بێ وەرز (2020)

(7) basato su 1 voti
Data di uscita
apr 20, 2020
00h 18m
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Film Simili a بێ وەرز


Set a day after the Syrian war began, Dayan paints a portrait of the thousands of refugees unable to return to their families once borders were established by terrorist groups. Seiban, an aging Syrian father living in exile with his family, has to make a choice: part with his special-needs children in order to escape, or keep them close and put the family's lives at the mercy of the military. As he struggles to decide, the world around his family crumbles under the weight of war, leaving little hope for their survival.
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Una Serata unica

Partendo dai sacrifici dei nostri nonni e dei nostri genitori - attraversando provocatoriamente vizi e virtù dei nostri tempi - Battista si svincola dal mondo della politica per ridere con tagliente ironia delle nostre responsabilità, delle scelte che abbiamo fatto negli anni, di come le abitudini sono cambiate, fino alla domanda fatidica: possiamo davvero chiamarlo progresso?
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