黄金の刻〜服部金太郎物語〜 (2024)

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Data di uscita
mar 30, 2024
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Film Simili a 黄金の刻〜服部金太郎物語〜

Gamera 2: Attack of Legion

A strange meteor lands in Japan and unleashes hundreds of insect-like "Legion" creatures bent on colonizing the Earth. When the military fails to control the situation, Gamera shows up to deal with the ever-evolving space adversary. However the battle may result in Gamera losing his bond with both Asagi and humanity.
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Gamera 2: Attack of Legion


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A 17-year-old girl faces a life with an adverse perspective, where her social life, her experiences, her happiness and emotional stability only depend on a thread that is too damaged.
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Barbie - La principessa delle perle

Barbie veste i panni di Lumina, una sirena che sogna di essere una principessa. Fin da piccola possiede un dono magico grazie a cui riesce a far danzare e risplendere le perle! Ben presto scoprirà che le sue perle magiche sono la chiave per aprire lo scrigno del suo destino e salvare il magico regno sottomarino.
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Barbie - La principessa delle perle


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The Turbo Charged Prelude for 2 Fast 2 Furious

Il cortometraggio segue il finale del primo film, dove Brian ha dato la sua auto a Dominic Toretto per consentirgli la fuga ed evitargli la cattura da parte della polizia il cui arrivo è preannunciato dalle sirene in lontananza. Il suo atto di amicizia e lealtà nei confronti dell'amico criminale gli costa il posto nell'FBI. Brian diventa un ricercato e fa perdere le proprie tracce, scappando a bordo di una Dodge Stealth rossa. Il giorno stesso, la polizia irrompe in casa sua ma gli agenti trovano soltanto il suo vecchio distintivo. Brian, ormai fuggitivo, rimedia qualche dollaro con delle corse clandestine ma il suo nome e la sua foto sono sul giornale, rendendogli la fuga più difficile.
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The Turbo Charged Prelude for 2 Fast 2 Furious


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Barbie e il castello di diamanti

“Barbie e la sua migliore amica Teresa devono scoprire dove si trova il misterioso castello di diamanti per salvare la loro nuova amica Melody.”
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Barbie e il castello di diamanti


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I Corti Pixar Collection - Volume 2

Disney e Pixar presentano un'incredibile nuova collezione di 12 cortometraggi, alcuni candidati all'Oscar® (miglior cortometraggio, animato: "Presto," 2008; "Day & Night," 2010; "La Luna," 2011) insieme ad altri diventati i preferiti di appassionati di tutte le età. Unisciti alla celebrazione dell'immaginazione con questa collezione, imperdibile, ricca di fantastiche storie, personaggi accattivanti ed un'animazione straordinaria oltre a contenuti speciali inediti che ti faranno scoprire alcuni dei film realizzati da studenti come John Lasseter, Andrew Stanton e Pete Docter!
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I Corti Pixar Collection - Volume 2


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Salvi per un capello

Colin e George sono soci in affari nella Belfast degli anni '80, nonostante il primo sia cattolico e il secondo protestante. Dopo aver convinto un venditore di parrucche a cedere loro l'attività, i due cominciano con le vendite porta a porta, trovandosi sempre in quartieri pericolosi per l'uno o per l'altro. Proprio quando il loro distributore sembra passare alla concorrenza, Colin e George riescono ad ottenere ordini consistenti ma una delle loro parrucche finisce in mano all'IRA.
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Salvi per un capello


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Surviving Joe Exotic

The story behind Joe Exotic and the infamous G.W. Zoo, featuring interviews with Joe, his ex-employees, rescue leaders, exotic animal experts and others with firsthand knowledge of the animal trafficking and breeding that fueled Joe Exotic's empire.
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Surviving Joe Exotic


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The Pit

Markuss must adapt to a new life living with his granny in the countryside. After Emīlija – a neighbor’s daughter – throws some contemptuous remarks about the boy’s father, Markuss decides to teach her a cruel lesson. This has severely negative consequences which resonate throughout the village. Forced to work the boy begins to harbor hatred towards the others in the village. The only person the boy can relate to is an old Sailor living in the nearby woods. They inspire one another and keep each other’s secrets. It is only through an accidental turn of events that Emīlija’s mother’s intended sanctions against Markuss and the boy’s reputation in the eyes of the inhabitants of the village radically change.
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The Pit


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Five-time Olympic medalist and Native Hawaiian Duke Paoa Kahinu Mokoe Hulikohola Kahanamoku shattered records and brought surfing to the world while overcoming a lifetime of personal challenges. Waterman explores his journey and legacy as a legendary swimmer, trailblazer, and the undisputed father of modern-day surfing, following the sport’s first-time inclusion in this year’s Summer Olympics – a fitting tribute to his work promoting the sport around the globe.
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Shining Modern History

Hyeon Dae and Min Joo thought one of them getting married would end the sex-partner relationship. However, they can't hold in their desires and Hyeon Dae destroys himself with sex, while Min Joo can't give up what she can't have. At the same time, they have a complicated and ugly relationship with past characters.
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Shining Modern History


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I Married a Doctor

City girl marries country doctor, meets prejudice and exclusion when she tries to befriend the townspeople.
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I Married a Doctor


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After an old wank video of him goes viral on social media, a young food delivery rider in Manila attempts to reclaim his body from societal consumption.
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The Strange Mrs. Crane

Hoping to bury her criminal past, Jenny Hadley settles into a comfortable existence as Gina, the wife of the politician Clinton Crane. When her former associate Floyd Durant shows up to blackmail Gina, she has no choice but to murder him. Things take a bizarre turn when Barbara Arnold is charged with Durant's murder and Gina is selected to serve on the jury.
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The Strange Mrs. Crane


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A midwife is caught in a snowstorm on the way to Anatolia and forced to spend four months in an isolated village., where she’s soon tending sick children and delivering babies.
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Wonder Woman

It's one hundred and fifty seconds of pure fantasy.
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Wonder Woman


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The Garden of Afflictions

Brazilian philosopher Olavo de Carvalho's thinking, presented through his presence, his daily work routine and his family life in Virginia (USA).
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The Garden of Afflictions


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In gara per Natale

Amelia Lewis è super eccitata quando compra un negozio disponibile, progettando di aprire un negozio di Natale per tutto l'anno. Ma i suoi festeggiamenti si fermano bruscamente quando scopre che anche Vic Manning ha fatto un'offerta per la proprietà. Dopo aver continuamente bisticciato e cercato di superarsi a vicenda, i due combattenti imparano a lavorare insieme e persino a far sì che i commercianti di Main Street mettano da parte le loro differenze per un bene più grande.
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In gara per Natale


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One Night Only

A group of female friends get together with some hired "ladies of the evening", and make some quick cash for throwing a raunchy party for the local hockey team.
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One Night Only


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