The Collection (2023)

(10) basato su 1 voti
Data di uscita
dic 25, 2023
00h 16m
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Film Simili a The Collection

Moments: Six

A serial killer and the detective who tracked him down find themselves in an unexpected stalemate.
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Moments: Six


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Behzat Ç.: Ankara Is on Fire

In the absence of Behzat Ç., a superintendent named Himmet gets replaced as the president of the murder Bureau. When the murder of minister of Interior makes a big impact, Himmet decides to take advantage of it and he makes his team help the fight against terrorism bureau.
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Two teenagers are playing by night in a dirty parking lot. After they are driving on an empty road, they start to tease each other on the way to the sea, but they seem to be too young to drive and the road is a bit strange.
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Don't Hug Me I'm Scared 5

The two remaining puppets learn about eating healthy, but things go awry when they receive a mysterious phone call.
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Mantovani, the King of Strings

Documentario britannico sul direttore d'orchestra Annunzio Paolo Mantovani (1905-1980).
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Mantovani, the King of Strings


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Set within the fictional city of Mahoro, Keisuke Tada runs a "benriya" - a general problem solver for hire. His assistant is his former high school classmate Haruhiko Gyoten. A big crisis then occurs for them.
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Doctor Who: Twice Upon a Time

As the Twelfth Doctor nears regeneration, he stumbles on his first incarnation, also refusing to change. It takes a captain, a glass avatar and a familiar face to convince the Doctors the universe still needs them.
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Doctor Who: Twice Upon a Time


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Virtual Reality

A film director makes a dark pact for his career to be a success. When he summons the crew and cast to his home for a first screening of the movie they just filmed, they will Fhave to survive a reality they never saw coming.
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Virtual Reality


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3 Blickwinkel - Königsklasse im Herzen von Europa

From the relegation battle to winning the Europa League to the Champions League anthem for the first time - Eintracht Frankfurt has experienced turbulent times with incredible moments. We have accompanied the SGE on their journey to the Champions League so far - and we were in the heart of Europe.
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3 Blickwinkel - Königsklasse im Herzen von Europa


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Dinesh and Maneesha fall in love and, soon after, get married. However, things get complicated for the newly-wed couple as Poonam, Dinesh's colleague files an attempted rape case against him.
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1975: Occhi bianchi sul pianeta Terra

In una Los Angeles abbandonata e spettrale si aggira Robert Neville, ex medico militare e ultimo uomo sopravvissuto ad un olocausto batteriologico avvenuto due anni prima. La ricerca di generi di prima necessità da una parte e quella di mantenere la propria mente lucida in una realtà alienante dall'altra ne caratterizza le giornate, mentre la lotta armata per la sopravvivenza ne caratterizza le notti. La solitaria esistenza di Neville è infatti messa a repentaglio dal tramonto all'alba dagli assalti della Famiglia, una setta di creature che i veleni della guerra batteriologica hanno trasformato in fotofobici e psicotici albini. Riuniti attorno alla farneticante figura del loro capo Matthias (Anthony Zerbe), questo manipolo di poche centinaia di individui abbandona il proprio rifugio - simbolicamente il municipio della città - e esce allo scoperto non appena il sole cala dietro l'orizzonte per distruggere con il fuoco qualunque retaggio dell'era tecnologica.
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1975: Occhi bianchi sul pianeta Terra


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Anthony Jeselnik: Fire in the Maternity Ward

Spingendo la comicità verso nuove frontiere, Anthony Jeselnik si diletta nel dire cose che ad altri non sono concesse in questo speciale comico girato a New York
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Is It Me

Body dysmorphia takes centre stage in this highly visual examination of the selves we invent to navigate the world.
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Is It Me


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An Ordinary Country

The story of what daily life was like in Poland under communism: private conversations, cruel interrogations, recruitment attempts, recorded and filmed with hidden devices; of how the secret services spied on every activity of ordinary citizens: nothing escaped the brutal system of control developed by the Soviets in the name of freedom.
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An Ordinary Country


