고갈 (2008)

(5,2) basato su 4 voti
Data di uscita
ott 03, 2008
02h 08m
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Film Simili a 고갈

Scooby-Doo! and the Sea Monsters

The scares start in Hawaii, where Scooby-Doo and Shaggy are scarfing down the surf-and-turf menu until a giant serpent tries to swallow them faster than you can say She Sees Sea Monsters by the Seashore. In Uncle Scooby and Antarctica, a friendly penguin invites the Mystery, Inc. crew to visit his polar home, which happens to be haunted by an ice ghost! Then, the gang meets music group Smash Mouth while visiting Australia's Great Barrier Reef to watch Shaggy and Scooby compete in a sand castle contest in Reef Grief! Just when they think it's safe to go back in the water... it isn't.
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Scooby-Doo! and the Sea Monsters


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Arvind Chauhan and Lakhsmi are in love with each other. Lakhsmi's dad, a senior police inspector, hates Arvind, and so Arvind and Lakshmi decide to elope
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Home Run Showdown

Two little league teams take on their coaches' sibling rivalry, and end up in battle in a place the baseball world never expected: in the outfield of the Home Run Derby.
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Home Run Showdown


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Dal braccio della morte

Michael Raine, un detenuto in attesa di essere giustiziato, riceve la visita di Jessica Foster, un'assistente del governatore che vuole intervistarlo per un libro che sta scrivendo. Per Raine è l'ultima occasione per proclamare la sua innocenza...
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Dal braccio della morte


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Manouchian et ceux de l'Affiche rouge

Trama non disponibile
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Manouchian et ceux de l'Affiche rouge


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WWE Armageddon 2008

Armageddon (2008) was a PPV presented by Ubisoft's Prince of Persia. It took place on December 14, 2008 at the HSBC Arena in Buffalo, New York. It featured professional wrestlers and other talent from all WWE's three brands: Raw, SmackDown and ECW. It was the ninth and final event within the Armageddon chronology. During the SmackDown main event, WWE Champion Edge defended the title against Triple H and Jeff Hardy in a Triple Threat match. The Raw main event featured the World Heavyweight Championship contested in a singles match between champion John Cena and Chris Jericho. The undercard featured several matches, including CM Punk against Rey Mysterio in the finals of a tournament to determine the number-one contender to the WWE Intercontinental Championship, and Randy Orton versus Batista in a standard wrestling match.
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WWE Armageddon 2008


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Furia nel deserto

Una bionda mozzafiato dal passato burrascoso ha aperto, in una zona desertica degli Stati Uniti, una casa da gioco che gestisce con successo. La donna ha una figlia che, uscita dal collegio dove è stata rinchiusa, torna a vivere con lei. Non abituata al mondo esterno la ragazza cede alla corte di un ex cow boy che ora fa il poliziotto. Ma un altro uomo dal passato torbido piano piano la trascina nella passione e soprattutto la rende insensibile ai consigli della madre. Nonostante le raccomandazioni di quest'ultima la ragazza fugge con l'amico. La tragedia scoppia all'improvviso nel corso del viaggio...
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Furia nel deserto


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Flight 714

Tintin and his friends get involved in an unexpected and weird adventure when they meet Laszlo Carreidas, an eccentric millionaire.
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Flight 714


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The Y2K Crisis

Panic over the year 2000 problem will only increase as we get closer to the turn of the millennium; adding fuel to the flame is The Y2K Crisis, an investigative report hosted by Robert Stack.
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The Y2K Crisis


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Superswede: A film about Ronnie Peterson

Ronnie Peterson nicknamed “Superswede” was the fastest formula 1-driver in the 70s who never became a world champion.
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Superswede: A film about Ronnie Peterson


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A feudal war is caused between Jassa and his cousins over the ownership of a piece of land. This leads to their families becoming sworn enemies for generations thereafter.
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Corona di stelle

Civil War veteran Josiah Grey comes to a small town to be a gospel minister. In time, he has a family and many friends but also finds friction with a few of his parishioners.
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Corona di stelle


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Girlfriends' Getaway

Set in Trinidad and Tobago, the comedy which is described as Waiting To Exhale meets The Hangover, Girlfriends’ Getaway is about four friends who take a trip to the Caribbean to celebrate two of their friends’ birthdays. One thing leads to another and they get into a bit of trouble.
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Girlfriends' Getaway


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Las obras de ayer

Les Luthiers is a comedy-musical group from Argentina, very popular also in several other Spanish-speaking countries such as Paraguay, Peru, Chile, Ecuador, Spain, Colombia, Mexico, Uruguay and Venezuela. They were formed in 1967 by Gerardo Masana, during the height of a period of very intense Choral Music activity in Argentina's state universities.
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Las obras de ayer


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O statečném kováři

Hrdinou příběhu je silný a odvážný mladý kovář s dobrým srdcem. Jmenuje se Mikeš a stejně jako jeho otec i on zatouží vydat se do světa na zkušenou. Cestou se spřátelí se dvěma mladými siláky, mlynářským pomocníkem Matějem a pacholkem Ondrou. Když se dovědí o třech krásných princeznách, které záhadně zmizely, přesvědčí Mikeš své lenivé společníky, aby se vydali ztracené královské dcery hledat. Po dlouhé cestě plné překážek se jim podaří zjistit, že princezny unesl zlý Černý král. Když se Mikešovi podaří přelstít ohyzdnou babici, a výměnou za její utržený vous získat její služby, podaří se jim osvobodit dvě ze tří princezen. Boj o záchranu třetí, nejkrásnější princezny však bude mnohem obtížnější.
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O statečném kováři


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Swan Song

A deep look of the incredible devotion, artistry and sacrifices that Karen Kain and the National Ballet of Canada dancers make in their pursuit of creating something unique, meaningful and beautiful.
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