low Cost

Assistente di volo per una compagnia aerea low cost, Cassandre vive alla giornata, viaggia e si diverte, fedele al suo soprannome di Tinder “Carpe Diem”. Un’esistenza senza legami e senza radici all’insegna del presente e della ricerca della libertà, tra vendita di profumi a bordo, feste e sesso occasionale durante gli scali, nell’ambizione un giorno di lavorare per una compagnia di alto livello. La sua routine viene però interrotta da un imprevisto che mette in crisi la sua visione della vita.
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Generazione Low Cost


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Royalteen - La principessa Margrethe

Sulla scia dello scandalo al ballo scolastico la principessa Margrethe desidera normalità mentre fatica a mantenere la sua perfetta facciata quando affronta drammi familiari.
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Royalteen - La principessa Margrethe


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Lorenzo è un gatto egocentrico che schernisce gli altri gatti vantando il suo cibo e la sua bella coda. Un misterioso gatto di strada nota il suo comportamento e lancia una maledizione contro la coda del vanitoso gatto, facendole prendere vita. La coda inizia così a torturare e stuzzicare il gatto vanitoso in un tormentoso tango, finché il gatto non è costretto a liberarsene.
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Ritratto di famiglia

Moussa has always been gentle, altruistic and present for his family. This is the opposite of his brother Ryad, a TV presenter of great notoriety who is reproached for his selfishness by his entourage. Only Moussa defends him, who has great admiration for his brother. One day Moussa falls and hits his head violently. He suffers a head injury. Unrecognizable, he now speaks without a filter and tells his relatives the truth. He ends up falling out with everyone except Ryad.
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Ritratto di famiglia


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Battle for Saipan

On July 7, 1944, a U.S. Army hospital on the remote island of Saipan is overrun by Japanese forces during a relentless attack. Outgunned and surrounded by the enemy, a lone medic puts it all on the line to lead a band of wounded soldiers to safety.
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Battle for Saipan


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Under the watchful gaze of his young assistant, the artist Mark Rothko takes on his greatest challenge yet: to create a definitive series of paintings for the Philip Johnson-designed Four Seasons restaurant in architect Mies van der Rohe’s iconic Seagram Building. Award-winning stage and screen actor Alfred Molina reprises his critically acclaimed performance as the American abstract expressionist painter Mark Rothko in playwright John Logan’s Tony Award-winning 2010 play Red. Molina is joined by rising star Alfred Enoch (How to Get Away With Murder) as Rothko’s assistant Ken. Original Broadway director Michael Grandage returns to direct this 2018 West End revival, the first U.K. production since the play’s 2009 world premiere at the Donmar Warehouse.
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It Lives Inside

Nel disperato tentativo di integrarsi a scuola, Sam rifiuta la cultura e la famiglia dell'India orientale per essere come tutti gli altri. Tuttavia, quando uno spirito demoniaco mitologico si attacca alla sua ex migliore amica, lei deve fare i conti con la sua eredità per sconfiggerla.
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It Lives Inside


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Demon Slayer: Kimetsu no Yaiba Mt. Natagumo Arc

Tanjiro, now a registered Demon Slayer, teams up with fellow slayers Zenitsu and Inosuke to investigate missing person cases on the mountain Natagumo. After the group is split up during a fight with possessed swordfighters, they slowly begin to realize the entire mountain is being controlled by a family of Demon spider creatures. A recap film of Kimetsu no Yaiba, covering episodes 15-21 with some new footage and special ending credits.
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Demon Slayer: Kimetsu no Yaiba Mt. Natagumo Arc


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Concrete Utopia

The world has been reduced to rubble by a massive earthquake. While no one knows for sure how far the ruins stretch, or what the cause of the earthquake may be, in the heart of Seoul there is only one apartment building left standing. It is called Hwang Gung Apartments. As time passes, outsiders start coming in to Hwang Gung Apartments trying to escape the extreme cold. Before long, the apartment residents are unable to cope with the increasing numbers. Feeling a threat to their very survival, the residents enact a special measure.
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Concrete Utopia


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It's a Wonderful Binge

Come il film originale, il sequel è ambientato in un futuro prossimo in cui tutti gli alcolici e le droghe sono vietati tranne che in un giorno glorioso noto come The Binge. Quest'anno, quel giorno capita miracolosamente di atterrare a Natale.
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It's a Wonderful Binge


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Monster High 2

Al secondo anno di Monster High, Clawdeen Wolf, Draculaura e Frankie Stein devono affrontare nuovi studenti, nuovi poteri e una minaccia ancora più grande che potrebbe non solo distruggere la loro amicizia, ma anche cambiare il mondo per sempre.
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Monster High 2


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Scooby-Doo! e il terrore del Messico

Scooby-Doo, Shaggy e tutta la banda vanno in Messico con il loro colorato pullmino per la festa dei Morti. Ma trovano poco di cui divertirsi...
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Scooby-Doo! e il terrore del Messico


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The Painter

Un ex agente della CIA viene catapultato in un mondo pericoloso quando una donna misteriosa del suo passato riemerge. Ora smascherato e preso di mira da un killer implacabile e da un programma di operazioni segrete canaglia, deve fare affidamento sulle abilità che pensava di aver lasciato indietro in un gioco di sopravvivenza ad alto rischio.
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The Painter