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Doctor Who: The Snowmen

The Doctor has retired to 1892 London. Despite the protests of his allies, he is determined to keep out of mankind's affairs. However, a governess named Clara has stumbled upon a plot which only the Doctor can unravel, involving the death of her predecessor in ice and the sinister Dr. Simeon, who controls monsters made of sentient snow. And there is another mystery afoot: Clara is the spitting image of Oswin Oswald, whom the Doctor saw die in the Dalek asylum...
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Mummy Save Me

A pregnant widow moves into a seaside villa along with her daughter, mother and sister. Strange incidents happen in the house, which scare them. Will they be able to tackle this mess?
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Mummy Save Me


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Set in 1739, Nader Shah's undefeated army is attacked by Sikh rebellions. Nadar demands their arrest to no avail. Five civilians are hired to play Sikh rebels but over time, they learn the Sikh way.
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Extremo Sul

Nel marzo del 2003, 5 alpinisti decidono di allestire un campo nell’estremo sud della Terra del Fuoco. Resistendo a condizioni atmosferiche avverse, temperature gelide, pioggia e forte vento, la troupe si è posta un fine ambizioso: scalare il Monte Sarmiento. Alta 2404 metri, questa montagna, situata in Cile, nel Parco Nazionale Alberto De Agostini, fu scalata per la prima volta nel 1956 da Carlo Mauri e Clemente Maffei. Decisi ad affrontare questa sfida e disposti a registrare ogni momento della loro avventura, i 5 amici raccontano alla camera i loro dubbi, le loro paure, le ansie i desideri e indagano su cosa li abbia spinti ad affrontare questa impresa. Prima di raggiungere la vetta del Sarmiento, emergono tutti i più segreti sentimenti dei componenti della spedizione. “Extremo Sul” mostra le reazioni dei 5 uomini di fronte alla montagna, simbolo del desiderio umano di conquista dell’irraggiungibile.
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Extremo Sul


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Gorosthane Sabdhan

By accident, more than anything else, the three find themselves beside the grave of Thomas Godwin. The grave was dug up by some miscreants for unknown reasons. The rather colorful history of Mr. Godwin makes Feluda curious to know more about the man.From the diary of Thomas' daughter Charlotte, Feluda finds that a very precious clock went to Thomas' grave with him. To his surprise, Feluda finds that another party knows about this clock and they are trying to get it aided by the letter with them. Thanks to the brilliance of the detective and the help of 'Haripodobabu', the chauffeur of Mr. Ganguli, a new introduction in this book, their plot is foiled.
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Gorosthane Sabdhan


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The Communist Revolution Was Caused By The Sun

The second installment of Anton Vidokle’s trilogy on Russian cosmism, The Communist Revolution Was Caused By The Sun, looks at the poetic dimension of the solar cosmology of Soviet biophysicist Alexander Chizhevsky. Shot in Kazakhstan, where Chizhevsky was imprisoned and later exiled, the film introduces Сhizhevsky’s research into the impact of solar emissions on human sociology, psychology, politics, and economics in the form of wars, revolutions, epidemics, and other upheavals. It aligns the life of post-Soviet rural residents and the futurological projects of Russian cosmism to emphasize that the goal of the early Soviet breakthroughs aimed at the conquest of outer space was not so much technical acceleration, but the common cause of humankind in their struggle against the limitations of earthly life.
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The Communist Revolution Was Caused By The Sun


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Fidel: The Untold Story

Documentary about Fidel Castro, covering 40 years of Cuban Revolution. Rare Fidel Castro footage: he appears swimming with a bodyguard, visiting his childhood home and school, playing with his friend Nelson Mandela, meeting kid Elián Gonzalez, and celebrating his birthday with the Buena Vista Social Club group.
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Fidel: The Untold Story


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Lament for Art Ó Laoghaire

A group of unruly Irish stage actors refuse the orders of their British director as he orchestrates a dramatic retelling of Eibhlín Dubh Ní Chonaill’s eighteenth-century keen about the the life and death of Irish rebel Art Ó Laoghaire.
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Lament for Art Ó Laoghaire


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