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Kingdom III: The Flame of Destiny

To defend their kingdom against a sudden invasion, a mighty general returns to the battlefield alongside a war orphan, now grown up, who dreams of glory.
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Kingdom III: The Flame of Destiny


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Kingdom 2: Far and Away

It follows a young man who dreams of becoming a general and Ying Zheng, whose goal is unification.
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Kingdom 2: Far and Away


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Demon Slayer: Kimetsu no Yaiba the Hashira Meeting Arc

Tanjiro and his sister Nezuko have been apprehended by the Demon Slayer Hashira, a group of extremely skilled swordfighters. Tanjiro undergoes trial for violating the Demon Slayer code, specifically smuggling Nezuko, a Demon, onto Mt. Natagumo. A recap film of Kimetsu no Yaiba, covering episodes 22-26 with some new footage and special ending credits.
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Demon Slayer: Kimetsu no Yaiba the Hashira Meeting Arc


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How to Survive Without Mum

After Antoine was fired from his job, he became a stay-at-home dad taking care of his four children, while his wife Isabelle restarts her career as a lawyer. For Antoine, the family's upcoming ski vacation is a godsend: he can finally take a break from parenthood and enjoy a luxury ski resort! But just as they are about to step on the train, Isabelle is called back to work for an emergency and Antoine has to deal, on his own, with his four mischievous kids going wild on the slopes and in the fancy hotel, as the trip turns into total chaos…
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How to Survive Without Mum


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Children of the Corn

A psychopathic twelve-year-old girl in a small town in Nebraska recruits all the other children and goes on a bloody rampage, killing the corrupt adults and anyone else who opposes her. A bright high schooler who won't go along with the plan is the town's only hope of survival.
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Children of the Corn


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Ispirata agli eventi del 60 d.C., Boudica segue l'omonimo guerriero celtico che governa il popolo Iceni insieme a suo marito Prasutagus. Quando muore per mano dei soldati romani, il regno di Boudica rimane senza eredi maschi e i romani sequestrano le sue terre e le sue proprietà. Spinta sull’orlo della follia e determinata a vendicare la morte del marito, Boudica raduna le varie tribù della regione e intraprende una guerra epica contro il potente impero romano.
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A film director fades away from the industry after the failed love with the heroine of his movie. After being rehabilitated, he learns that some people conspired his fall and decides to take revenge.
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Rimbomba nel buio

Ambientato nell'oscuro paesaggio del delta del Mississippi, dove un ex combattente a mani nude deve vincere un ultimo combattimento per saldare i suoi debiti con il boss della mafia locale e salvare la sua casa d'infanzia: la posta in gioco è niente di meno che la vita o la morte
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Rimbomba nel buio


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Ricomincio da me

Antonia, detta Toni, ha 43 anni e vent'anni prima ha registrato un disco che ha ottenuto un notevole successo. Ora, con cinque figli da crescere da sola, canta la sera in un locale ma senza troppa soddisfazione. Vorrebbe dare una svolta alla sua vita finché è in tempo. Ma è in tempo?
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Ricomincio da me


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The Small Victories

Between her roles as mayor and teacher in the small village of Kerguen, Alice's days are very full. When an unexpected new student, 60-year-old Emile, finally decides to learn to read and write, her daily life threatens to become unmanageable. Especially since Alice will also have to save her village and her school...
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The Small Victories


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I Cavalieri dello zodiaco - L'ultima battaglia

Pegasus, Sirio, Cristal, Andromeda e Phoenix affrontano in questo film il più potente e spietato degli avversari: Lucifero, il Sovrano degli Inferi. Relegato fin dai tempi del mito nelle profonde oscurità dalla dea Atena egli ritorna sulla Terra per brama di vendetta. Dopo aver ucciso i cavalieri d'oro, decapita la statua di Atena ed erge la sua fortezza, il Palazzo degli Intrighi, nei pressi del Grande Tempio. Affiancato dagli spiriti di Nettuno, Discordia e Apollo, le tre malvagie divinità che i cavalieri di Atena avevano faticosamente sconfitto nelle loro precedenti avventure, Lucifero lancia un ultimatum a Lady Isabel: la giovane dovrà sacrificarsi o l'intero pianeta verrà devastato dalla sua furia demoniaca. I Cavalieri dello Zodiaco sono chiamati ad una impresa disperata, contrastare il potente avversario sfidando i terribili demoni infernali per poter salvare la dea della Giustizia e l'intera umanità.
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I Cavalieri dello zodiaco - L'ultima battaglia


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Natale con te

Una stella della musica pop non riesce più a sopportare il peso e le responsabilità del suo lavoro e della sua celebrità, quindi cerca rifugio in un letargico paesino isolato. Qui troverà non solo pace e ispirazione, ma anche (forse) l'amore.
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Natale con te


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Paradise City

Ryan Swan deve farsi strada nel mondo del crimine hawaiano per vendicarsi del boss che ha ucciso suo padre.
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Paradise City


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